A | |||
Agac Erkut | Human resources administration | +41 (0)62 865-7258 | CH |
Agostini Lucilla | Climate, bio-based fertilizers, microbiology | +41 (0)62 865-7267 | CH |
Albus Jan | Business administration, biodiversity, sustainable farming systems | +49 (0)69 7137699-550 | DE |
Alföldi Thomas | Audio-visual media for national and international projects | +41 (0)62 865-7231 | CH |
Almeida Israel | Vineyard, wine cellar | +41 (0)62 865-7272 | CH |
Amsler Thomas | Leader of the Group Facility Management & safety | +41 (0)62 865-7205 | CH |
Amsler-Kepalaite Zivile | Field trials, laboratory of livestock sciences | +41 (0)62 865-7259 | CH |
Araldi Flore | Deputy Head of the Department Suisse RomandeAgroforestry theme coordinationresearch and advisory services fruits and special crops | +41 (0)62 865-1726 | CH |
Arbenz Markus | Project Leader and Senior Consultant | +41 (0)62 865-7275 | CH |
Arnaut Alexander | Accounting, finances und organisation for ABIM | +41 (0)62 865-7216 | CH |
Arncken-Karutz Christine | Lupin breeding, breeding research | +41 (0)62 865-7237 | CH |
Arsonneau Florence | Head of the FiBL Francefundraising, communication, project development, networking | +33 (0)4 75254155 | FR |
Augustin Johannes | Education and training, event organization, knowledge transfer | +49 (0)69 7137699-475 | DE |
Augustiny Eva | Food system modelling, impact assessment | +41 (0)62 865-1743 | CH |
Auwärter Carolin | Sustainability assessment, social-ecological research | DE | |
B | |||
Baki Cem | Calf rearing, sensor halters | +41(0)62 865-1719 | CH |
Barben Regula | Assistance of the head of the Department Suisse Romande | +41 (0)62 865-0477 | CH |
Barth Léa | Deputy kitchen lead | +41 (0)62 865-5036 | CH |
Basler Andreas | Project communication, web editing, photography, image database | +41 (0)62 865-7213 | CH |
Bauer Ines | Sustainable food service | +49 (0)69 7137699-285 | DE |
Baumann Patrick | Leader of the Group Graphicsgraphic design | +41 (0)62 865-0487 | CH |
Baumann Stefan | Agri-photovoltaics, biochar | +41 (0)62 865-1733 | CH |
Baumgart Lukas | Sustainability assessment at farm level | +41 (0)62 865-7240 | CH |
Baumgartner Fabian | Deputy Leader of the Group Fruit productionAdvisory services fruit crops | +41 (0)62 865-1737 | CH |
Baumgartner Susanne | Crop production | +43(0)676 5519795 | AT |
Bautze David | System research, cultivation systems | +41 (0)62 865-0491 | CH |
Bautze Lin | Climate mitigation, adaptation to climate change | +41 (0)62 865-0496 | CH |
Bayer Erika | Employee Head of Departement | +41 (0)62 865-7200 | CH |
Bazrafshan Mahsa | Environment & society relationships, social sustainability, innovation studies | +41 (0)62 865-7270 | CH |
Becker Monika | Staff Council, event organization, Öko-Feldtage | +49 (0)69 7137699-480 | DE |
Beermann Anke | Mistletoe therapy, horses, podcast | +41(0)62 865-6369 | CH |
Bellino Francesca | Policy coordinator | +32 (0)2 8989873 | EU |
Berbain Claire | Media spokesperson / press relations (Western Switzerland), editing of Bioactualités magazine and bioactualites.ch, editing of publications | +41 (0)77 441-7582 | CH |
Bernasconi Alessio | Phytopathology, crop protection, post-harvest diseases, organic input evaluation | +41 (0)62 510-5307 | CH |
Bernet Thomas | Deputy Head of the Department of International CooperationLeader of the Group Value chains & Marketsmarket development, participatory approaches | +41 (0)62 865-1710 | CH |
Biderbost Stephanie | Research in arable farming, field experiments in the Eastern part of Switzerland | +41 (0)62 865-0429 | CH |
Bieber Anna | Animal breeding and husbandry, cattle, data analyses | +41 (0)62 865-7256 | CH |
Biegel Ulrike | Mistletoe therapy, phytotherapy, dogs, cats | +41 (0)62 865-0407 | CH |
Biegel Jasper | Assistance of the head of the Department of Extension, Training & Communication | +41 (0)62 865-7277 | CH |
Bircher Richard | Advisory services, seed service | +41 (0)62 865-7295 | CH |
Bircher Erika | gastronomy, domestic services | +41 (0)62 865-5036 | CH |
Bircher Céline | Secretariat | +41 (0)62 865-1744 | CH |
Bissig Simone | Deputy Leader of the Group Graphicslayout Bioaktuell magazine, graphic design | +41 (0)62 865-7266 | CH |
Blockeel Johan | Ex-post impact evaluation of agroecological strategies, sustainability assessment | +41 (0)62 865-0479 | CH |
Blumenstein Benjamin | Production economics, system modelling and risk assessment, sustainability assessment | +41 (0)62 865-0431 | CH |
Bodenhausen Natacha | Co-leader of the Group Nutrient Management & SymbiosisMicrobiome, mycorrhiza, plant-microbe interactions | +41 (0)62 865-7299 | CH |
Bogner Sabrina | Biokompetenzzentrum Schlägl | +43 (0)660 9631339 | AT |
Böhler Daniel | Research and advisory services arable farming, reduced tillage | +41 (0)56 243-1837 | CH |
Böhrs Lena | Input evaluation (fertilizers and plant protection products) | +41 (0)62 865-6375 | CH |
Bonnefous Claire | Research and advisory services on poultry production, poultry health and welfare | +41 (0)62 865-1757 | CH |
Boutry Clémence | Research fruit crops | +41 (0)62 865-1740 | CH |
Bozzola Martina | Member of the Management BoardHead of the Department of Food System Sciencesagricultural economics and policy, climate change economics, sustainability in agri-food value chains | +41 (0)62 510-5311 | CH |
Brändle Ivraina | Research and advisory services food quality, safety and processing | +41 (0)62 865-0422 | CH |
Bruder Vera | Managing director FiBL Projekte GmbH | +49 (0)69 7137699-410 | DE |
Brüggemann Judith | Value chains, policy impact assessment | +49 (0)69 7137699-290 | DE |
Bückendorf Irene | Sustainable food service | DE | |
Bühl Verena | Animal husbandry and behaviour, modelling | +41 (0)62 865-7229 | CH |
Bünemann-König Else | Member of the Management BoardHead of the Department of Soil Sciencesnutrient management, soil quality, soil microbiology | +41 (0)62 865-0482 | CH |
Burri Milena | Slaughtering | +41 (0)62 865-7221 | CH |
C | |||
Cafaro Immacolata | Gastronomy, domestic services | +41 (0)62 865-5036 | CH |
Cahenzli Fabian | Plant protection, ecosystem services | +41 (0)62 865-7281 | CH |
Cala Miguel | Financial and administrative assistance | +32 (0)2 8989873 | EU |
Carrel Katrin | Research and advisory services in arable farming, cereal varieties, strip cropping | +41 (0)62 865-6381 | CH |
Charles Raphaël | Member of the Management BoardHead of the Department Suisse Romanderesearch and advisory services cropping systems and soil quality | +41 (0)62 865-1725 | CH |
Chevillat Véronique | Research and advisory services biodiversity | +41 (0)62 865-0412 | CH |
Chomel Mathilde | Plant-soil interactions, carbon cycle, soil biodiversity, impact of global change | +33 (0)4 75254155 | FR |
Christen Mathias | Research and advisory services arable farming, cereals, oilseeds | +41 (0)62 865-6363 | CH |
Chung Jeanette | Co-leader of the Group FinancesFinancial accounting, project accounting, project controlling | +41 (0)62 865-6386 | CH |
Cicek Harun | Deputy Leader of the Group Agroecosystem Innovation & Adoptiondryland agriculture | +41 (0)62 865-0456 | CH |
Clottu Ophélie | Mistletoe therapy, horses | +41 (0)62 865-7272 | CH |
Constancis Caroline | Ruminants | +33 (0)4 75254155 | FR |
Cornuz Pascale | Biodiversity, training, communication | +41 (0)62 865-0400 | CH |
Cotter Marc | Agroforestry, agroecology | +41 (0)62 865-0463 | CH |
Curran Michael | Deputy Leader of the Group Sustainabilitysustainability assessment, landscape modelling, mixed method research | +41 (0)62 865-0430 | CH |
Cvejic Sandra | Laboratory of Livestock Sciences, head of parasitology laboratory | +41 (0)62 865-6394 | CH |
D | |||
Dallo Aline | Research and advisory services nutrient management | +41 (0)62 865-0440 | CH |
de Baan Laura | Environmental modelling, life cycle assessment | +41 (0)62 865-6387 | CH |
De Luca Kevin | Food system modelling, sustainability assessment | +41 (0)62 510-5323 | CH |
Dermaku Muhamet | Human resources administration | +41 (0)62 510-5312 | CH |
Dierauer Hansueli | Research and advisory services arable farming, conversion, weed management, crop rotations, cereals, precision farming | +41 (0)62 865-7265 | CH |
Dietemann Lauren | project communication, English language editing | +41 (0)62 865-0408 | CH |
Dietl Alexander | Sustainability assessment | +43 (0)1 9076313-23 | AT |
Dietrich Klara | Sustainable food service, working student | DE | |
Dind Alice | Research and advisory services agroforestry and sustainability | +41 (0)62 865-0403 | CH |
Dittmann Marie | Ruminant nutrition, horses, pasture management | +41 (0)62 865-6395 | CH |
Durot Chloé | System projects, agroecology, agroforestry and cropping systems | +41 (0)62 865-6392 | CH |
E | |||
Eckerstorfer Katrin | Biokompetenzzentrum Schlägl | +43 (0)732 7720-34123 | AT |
Egger Moritz | Sustainability assessment, resilience research, sustainable cocoa & coffee farming systems | +41 (0)62 865-0401 | CH |
Eichinger Anja | Animal husbandry, Schule des Essens | +43 (0)1 9076313-35 | AT |
Eisenring Tobias | Leader of the Group Policy & Sector DevelopmentStaff commiteeregional branding, geographical indications | +41 (0)62 865-0420 | CH |
Ejderyan Olivier | Leader of the Group Society & InnovationWater-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus, transformations to sustainability, transdisciplinary research | +41 (0)62 865-0444 | CH |
Ellenberger Maura | Assistance of the head of the Department of Soil Sciences, office administration | +41 (0)62 865-0423 | CH |
Eppenstein Rennie C. | Dairy cow and calf husbandry, longevity | +41 (0)62 865-6366 | CH |
Erhart Anja | Out-of-home catering, sustainable food service | +49 (0)69 7137699-220 | DE |
Ersing Sabine | Sustainable farming systems | +49 (0)69 7137699-540 | DE |
F | |||
Farny Michaël | Research and advisory services in viticulture and oenology | +41 (0)62 865-7235 | CH |
Felder Tamina | Sustainable farming and food systems | +41 (0)62 865-0498 | CH |
Ferrari Leone | Participatory breeding, cultivar testing in Africa | +41 (0)62 865-1739 | CH |
Finsterwald Sibylle | Kitchen lead | +41 (0)62 865-5036 | CH |
Fitchett Fiona | Phytopathology, biocontrol, copper replacement | +41 (0)62 865-1735 | CH |
Fito Laurène | Microbiology, laboratory | +33 (0)4 75254155 | FR |
Flake Albrecht | Regional marketing, agricultural value added networking, social entrepreneurship (inculsion) | +49 (0)69 7137699-240 | DE |
Fliessbach Andreas | soil ecology, Africa, farming systems | +41 (0)62 865-7225 | CH |
Föller Eva | Project communication, editing, social media | +41 (0)62 865-5034 | CH |
Franz Isabell | Event organization, currently on maternal leave | +49 (0)69 7137699-470 | DE |
Franz-Wippermann Rebecca | Managing director FiBL Deutschland e.V. | +49 (0)69 7137699-360 | DE |
Frehner Anita | Sustainable and healthy nutrition, sustainability assessment, food system modelling | +41 (0)62 865-0466 | CH |
Frey-Gogolin Franziska | Regional value chains, sustainable food service, currently on maternal leave | +49 (0)69 7137699-235 | DE |
Frick Rebekka | Transformation research, biodiversity promotion, knowledge and innovation systems | +41 (0)62 865-7223 | CH |
Frick Hanna | Nutrient management, manure and recycling fertilizers, nutrient losses and environment | +41 (0)62 510-5319 | CH |
Friedli Michael | Leader of the Group Fruit productionResearch fruit crops | +41 (0)62 865-7284 | CH |
Frohnwieser Thomas | Administration | +43 (0)1 9076313 | AT |
Frömer Julia | Assistance to the head of the Department of Food System Sciences | +41 (0)62 865-0473 | CH |
Früh Barbara | Member of the Management BoardCo-head of the Department of Extension, Training & CommunicationCo-leader of the Group Advisory & Trainingresearch and advisory services pigs and feeding | +41 (0)62 865-7218 | CH |
Fuchs Jacques | Phytopathology, vegetable production, recycling fertilizers | +41 (0)62 865-7230 | CH |
Furrer Monika | Finance and accounting | +41 (0)62 865-6396 | CH |
Furtwengler Jana | Inputs, quality assurance, residues | +49 (0)69 7137699-830 | DE |
G | |||
Gabel Vanessa Maria | Publications editing, podcast | +41 (0)62 865-0414 | CH |
Gallmann Nina | Project communication | +41 (0)62 865-1738 | CH |
Gamper Cardinali Carlo | Research in vegetable and herb production, seed pathology, evaluation of the Dutch Input List | +41 (0)62 510-5302 | CH |
Garcia Maxime | Animal welfare and behaviour, acoustic communication, pigs, cattle | +41 (0)62 865-6399 | CH |
Garibay Salvador | Citrus and tropical fruits, beekeeping | +41 (0)62 865-7282 | CH |
Gasser Oriana | Residues, inputs | +41 (0)62 510-5316 | CH |
Gatzert Xenia | Sustainable farming systems, organicXseeds, organicXlivestock | +49 (0)69 7137699-510 | DE |
Gauder Zsaklina | Assistant to the manager | +43 (0)1 907 63 13-21 | AT |
Geiser Anna | Sustainability assessment of agriculture, qualitative and participatory research, social sustainability | +41 (0)62 865-1716 | CH |
Gelencsér Tobias | Co-leader of the Group Cultivation Technique Arable CropsResearch and advisory services arable farming, potatoes | +41 (0)62 865-7251 | CH |
Gerhard Elsa | Education and training | +49 (0)69 7137699-496 | DE |
Gerwien Laura | Social dimensions of circular food systems, modelling of food systems | +41 (0)62 865-1721 | CH |
Geßl Reinhard | Animal husbandry | +43 (0)1 9076313-35 | AT |
Gfeller Valentin | Microbiome theme coordinationPlant breeding, microbiome | +41 (0)62 865-7214 | CH |
Gianolini Luzia | Finance and accounting | +41 (0)62 865-0467 | CH |
Gießübel Rainer | Senior Fellow | DE | |
Gräber Hille | Inputs | +49 (0)69 7137699-860 | DE |
Gräf Werner | Administration | +49 (0)69 7137699-745 | DE |
Grandke Reinhard | Senior Fellow | DE | |
Grosse Meike | Reduced tillage, long-term experiments, arable farming, cover crops | +41 (0)62 865-6397 | CH |
Grossrieder Beat | Bioaktuell magazine editing | +41 (0)62 865-0460 | CH |
Grovermann Christian | Leader of the Group Evaluation & Impact Assessmentex-post impact evaluation of agroecological strategies, innovation systems | +41 (0)62 865-0450 | CH |
Guarda Sarah | Co-leader of the Group FinancesFinance and accounting | +41 (0)62 865-6371 | CH |
Günnewig Andrea | Project management input list, quality assurance, currently on maternal leave | +49 (0)69 7137699-850 | DE |
Günther Anja | Inputs | +49 (0)69 7137699-890 | DE |
Gusenbauer Isabella | Sustainability assessment | +43 (0)660 9631322 | AT |
Gutzen Kaja | organicXseeds, organicXlivestock | +49 (0)69 7137699-815 | DE |
H | |||
Haberkorn Moritz | Computer administration | +43 (0)1 9076313-21 | AT |
Haccius Manon | Senior Fellow | DE | |
Hamm Ulrich | Senior Fellow | DE | |
Hämmerle Jakob | Crop production and vegetable growing | AT | |
Hämmerli Franziska | Media spokesperson, podcast | +41 (0)62 865-7280 | CH |
Hansen Hella | Staff Council, knowledge communication, public relations, web editing and print media editing | +49 (0)69 7137699-430 | DE |
Harinck Elina | Administration, accounting | +33 (0)4 75254155 | FR |
Harm Andreas | Viticulture, fruit production | +43 (0)660 9631330 | AT |
Harrer Felix | Biodiversity and climate in business and politics | +41 (0)62 865-1729 | CH |
Harrison Benjamin | Apprentice winemaker (1st year of apprenticeship), viticulture, winemaking | CH | |
Häseli Andreas | Advisory services fruit crops | +41 (0)62 865-7264 | CH |
Hattemer Hannah | Regional value chains, education and training, event organization | +49 (0)69 7137699-265 | DE |
Hauenstein Linnéa | Research and advisory services viticulture and enology | +41 (0)62 865-1723 | CH |
Haupt Constantin | Education and training, circular livestock farming, event organization | +49 (0)69 7137699-494 | DE |
Heckendorn Felix | Endoparasites in ruminants | +41 (0)62 865-7293 | CH |
Hediger Florian | Data science, data management | +41 (0)62 865-6370 | CH |
Hedrich Tino | Research and advisory services vegetable and herb production | +41 (0)62 865-6374 | CH |
Heer Alexander | Systems comparison, data analysis | +41 (0)62 865-1752 | CH |
Heidenreich Anja | Spatial environmental modeling, ecosystem services | +41 (0)62 865-0486 | CH |
Heim Ildiko | Sustainability assessment | +43 (0)660 9631337 | AT |
Helbing Manuela | Research and advisory services feeding, horses, data analysis | +41 (0)62 865-1746 | CH |
Henryson Ann-Sofie | Eductaion and training | +49 (0)69 7137699-450 | DE |
Herforth-Rahmé Joelle | Research vegetable production, management international research projects | +41 (0)62 865-0436 | CH |
Hermanowski Robert | Project management, support for the management | +49 (0)69 7137699-730 | DE |
Herren Pascal | Plant protection in vegetable production | +41 (0)62 865-7234 | CH |
Hevia Rebecca | Agricultural economics, economic analysis of farming systems and agri-food innovations | +41 (0)62 510-5305 | CH |
Hildebrandt Judith | Regional marketing, working student | +49 (0)177 2632273 | DE |
Hilmes Nadja | Circular livestock farming | DE | |
Hirsch Jennifer | Sustainable farming systems, social-ecological research, sustainability assessment | +49 (0)69 7137699-590 | DE |
Holinger Mirjam | Co-leader of the Group Animal Housing & Livestock BreedingEqual Opportunity Officeranimal welfare and behaviour, pigs, cattle, data analysis | +41 (0)62 865-7224 | CH |
Home Robert | Deputy Leader of the Group Society & Innovationsocial research, participatory research, innovation support | +41 (0)62 865-7215 | CH |
Hörtenhuber Stefan | Sustainability assessment, water footprinting | +43 (0)1 9076313-23 | AT |
Huber Beate | Vice-chairwoman of the Management BoardHead of the Department of International Cooperation | +41 (0)62 865-0425 | CH |
Huber Kathrin | Educational projects, teaching materials | +41 (0)62 865-0478 | CH |
Hummel Iris | Gastronomy, domestic services | +41 (0)62 865-5036 | CH |
Hunziker-Rohrer Trudi | Cook | +41 (0)62 865-5036 | CH |
I | |||
Ineichen Lorin | Impact evaluation of agroecological strategies, data analysis, production economics | +41 (0)62 520-5339 | CH |
Iossa Mariano | EU project management | +32 (0)496 559-872 | EU |
J | |||
Jahrl Ingrid | Urban food systems, institutional development of the organic sector | +41 (0)62 865-7250 | CH |
Jandl Julia | Inputs, quality assurance | +49 (0)69 7137699-868 | DE |
Jenni Anna | Research and advisory services pigs, breeding, free-range systems | +41 (0)62 865-1713 | CH |
Joshi Tanay | Seed systems, cotton | CH | |
Judt Christine | Growing of vegetables and potatoes, horticulture | +43 (0)680 3171473 | AT |
K | |||
Kadzere-Forichi Irene | Nutrition sensitive agriculture, training materials for Africa | +41 (0)62 865-7276 | CH |
Kanner Elsa | Project communication, English language writing and editing, livestock farming and international development | +41 (0)62 865-0499 | CH |
Kasperczyk Nadja | Senior Fellow | DE | |
Keller Chigusa | Data analysis, system comparison | +41 (0)62 865-6368 | CH |
Kemper Laura | Project communication, English language editing | +41 (0)62 865-1711 | CH |
Keppler Christiane | Senior Fellow | DE | |
Kern Fässler Regine | Advisory services ornamental plants and potted herbs | +41 (0)62 865-1712 | CH |
Kiboi Milka | Deputy Leader of the Group Resilient Cropping SystemsSoil fertility, climate change | +41 (0)62 865-0476 | CH |
Klaiss Matthias | research and advisory services arable farming, grain legumes, cereals, agroforestry, organic seed service | +41 (0)62 865-7208 | CH |
Klaus Roman | Analysis of soil, plants and fertilisers | +41 (0)62 865-5030 | CH |
Kleine-Herzbruch Natalie | Web programming, web administration | +49 (0)69 7137699-160 | DE |
Klingbacher Elisabeth | Consumer information, communication, web editing | +43 (0)1 9076313-35 | AT |
Kluger Paulina Katharina Marie | Circular livestock farming, knowledge transfer, support of network companies | +49 (0)69 7137699-350 | DE |
Knobloch Evelyn | Sustainable farming systems, organicXseeds, organicXlivestock | +49 (0)69 7137699-530 | DE |
Knoll Maximilian | Junior Fellow | DE | |
Kraft Isabel | Human resources administration | +41 (0)62 510-5320 | CH |
Krähenbühl Serina | Bioaktuell.ch editing, lists of varieties, Organic Eprints | +41 (0)62 865-0488 | CH |
Kranzler Andreas | Managing director, knowledge transfert, crop production | +43 (0)1 9076313-21 | AT |
Krause Hans-Martin | Co-leader of the Group Soil fertility & ClimateClimate and agriculture, soil quality, microbial diversity | +41 (0)62 865-0409 | CH |
Krauss Maike | Deputy Head of the Department of Soil SciencesCo-leader of the Group Cultivation Technique Arable Crops | +41 (0)62 865-0435 | CH |
Krebs Adrian | Media spokesperson, Bioaktuell.ch editing | +41 (0)62 865-5032 | CH |
Krone Gesa | Circular livestock farming, support for network companies, knowledge transfer | +49 (0)69 7137699-370 | DE |
Kügler Michael | Senior Fellow | DE | |
Kummer Susanne | Sustainability assessment | +43 (0)1 9076313-35 | AT |
Kundel Dominika | Microbial ecology, microbiome, data analysis | +41 (0)62 865-7202 | CH |
Künzli Martin | Leader of the Group Catering & Eventsgastronomy lead | +41 (0)62 865-7247 | CH |
Kupferschmid Cornelia | Editing of the website www.agrinatur.ch | +41 (0)62 865-0484 | CH |
L | |||
Ladmann Rainer | Inputs | +49 (0)69 7137699-0 | DE |
Lakatos-Drahos Krisztina | Gastronomy, domestic services | +41 (0)62 865-5036 | CH |
Lambertz Christian | Circular livestock farming, assessment of livestock systems | +49 (0)69 7137699-310 | DE |
Lamprecht Nina | Research and advisory services in food quality, food safety, food processing and nutrition | +41 (0)62 865-6367 | CH |
Landert Jan | Sustainability assessment at farm and food systems level, life cycle assessment | +41 (0)62 865-0442 | CH |
Lapuh Lucija | Society, sustainability, regional development | +41 (0)62 865-1756 | CH |
Laurenti Cristina | Research on sustainable consumption, sustainable and healthy diets, nexus between agroecology and nutrition | +41 (0)62 865-6385 | CH |
Lazzaro Mariateresa | Co-leader of the Group Plant Breedingbreeding research of lupins, marker-assisted breeding, on-farm research | +41 (0)62 865-7294 | CH |
Le Guennic Sterenn | Agroforestry, roots systems, soil quality | +33 (0)4 75254155 | FR |
Lefebvre Nicolas | Value chains and markets, organic sourcing, organically certified cropping | +41 (0)62 865-6362 | CH |
Leiber Florian | Co-leader of the Group Animal Nutritioncoordination trial farms | +41 (0)62 865-7217 | CH |
Leitgeb Friedrich | Sustainability assessment | +43 (0)660 9631324 | AT |
Lenhardt Melissa | Biological nitrification inhibition, nitrogen dynamics in the soil, soil microbiology | +41 (0)62 510-5332 | CH |
Leu Stefanie | Course administration | +41 (0)62 865-7274 | CH |
Leubin Markus | Technical assistance livestock sciences | +41 (0)79 392-3279 | CH |
Lévite Dominique | Research and advisory services viticulture and enology | +41 (0)62 865-7248 | CH |
Liebl Boris | Education and training | +49 (0)69 7137699-425 | DE |
Lindenthal Thomas | Sustainability assessment, climate protection | +43 (0)699 10380080 | AT |
Linz Peter | Regional value chains, sustainable food service | DE | |
Logo Anja | Phytopathology, microbiology, molecular biology | +41 (0)62 865-1736 | CH |
Löliger Thomas | Deputy Leader of the Group Experimental FarmsWinegrower | +41 (0)62 865-1731 | CH |
Loos Charlotte | Inputs | DE | |
Lori Martina | Molecularbiology, microbial ecology, microbiome | +41 (0)62 865-7271 | CH |
Lozano-Jaramillo María | Animal breeding and genetics, livestock modelling, agroecology | +41 (0)62 865-7242 | CH |
Lucas-Barbosa Dani | Functional agrobiodiversity, Development of new biocontrol strategies to solve pest problems in organic agriculture | +41 (0)62 865-0493 | CH |
Ludwig Mathias | Phytopathology, research infrastructure, decision support models, application technology | +41 (0)62 865-0458 | CH |
Luka Henryk | Agroecology, biodiversity monitoring and conservation, ground and rove beetles | +41 (0)62 865-7244 | CH |
Luka-Stan Agata | Biodiversity monitoring and conservation, ground and rove beetles | +41 (0)62 865-1750 | CH |
Lukas Tamara | Event organization | +49 (0)69 7137699-491 | DE |
Lustenberger Adrian | Field technology, field trials, sampling and sample preparation | +41 (0)62 510-5309 | CH |
Lustenberger Patrick | Head of quality management, data protection officer | +41 (0)62 865-1717 | CH |
Lütold Jeremias | Bioaktuell magazine editing, publications editing | + 41 (0)62 865-7279 | CH |
M | |||
Mäder Rolf | Inputs, quality assurance, databases | +49 (0)69 7137699-810 | DE |
Maeschli Ariane | Health of dairy cows, ruminants, complementary medicine | +41 (0)62 865-0428 | CH |
Maestrini Nicoletta | Deputy Leader of the Group Policy & Sector DevelopmentDigital training, social media marketing, communication planning and consulting | +41 (0)62 865-6390 | CH |
Marchand David | Research and advisory services viticulture | +41 (0)62 865-0449 | CH |
Mark Jennifer | Phytopathology, agronomy, on-farm research | +41 (0)62 865-0453 | CH |
Markut Theresia | Sustainability assessment | AT | |
Matter Simone | Co-leader of the Group Project communicationWeb editing, project communication | +41 (0)62 865-7239 | CH |
Maurer Brigitta | Graphic design | +41 (0)62 865-6393 | CH |
Maurer Mirjam | Staff commiteeFinance and accounting | +41 (0)62 865-6388 | CH |
Maurer Veronika | Co-leader of the Group Animal Healthcoordination laboratory of livestock sciences, internal and external parasites | +41 (0)62 865-7257 | CH |
Meier Claudia | Consumer research, statistics, data science | +41 (0)62 865-7283 | CH |
Meindl Peter | Biodiversity, nature conservation | +43 (0)1 9076313-35 | AT |
Meinshausen Florentine | Grower group certification (ICS), certification and standards | +41 (0)62 865-6384 | CH |
Menci Ruggero | Animal nutrition, product quality, by-products, secondary compounds | +33 (0)4 75254155 | FR |
Merz Anne | Organisation ABIM | +41 (0)62 865-7204 | CH |
Mesbahi Geoffrey | Grassland, forage production, ruminant nutrition | +41 (0)62 865-0492 | CH |
Messmer Monika | Co-leader of the Group Plant Breedingbreeding research, microbiome-assisted breeding, participatory breeding, organic seed | +41 (0)62 865-0443 | CH |
Meyer Katharina | Regional marketing, regional value chains, groundwater protection, currently on maternal leave | +49 (0)69 7137699-230 | DE |
Meyer Johannes | Finance and accounting | +49 (0)69 7137699-790 | DE |
Mica Ludek | Research vegetable and herb production, agroecology, seed production | +41 (0)62 865-7278 | CH |
Milan Marlene Ariana | Inputs, quality assurance, residues, databases | +49 (0)69 7137699-520 | DE |
Moeskops Bram | Managing DirectorRepresentation towards the EU institutions, EU project management | +32 (0)487 279815 | EU |
Möhring Anke | Production economics and modelling, sustainability assessment at farm level, data science | +41 (0)62 865-0402 | CH |
Moosmann Simona | Publications editing, Bioaktuell.ch editing | +41 (0)62 865-0468 | CH |
Morawek Janina | Crop production | AT | |
Mouchet Jean-Charles | Experimental technique fruit crops | + 41 (0)62 865-6379 | CH |
Mucha Annette | Inputs | +49 (0)69 7137699-867 | DE |
Mühlhaus Anna | Event organization, Öko-Feldtage | +49 (0)69 7137699-486 | DE |
Muller Roxane | Biodiversity monitoring and conservation | +41 (0)62 865-0474 | CH |
Müller Adrian | Food system modelling, climate policy, climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, sufficiency | +41 (0)62 865-7252 | CH |
Müller Ralf | Bioinformatics, metagenomics, soil microbiology | +41 (0)62 865-7262 | CH |
Munyangabe Adolphe | Laboratory of soil sciences, analysis of soil, plants and fertilisers | +41 (0)62 865-0404 | CH |
Mutz Elisa | Knowledge communication, public relations, project management, web editing | +49 (0)69 7137699-492 | DE |
N | |||
Neuerburg Wolfgang | Senior Fellow | DE | |
Nicod Ludivine | Research and advisory services food quality, safety and processing | +41 (0)62 865-0497 | CH |
Nicolay Gian L. | Africa coordination, sociology of food and agriculture, cotton | +41 (0)62 865-0454 | CH |
Niggli Jeremias | Research and advisory services arable farming, soil tillage | +41 (0)62 865-6389 | CH |
Nihal-Yanik Fatma | Gastronomy, domestic services | +41 (0)62 865-5036 | CH |
Notz Christophe | Advisory services ruminants, feeding, animal health | +41 (0)62 865-7285 | CH |
Nussbaum Anette | Laboratory of Livestock Sciences, deputy head of parasitology laboratory | +41 (0)62 865-0465 | CH |
O | |||
Oberhänsli Thomas | Staff commiteephytopathology, microbiology, molecular biology | +41 (0)62 865-7297 | CH |
Oberländer Sarah | Sustainability assessment, social-ecological research | +49 (0)69 7137699-570 | DE |
Obrist Corinne | Bioaktuell.ch editing | +41 (0)62 865-0426 | CH |
Oehen Bernadette | Member of the Management BoardCo-head of the Department of Extension, Training & CommunicationCo-leader of the Group Advisory & Trainingtechnology assessment, environmental risk analysis, environmental monitoring | +41 (0)62 865-7212 | CH |
Oggiano Philipp | Life Cycle Assessment, environmental modelling | +41 (0)62 865-1727 | CH |
P | |||
Palma Guerrero Javier | Phytopathology, natural antifungal compounds, biocontrol | +41 (0)62 865-6391 | CH |
Patyi András | Molecular breeding, marker assisted selection in white lupin | +41 (0)62 865-5031 | CH |
Pechbrenner Andrea | Finance and accounting | +41 (0)62 865-1758 | CH |
Pelikan Birgit | Assistant to the manager | +43 (0)660 9631332 | AT |
Perrochet Frédéric | Field technology, field trials, sample preparation | +41 (0)62 865-7201 | CH |
Peter Nadine | Phytopathology, microbiology, testing of plant protection products | +41 (0)62 865-7253 | CH |
Petit dit Grézériat Lucas | Soil fertility, organic matter, agroecology | +33 (0)4 75254155 | FR |
Petrarca Natascha | Assistance of the Executive Committee, general administrative and organizational tasks | +41 (0)62 510-5331 | CH |
Petrasek Richard | Sustainability assessment, biodiversity | +43 (0)660 9631328 | AT |
Petris-Symanczik Sarah | Co-leader of the Group Nutrient Management & Symbiosissymbiosis, functional biodiversity, plant nutrition | +41 (0)62 865-0433 | CH |
Pfeifer Catherine | Leader of the Group Agri-Food Systemsimpact assessment of livestock production systems, spatial environmental modeling, transdisciplinary processes | +41 (0)62 865-6380 | CH |
Pfiffner Lukas | Support Unit Biodiversity | +41 (0)62 865-7246 | CH |
Pfister Christian | Audio-visual media for national and international projects | +41 (0)79 915-2111 | CH |
Pfoser Manuel | Crop production | +43 (0)660 821 51 42 | AT |
Pinho Carla | Deputy Director, EU project management | +32 (0)483 517-418 | EU |
Planteau du Maroussem Rosalie | Goat farming | +33 (0)4 75254155 | FR |
Plesch Gudrun | Circular livestock farming, assessment of production systems | +49 (0)69 7137699-320 | DE |
Q | |||
Quiédeville Sylvain | Ex-post impact evaluation of agroecological strategies, innovation systems | +41 (0)62 865-0424 | CH |
R | |||
Rakowitsch Bettina | Inputs, quality assurance | +49 (0)69 7137699-825 | DE |
Rauöcker Simon | Biokompetenzzentrum Schlägl | +43 (0)732 7720-34123 | AT |
Rebholz Theresa | Web editing, Bioaktuell magazine editing | +41 (0)62 865-7219 | CH |
Reding Bénédicte | Human resources administration | +41 (0)62 865-7254 | CH |
Rees Charles | Agricultural economics and policy, econometrics, soil health promotion measures | +41 (0)62 865-0448 | CH |
Reichlin Benjamin | Research and advisory services in arable farming and soil quality | +41 (0)62 510-5326 | CH |
Reinbacher Lara | Biological pest control | +41 (0)62 865-0475 | CH |
Reinecke Sabine | Policy and governance analysis, knowledge communication and policy advice, forestry-agriculture-climate | +41 (0)62 865-0415 | CH |
Reinhard Sonja | Leader of the molecular biology laboratory | +41 (0)62 865-1715 | CH |
Reusch Babette | Theme lead inputs research availability data | +49 (0)69 7137699-840 | DE |
Rey Peter | Technical assistance fruits and viticulture | +41 (0)62 865-7272 | CH |
Reymann Wiebke | Nutrient management, nutrient budgets | +41 (0)62 865-0494 | CH |
Riar Rajwinder | Participatory breeding, farmers' seed systems | +41 (0)62 865-7287 | CH |
Riar Amritbir | Deputy Head of the Department of International CooperationLeader of the Group Resilient Cropping Systemsagronomy, seed systems | +41 (0)62 865-7288 | CH |
Richter Toralf | Deputy Leader of the Group Value chains & Marketsmarket research, capacity development | +41 (0)62 865-0432 | CH |
Richter Sebastian | Food system modelling, sustainability assessment, animal welfare | +41 (0)62 865-0457 | CH |
Ridolfi Gabriele | EU project management | +32 (0)2 8989873 | EU |
Riedi Kurt | Graphic design, image database | +41 (0)62 865-7269 | CH |
Riemann Michael | Co-leader of the Group Viticulture & Oenologyviticulture research, climate stress and phytopathology, molecular biology and plant physiology | +41 (0)62 510-5334 | CH |
Rinke-Schurr Christina | Assistance of the head of the Department of International Cooperation, administration | +41 (0)62 865-0455 | CH |
Röder-Dreher Ursula | Event organization, Öko-Feldtage | +49 (0)69 7137699-490 | DE |
Rohrer Rolf | Facility management | +41 (0)62 865-0469 | CH |
Rojas Conzuelo Zaray | Food system modelling, sustainability assessment, nutritional science | +41 (0)62 865-7220 | CH |
Romero Lozano Ignacio | Microbiome, plant breeding, molecular biology | +41 (0)62 510-5304 | CH |
Rüegg Johanna | Agroforestry theme coordinationCocoa, agroforestry training materials | +41 (0)62 865-1745 | CH |
Ruflin Peter | Deputy Leader of the Group Facility Management & safety | +41 (0)62 510-5330 | CH |
Rutz Theres | Research and advisory services biodiversity | +41 (0)62 865-6365 | CH |
S | |||
Saathoff Matthias | Event organization, Öko-Feldtage | +49 (0)69 7137699-435 | DE |
Sabir Ghezal | Behaviour change, sustainable diets | +41 (0)62 510-5314 | CH |
Saj Stéphane | Tropical agroforestry, cocoa, agricultural systems containing perennial plants | +41 (0)62 865-0483 | CH |
Sander Marlene | Sustainability assessment, qualitative research methods | +41 (0)62 510-5322 | CH |
Sanders Jürn | Chairman of the Management Boardpresident FiBL Europe | +41 (0)62 865-1741 | EUCH |
Sandrock Christoph | Entomology: Hermetia illucens (coordination research facility) and bees | +41 (0)62 865-0419 | CH |
Schader Christian | Leader of the Group Sustainabilitysustainability assessment at farm and food systems level, life cycle assessment, policy evaluation | +41 (0)62 865-0416 | CH |
Schäfer Freya | Research coordination, project management | +49 (0)69 7137699-130 | DE |
Schäfer Barbara | Project communication | +41 (0)62 865-0485 | CH |
Schärer Hans-Jakob | Co-leader of the Group Plant Protection - Phytopathologyphytopathology, plant diseases, crop protection, fugicides, copper replacement | +41 (0)62 865-7209 | CH |
Schauer Astrid | Biokompetenzzentrum Schlägl | +43 (0)732-772034123 | AT |
Scheurich Anja | Staff Council, project management "model region for organic agriculture Oberes Werntal" | +49 (0)69 7137699-270 | DE |
Schiller Ramona | Education and training | +49 (0)69 7137699-465 | DE |
Schlatter Bernhard | Data management, statistics | +41 (0)62 865-0417 | CH |
Schlatzer Martin | Sustainability assessment | +43 (0)699 102 867 93 | AT |
Schleiffer Mirjam | Environmental systems and policy analysis, research and advisory services residues | +41 (0)62 865-6360 | CH |
Schlichenmaier Samuel | Biochar, soil quality | +41 (0)62 865-7268 | CH |
Schlittenlacher Theresa | Ethno veterinary medicine, phytotherapy | +41 (0)62 510-5308 | CH |
Schmid Otto | Standards and markets, policy advice, rural development | +41 (0)62 865-7272 | CH |
Schmid Nathaniel | Staff commiteeResearch and advisory services animal and forage production | +41 (0)62 865-1724 | CH |
Schmid Tim | Research and advisory services soil fertility | +41 (0)62 865-6382 | CH |
Schmid-Eisert Andreas | Senior Fellow | DE | |
Schmidt Marc Vincent | Administration, marketing | +4366 (0)9631327 | AT |
Schneider Michael | Quantitative genetics, bioinformatics | +41 (0)62 510-5303 | CH |
Schneider Claudia | Research and advisory services cowbound calf rearing, horned cows in loose housing and feeding | +41 (0)62 865-7228 | CH |
Schoeber Mia | Further education and training | +49 (0)69 7137699-493 | DE |
Schön Theresa | Out-of-home catering, sustainable food service | +49 (0)69 7137699-217 | DE |
Schreiter Birgit | Finance and accounting, personnel administration | +49 (0)69 7137699-780 | DE |
Schudel Seraina | System comparison, value chains and markets | +41 (0)62 865-7261 | CH |
Schütz Simone | Secretariat | +41 (0)62 865-7249 | CH |
Schütz de Rivera Laura | Social dimensions of circular food systems, participatory research, co-creation | +41 (0)62 865-1718 | CH |
Schwab Katharina | Regional value chains, regional marketing | +49 (0)69 7137699-295 | DE |
Schwitter Patricia | research and project management vegetable and herb production | +41 (0)62 865-1742 | CH |
Sibold Gina | Finance and accounting | +41 (0)62 865-7233 | CH |
Sigl Sonja | Trainee programme | +49 (0)69 7137699-485 | DE |
Singh Akanksha | Diverse cropping systems, biocontrol, multitrophic interactions | +41 (0)62 865-0481 | CH |
Snigula Jasmin | Web editing support, Organic Eprints | +49 (0)69 7137699-170 | DE |
Sonnard Robin | Research and advisory services viticulture and fruits | +41 (0)62 865-6372 | CH |
Sousa Fernando | Agroforestry, dissemination, participatory research | +41 (0)62 865-0480 | CH |
Speiser Bernhard | Leader of the Group Inputscoordination input list, residues | +41 (0)62 865-7243 | CH |
Spengler Neff Anet | Member of the Management BoardCo-head of the Department of Livestock SciencesCo-leader of the Group Animal Housing & Livestock Breedingconstitution and behaviour, dairy cow breeding, ruminant husbandry and slaughter | +41 (0)62 865-7290 | CH |
Spory Kerstin | Knowledge communication, project management | +49 (0)69 7137699-140 | DE |
Staehli Pamela | Research and advisory services in animal health and welfare | +41 (0)62 865-6361 | CH |
Stäheli Caroline | Input evaluation, fertilizers | +41 (0)62 865-6383 | CH |
Steffens Markus | Co-leader of the Group Soil fertility & Climateclimate and agriculture, soil science and soil organic matter, IR-spectroscopy | +41 (0)62 865-0418 | CH |
Stehle Bernhard | Technical assistance, Sample preparation, soil analysis, field trial | +41 (0)62 865-0464 | CH |
Steinemann Beatrice | Co-leader of the Group Viticulture & Oenologyresearch and advisory services viticulture and enology | +41 (0)62 865-7203 | CH |
Steiner Franz Josef | Livestock breeding, beef production, pasture management | +41 (0)79 824-4445 | CH |
Steiner Andrea | Laboratory of livestock sciences, lead of roughage analytics, parasitological diagnostics | +41 (0)62 865-0461 | CH |
Stephan Ana | Education and training, sustainable farming systems | +49 (0)69 7137699-440 | DE |
Stocker Ivanka | Gastronomy, domestic services | +41 (0)62 865-5036 | CH |
Stolz Hanna | Qualitative and quantitative consumer research, statistics, data science | +41 (0)62 865-0413 | CH |
Stolze Mathias | GLA Management | +41 (0)62 865-7255 | CH |
Strieder Jens | Inputs, IT coordination | +49 (0)69 7137699-880 | DE |
Suard Thierry | Advisory services fruit crops | +41 (0)62 865-6378 | CH |
Summerauer Laura | Soil science, infrared spectroscopy and imaging techniques, agriculture | +41 (0)62 865-5038 | CH |
Surböck Andreas | Crop production, knowledge management | +43 (0)660 9631336 | AT |
T | |||
Tappeser Beatrix | Senior Fellow | DE | |
Tennhardt Lina | Sustainability assessment, sustainable supply chains, impact evaluation | +41 (0)62 865-1747 | CH |
Teslia Vladyslav | Technical assistance in livestock science, calf rearing, slaughtering | +41 (0)79 629-4293 | CH |
Thanner Phie | Co-leader of the Group Advisory toolsPublications editing, podcast, advisory tools, educational projects | +41 (0)62 865-7263 | CH |
Thom Silke | Administration | +49 (0)69 7137699-215 | DE |
Thüer Susann | Field trials, internal parasites in ruminants, laboratory of livestock sciences | +41 (0)62 865-0406 | CH |
Thürig Barbara | Co-leader of the Group Plant Protection - Phytopathologyphytopathology, soil-plant-interactions, biocontrol, copper replacement | +41 (0)62 865-7298 | CH |
Tintrup Vera | Financial accounting | +49 (0)69 7137699-715 | DE |
Tomic Anna | Sustainability assessment | +43 (0)1 9076313-23 | AT |
Tonn Bettina | Grassland, pasture management, forage production | +41 (0)62 865-6376 | CH |
Torriani Stefano | Member of the Management BoardHead of the Department of Crop Sciencesplant-pathogen interaction, evolutionary mechanisms and population dynamics, monitoring systems and environmental DNA, data management and precision agriculture | +41 (0)62 865-0427 | CH |
Trentin Marco | Communication, dissimination, agroecology | +33 (0)4 75254155 | FR |
Trippel Aaron | Inputs | +49 (0)69 7137699-866 | DE |
Trouillard Martin | Soil, crops | +33 (0)4 75254155 | FR |
Tuchschmid Andreas | Leader of the Group Experimental Farmswinery management, cellarer, vinification, variety testing | +41 (0)62 865-5033 | CH |
Tůmová Barbora | Agroforestry, cocoa | +41 (0)62 865-7296 | CH |
Turoldo Kyburz Roberta | Assistance of the head of the Department of Crop Sciences, organisation ABIM | +41 (0)62 865-0441 | CH |
U | |||
Ulmann Selina Laura | Leader of the Group Agroecosystem Innovation & AdoptionDigital training materials, livestock | +41 (0)62 865-0472 | CH |
V | |||
van den Berge Paul | Organic crop production international, label certification | +41 (0)91 730-1510 | CH |
Veller Carsten | Project management, event management, organic field days, public relations | +49 (0)69 7137699-420 | DE |
Vezzani Massimo | Facility management | +41 (0)62 865-0437 | CH |
Vieweger Anja | Leader of the Group Vegetables & Herbsresearch and advisory services vegetable and herb production | +41 (0)62 865-7236 | CH |
Villiger Nomi | Input evaluation, recycled fertilizer | +41 (0)62 865-7241 | CH |
Vitra Amarante | Grassland, pasture management, forage production | +41 (0)62 865-0452 | CH |
von Kelaita Monika | Inputs | +49 (0)69 7137699-835 | DE |
von Kleist Lena | Education and training, IT coordination | +49 (0)69 7137699-498 | DE |
Vonzun Seraina | Breeding for mixed cropping, resistance breeding | +41 (0)62 865-0490 | CH |
W | |||
Waibel Matthias | Microbiome analysis, soil and climate, rhizosphere | +41 (0)62 510-5318 | CH |
Walch Benjamin | Research fruit crops, experimental technique fruit crops | +41 (0)62 865-1738 | CH |
Waldmeier Bernadette | Assistance of the head of the Department of Livestock Sciences, administration | +41 (0)62 865-1755 | CH |
Walkenhorst Michael | Member of the Management BoardCo-head of the Department of Livestock SciencesCo-leader of the Group Animal Healthpreventive medicine, medicinal plants, phytotherapy, ethnoveterinary medicine | +41 (0)62 865-7286 | CH |
Walti Sandra | Graphic design | +41 (0)62 865-7206 | CH |
Wassermann Thomas | IR Spectroscopy, soil and agriculture, soil health | +41 (0)62 865-0495 | CH |
Weckmann Leonie | Sustainable farming systems, organicXlivestock, organicXseeds | +49 (0)69 7137699-580 | DE |
Weidmann Gilles | Co-leader of the Group Advisory toolspublications editing | +41 (0)62 865-7260 | CH |
Weingärtner Udo | Event organization, Öko-Feldtage | +49 (0)69 7137699-495 | DE |
Wendling Marina | Research and advisory services arable crops and soil quality | +41 (0)62 865-1728 | CH |
Werne Steffen | Research and extension internal parasites in ruminants | +41 (0)62 865-0451 | CH |
Werner Jessica | Ruminant nutrition, pasture management, grassland | +41 (0)62 510-5324 | CH |
Wiget Andrea | Leader of the laboratory of soil sciences, analysis of soil, plants and fertilisers | +41(0)62 865 0445 | CH |
Wild Anna-Sophie | Vegetable production | +43 (0)660 9631331 | AT |
Wilfer Jacqueline | Sustainability assessment | +43 (0)1 9076313-22 | AT |
Willer Helga | Co-leader of the Group Project communicationstatistics on organic agriculture, web editing | +41 (0)62 865-7207 | CH |
Winterberg Ramon | Environmental modelling, livestock production systems | +41 (0)62 510-5329 | CH |
Wirz Axel | Business administration, sustainability assessment, social-ecological research | +49 (0)69 7137699-150 | DE |
Wohlfahrt Jens | Technical assistance, Hermetia illucens, bees | +41 (0)62 865-0438 | CH |
Woolsey Sharon | GLA Management | +41 (0)62 510-5310 | CH |
Wörner Frank | Managing director FiBL Projekte GmbH | +49 (0)69 7137699-720 | DE |
X | |||
Y | |||
Z | |||
Zamecnik Georg | Sustainability assessment | +43 (0)1 9076313-25 | AT |
Zarrineh Nina | Climate change impact assessments (mitigation and adaptation), modelling of hydrology, water quality, land use and food systems, agroecology | +41 (0)62 865-1753 | CH |
Zehnder Miro | Phytopathology, fungicides and copper replacement, seed health | +41 (0)62 865-5039 | CH |
Zinkowski Anne | Circular livestock farming, support for network companies | +49 69 (0)7137699-380 | DE |