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Since 2003 Project leader at the Department of Crop Sciences FiBL, Frick
2001 - 2002 Head of the Biodiversity division FiBL, Frick.
1999 - 2004 Doctoral studies (extra-occupational), Zoological Institute, University of Bern
1995 - 2000 Project leader for various projects in the field of entomology and faunistics at FiBL, Oberwil/Frick (Test plots and on-farm experiments. Animal ecological evaluation (beneficial arthropods, earthworm fauna) of different arable farming methods and ecological compensation measures)
1992 - 1994 Head of the Plant protection and beneficial organisms division at FiBL, Oberwil (Pest control/entomology in arable crops and horticultural crops)
1990 - 1992 Research scientist in the Soil and plant nutrition division at FiBL, Oberwil (Work on soil ecological and faunistic issues)
1989 Head of the Central viticultural office of the canton (Kantonale Zentralstelle für Weinbau) in Salez, and teacher for fruit growing, viticulture and soil sciences ad interim at Rheinhof agricultural school
1982 - 1988 Studies in agricultural sciences (emphasis on plant production) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
Committee work / further activities
National working group on ecological compensation areas in arable farming (Nationale Arbeitsgruppe "Ökologischer Ausgleich im Ackerbau")
Board member of the Association for nature and bird conservation of the canton of Baselland (Bund für Natur- und Vogelschutz BNV)
Board member of the foundation « Umwelteinsatz Schweiz (SUS)