FiBL is working together with practitioners to advance organic agriculture and develop alternative solutions and methods. The knowledge gained needs to be made available to practitioners quickly and in an appealing way. FiBL employs diverse methods: a team of experts advises farmers in the field and carries out on-farm trials. Further, it trains organic farmers and young scientists of tomorrow through courses, conferences, teaching events and field trips.
In addition to direct exchange with practitioners, we offer publications, fact sheets, the Bioaktuell magazine and dossiers – carefully edited knowledge that is used for education and training in organic agriculture and by interested organic farmers. FiBL also offers information on specific topics through various websites: News on,, and via social media (Facebook, LinkedIn) report on the latest developments. FiBL also maintains its own YouTube channel with numerous videos on organic farming topics and the FiBL Focus podcast. FiBL is regularly represented at meetings and conferences and thus maintains a constant exchange with colleagues from research and extension from all over the world. The global development of organic agriculture is monitored and documented.