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Department of Finances, Resources & Administration

The Department of Finances, Resources & Administration is responsible for the smooth running of the Institute. It supports all research and extension staff in their day-to-day work, coordinates business management processes, and looks after the well-being of the entire FiBL team. The following divisions are affiliated to the department:

  • Secretariat as central point of contact 
  • Finances & HR
  • Facility Management
  • Experimental Farms
  • IT Services


Group Finances
Chung Jeanette
Co-leader of the Group FinancesFinancial accounting, project accounting, project controlling
+41 (0)62 865-6386
Furrer Monika
Finance and accounting
+41 (0)62 865-6396
Gianolini Luzia
Finance and accounting
+41 (0)62 865-0467
Guarda Sarah
Co-leader of the Group FinancesFinance and accounting
+41 (0)62 865-6371
Maurer Mirjam
Staff commiteeFinance and accounting
+41 (0)62 865-6388
Pechbrenner Andrea
Finance and accounting
+41 (0)62 865-1758
Sibold Gina
Finance and accounting
+41 (0)62 865-7233
Group Human Resources
Agac Erkut
Human resources administration
+41 (0)62 865-7258
Dermaku Muhamet
Human resources administration
+41 (0)62 510-5312
Kraft Isabel
Human resources administration
+41 (0)62 510-5320
Reding Bénédicte
Human resources administration
+41 (0)62 865-7254
Group Secretariat
Bircher Céline
+41 (0)62 865-1744
Schütz Simone
+41 (0)62 865-7249
Group Facility Management & safety
Amsler Thomas
Leader of the Group Facility Management & safety
+41 (0)62 865-7205
Rohrer Rolf
Facility management
+41 (0)62 865-0469
Ruflin Peter
Deputy Leader of the Group Facility Management & safety
+41 (0)62 510-5330
Vezzani Massimo
Facility management
+41 (0)62 865-0437
Group Catering & Events
Barth Léa
Deputy kitchen lead
+41 (0)62 865-5036
Bircher Erika
gastronomy, domestic services
+41 (0)62 865-5036
Cafaro Immacolata
Gastronomy, domestic services
+41 (0)62 865-5036
Finsterwald Sibylle
Kitchen lead
+41 (0)62 865-5036
Hummel Iris
Gastronomy, domestic services
+41 (0)62 865-5036
Hunziker-Rohrer Trudi
+41 (0)62 865-5036
Künzli Martin
Leader of the Group Catering & Eventsgastronomy lead
+41 (0)62 865-7247
Lakatos-Drahos Krisztina
Gastronomy, domestic services
+41 (0)62 865-5036
Nihal-Yanik Fatma
Gastronomy, domestic services
+41 (0)62 865-5036
Stocker Ivanka
Gastronomy, domestic services
+41 (0)62 865-5036
Group Experimental Farms
Almeida Israel
Vineyard, wine cellar
+41 (0)62 865-7272
Harrison Benjamin
Apprentice winemaker (1st year of apprenticeship), viticulture, winemaking
Löliger Thomas
Deputy Leader of the Group Experimental FarmsWinegrower
+41 (0)62 865-1731
Tuchschmid Andreas
Leader of the Group Experimental Farmswinery management, cellarer, vinification, variety testing
+41 (0)62 865-5033