Using the Fishbowl method, a small group of participants in the inner circle (in the "goldfish glass") discusses the topic. The outer circle observes the discussion. Whoever wishes, can go into the Goldfish Bowl for a while. Photo: Marzena Seidel, FiBL
One of FiBL's core competences is the provision of specialist knowledge on organic farming for specific target groups: in seminars, leaflets, videos, guidelines and on websites. That way we put the knowledge that has been acquired through research on farms into practice. In addition, there is a wide range of training opportunities for farmers, consultants and farmers motivated to convert, as well as suitable formats for networking.
FiBL sees itself as an interface between practice and research. How do actors from both sides come together? For example, in direct contact via the nationwide organic field days (Öko-Feldtage) and other regional field days, seminars, round tables and conferences. FiBL Germany bundles knowledge in three demonstration networks and communicates it to different target groups:
The aim of the model demonstration network peas / beans ( is to support the cultivation and processing of these two crops in Germany and to bring demand and supply together.
NutriNet ( is a competence and research network in which nutrient cycles in organic agriculture are optimised. FiBL supports the transfer of knowledge in both projects. The demonstration farms for organic agriculture ( are particularly innovative farms that welcome a variety of visitors - from kindergarten groups and vocational schools all the way to interested consumers. In this project, FiBL organises excursions for vocational school students to organic farms in their respective regions.
Moreover, FiBL is always looking into the question of how knowledge transfer in organic agriculture and food processing can be improved with new formats, how to move away from teacher-centred training and from "being taught" to "learning from each other".