BIOFECTOR is an integrated project aiming at reducing the input of mineral fertilisers in European agriculture using specifically adapted bio-effectors. The developed bio-effectors should improve the efficiency of alternative fertilisation strategies such as the fertilisation in organic or low-input farming, the fertilisation based on recycling products and the fertilisers applied directly beside the root. The bio-effectors addressed comprise fungal strains of Trichoderma, Penicillium and Sebacinales, as well as bacterial strains of Bacillus and Pseudomonades with well-characterized root growth promoting and nutrient-solubilising potential. Natural seaweed, compost and plant extracts as well as their purified active compounds with protective potential against biotic and abiotic stresses will also be tested in various combinations. These features offer perspectives for a more efficient use of nutrients by strategic combination with alternative fertilisation strategies. Maize, wheat and tomato were selected as representative crops. Laboratory as well as European-wide field experiments will assure the suitability of the developed products for the various geo-climatic conditions characteristic of European agriculture. The final goal is the development of viable alternatives to the conventional mineral fertilisation practice. These alternatives will contribute to a more efficient management of non-renewable resources (mineral nutrients, energy, water), to preserve soil fertility and to counteract the adverse environmental impact of agricultural production.
Research in WP3, 5, 6 and 8 and coordination of WP5