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Fruit Production

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On this page

The Fruit Production group is active in research and advisory roles and works on advancing existing cultivation systems in organic fruit production. The aim is to improve production conditions in order to foster sustainability. The group’s activities and projects are conducted in close cooperation with practitioners as well as with partners and institutions along the entire value chain. In this context there is a further emphasis on exchanges at both the national and international levels with stakeholders working on the same challenges. The dissemination of knowledge generated through various communication channels is key to ensuring that organic fruit production can be supported optimally.

Work priorities

  • Cultivation techniques: Activities regarding cultivation techniques cover topics such as direct and indirect plant protection, thinning or fertiliser use, to name but a few.
  • Variety testing: New varieties or selections are tested under organic growing conditions. The plants are tested in the field with respect to their cropping properties, and fruit quality is also closely examined, with taste being a very important aspect. All this information is taken into account in the lists of recommended cultivars (for more information on the lists of recommended cultivars see below under "Links").
  • Organic planting stock: Together with plant nurseries, work is being done on the further optimisation of domestically produced organic planting stock.
  • Business management: The profitability of cultivation systems is key to the long-term success of organic top fruit and soft fruit production. To this end, business data from organic fruit growers are surveyed. These data are important for producers showing an interest in fruit growing and for advisors alike.
  • Advice and extension: Existing and newly generated knowledge is disseminated via bulletins, courses, exchanges of experience, variety lists, technical guides, videos and other channels with a view to optimally supporting organic top fruit and soft fruit production.


Further information

Experimental research networks

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ongoing CH Decentralised practical testing network for fruit varieties (DEPO) 01.01.2025 31.12.2028
ongoing DECH Reaching 25% organic farmland in the EU by stronger and better-connected organic advisors and organic advisory services (OrganicAdviceNetwork) 01.04.2024 31.03.2028
ongoing CH Agroforestry learning project 01.01.2024 31.12.2027
ongoing CH Optimisation in organic berry cultivation: applied research, advisory services and networking for sustainable practice development 01.01.2024 31.12.2027
completed CH Season extension for Swiss organic table strawberries 01.01.2024 31.12.2024
ongoing CH Biomostobst 01.01.2024 31.12.2027
ongoing CH Cost-Benefit Analysis of Organic Fruit Production 01.01.2024 31.12.2027
ongoing CH Organic stone fruit 01.01.2024 31.12.2027
ongoing CH Qualitative and quantitative promotion of Swiss organic pear cultivation 01.01.2024 31.12.2027
ongoing CH Development of Organic Stone Fruit Production Technology 26.04.2023 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Pre-harvest and post-harvest innovations to reduce pome fruit storage losses (INNO-STOCK) 01.04.2023 31.03.2027
ongoing CH Regional optimisation concepts for a demand-oriented water supply in fruit production in the region of Lake Constance 01.04.2023 31.03.2026
ongoing CH Flower reservoirs in stone fruit orchards: promoting functional biodiversity with a low input strategy 01.03.2023 28.02.2026
completed CH Analysis of organic pear production in Switzerland for the preparation of a pear project 01.01.2023 31.12.2023
ongoing CH Swiss production of organic raspberries for processing 01.11.2022 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Innovative Organic fruit Breeding and uses (InnOBreed) 01.07.2022 30.06.2026
completed CH Establishment of a modern apricot production in the German-speaking part of Switzerland 01.01.2022 31.12.2024
ongoing CH Biodiversity provides Pollination Security: Honeybees and Wild Bees in (Swiss) Agriculture (CompBees) 01.10.2021 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Alternative Bewirtschaftungsmethoden in Obstanlagen zur Reduktion von synthetischen Pflanzenschutzmittel mit Risikopotential. (ArboPhytoRed) 01.01.2021 31.12.2026
completed CH Resilient varieties for sustainable fruit growing in Switzerland (RESO) 01.09.2020 30.08.2024
completed CH Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeit im konventionellen Kernobst (Nachhaltigkeit Kernobst Migros) 01.02.2020 31.12.2021
completed CH PGREL project "Use of gene resources in apples for organic farming II" (PGREL-Nutzungsprojekt) 01.01.2020 31.12.2023
completed CH Boosting Innovation in Organic FRUIT production through strong knowledge NETworks (BIOFRUITNET) 01.11.2019 30.04.2023
completed CH Innovationen in der Sortenprüfung in Europa zur Förderung der Einführung neuer Sorten, die besser an verschiedene biotische und abiotische Stressbedingungen und an nachhaltigere Anbaumethoden angepasst sind (INVITE) 01.07.2019 30.06.2024
ongoing CH New ways in plant protection in organic fruit growing: Development and evaluation of IT-supported plant protection methods and a new training system 01.01.2019 31.12.2026
completed CH Innovative flower strips for sustainable orchard production 01.01.2019 31.12.2022
completed CH Mit neuen Strategien gegen neue Schädlinge: Wanzenbekämpfung im biologischen Landbau (Wanzenregulierung) 01.01.2019 31.12.2024
completed CH Neue Wege im Pflanzenschutz im Bio-Obstbau: Entwicklung und Evaluation von IT-gestützten Pflanzenschutzverfahren im FiBL-Freiluft-Labor 01.01.2019 31.12.2021
completed CH Organic berries: Interest group in Vaud 01.01.2019 31.12.2022
completed CH DOMINO -Dynamic sod mulching and use of recycled amendments to increase biodiversity, resilience and sustainability of intensive organic apple orchards and vineyards (DOMINO) 01.04.2018 02.08.2021
completed CH Low-input orchard (BioDiVerger) 01.01.2018 31.12.2022
completed CH Förderung des Angebotes von qualitativ guten und kostengünstigen Schweizer Knospe Beerenjungpflanzen 01.01.2018 31.12.2019
completed CH Vorstudie für die Entwicklung einer Lieferantenrichtlinie für Schweizer Wein-Produzenten 01.10.2017 30.06.2019
completed ATCH SMART-Bewertung von Apfelproduzenten des Südtiroler Apfelkonsortiums 01.07.2017 31.12.2018
completed CH Development of Integrated Management for Organic Fruit Production 01.04.2017 31.12.2019
completed CH Nachhaltigkeit in der Schweizer Kernobstproduktion – Tobi Seeobst AG 01.01.2017 31.12.2018
completed CH Development of a yield-safe production of organic apricots in Switzerland 01.09.2016 31.08.2020
completed CH Development of direct and indirect measures against Marssonina coronaria on the basis of infection biology of the pathogen under European conditions 01.01.2016 31.12.2019
completed CH PGREL project "Use of gene resources in apples for organic farming" (Nutzung von Apfel-Genressourcen für den Bio-Anbau) 01.01.2016 29.02.2020
completed CH KTI development and testing of suitable substrates for small fruit production 01.01.2016 31.12.2018
ongoing CH Delightful organic apple 01.01.2015 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Organic plum variety testing with and without weather protection and side netting 01.01.2015
completed CH Enhancment of the organic small fruit production 01.01.2015 31.12.2018
completed CH Testing of sweet and sour cherry and plum cultivars for organic growing 01.01.2015 31.12.2018
completed CH Promotion of production and sales for organic standard tree cultivation 01.01.2015 31.12.2018
completed CH Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversityof organic orchards (ECOORCHARD) 01.01.2015 31.12.2017
ongoing CH Schorfprognose (RIMpro) 01.01.2008
ongoing CH Research and Development on herbs and elderberry growing for Ricola AG 01.01.2008
completed CH Increasing Fruit consumption through a trans disciplinary approach leading to High quality produce from environmentally safe, sustainable methods (ISAFRUIT) 01.01.2006 30.09.2010
completed CH Aufbau einer schweizer Bio-Tafeltrauben Produktion 01.01.2004 31.12.2007
ongoing CH PSR old apple varieties 01.01.2003
ongoing CH Schädlingsregulierung Obstbau 01.01.2002
completed CH Sustainable Agriculture Support for Albania (SASA) 01.01.2001 31.12.2011
completed CH Soil management in Orchards 01.01.1999 31.12.2008
completed CH Testing of new rootstocks for organic apple growing 01.01.1999 31.12.2015
ongoing CH Crop load regulation (thinning) in organic apple growing 01.01.1998
completed CH Steigerung der Ertragssicherheit im biologischen Steinobstbau 01.01.1998 31.12.2008
ongoing CH Testing of pit fruit cultivars for organic growing 01.10.1994
ongoing CH Gemüse-, Beeren- und Kernobstsortenlisten (jährliche Aktualisierung der empfohlenen Sorten, in Zusammenarbeit mit Produzenten und Handel)
ongoing CH Prüfung von Pflanzenbehandlungsmitteln und lebenden Organismen in verschiedenen Kulturen


Group Fruit production
Baumgartner Fabian
Deputy Leader of the Group Fruit productionAdvisory services fruit crops
+41 (0)62 865-1737
Boutry Clémence
Research fruit crops
+41 (0)62 865-1740
Friedli Michael
Leader of the Group Fruit productionResearch fruit crops
+41 (0)62 865-7284
Häseli Andreas
Advisory services fruit crops
+41 (0)62 865-7264
Mouchet Jean-Charles
Experimental technique fruit crops
+ 41 (0)62 865-6379
Muller Roxane
Biodiversity monitoring and conservation
+41 (0)62 865-0474
Reinbacher Lara
Biological pest control
+41 (0)62 865-0475
Rey Peter
Technical assistance fruits and viticulture
+41 (0)62 865-7272
Suard Thierry
Advisory services fruit crops
+41 (0)62 865-6378
Walch Benjamin
Research fruit crops, experimental technique fruit crops
+41 (0)62 865-1738