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Quality Management

With the growth of the organic sector, the demands on safety and professionalism are also rising. The risk of fraud increases the more popular organic products become. Manufacturers can score with safety and transparency. But this is costly and requires a lot of know-how. Practical solutions are needed to improve the safety of their goods.

FiBL develops such practical solutions. These include, among others, the organicXseeds seed database, an up-to-date platform for anyone offering or looking for organic seeds and seedlings as well as the database for organic animals organicXlivestock.

FiBL's "Betriebsmittelliste für die ökologische Produktion" (Input List for Organic Production) is a whitelist that provides transparency and certainty as to which fertilisers, pesticides, plant fortifiers, disinfectants, auxiliaries and additives etc. may be used in organic farming and the food industry.

Isotope analysis already enables manufacturers and retailers of some food items such as asparagus and champagne to check the regional origin of the products analytically. There is still a need for research in other areas. FiBL is working on further developing the methods. Data from the "Wasserzeichen” (Watermark) research project in Hesse are publicly available.

There have already been cases where companies continued to supply for months despite the withdrawal of their certificate. This is why FiBL Germany operates the bioC database together with various control bodies, BÖLW and IFOAM. Here, processing companies can check at any time without any doubt whether their suppliers have flawless certificates.

FiBL developed a technical solution to ensure complete traceability at all stages of the value chain. It even allows the identification of those involved in the value chain for composite foods such as fruit yoghurt or beer. Via the platform "Bio mit Gesicht" (Organic Farming with a Face) also consumers can find out who produced their potatoes, beer or cheese.


completed DE Recommendations for the design of legal requirements for cleaning and disinfectants in organic food processing and storage (RuDI) 01.08.2021 29.02.2024
completed CHDE Ensuring the integrity of third-country imports of organic products (SECURBIO) 01.03.2021 31.08.2024
completed DE Identification of critical control points and precautionary measures to ensure organic integrity (BioKKP) 01.07.2020 31.12.2022
completed CHDE Dossier Nachhaltigkeit und Qualität Bio-Lebensmittel 01.06.2020 31.12.2020
completed DE EIT Food II 15.04.2020 31.12.2020
completed DE Problem analysis and identification of required action in the field of pesticide residues along the organic value chain (PSM-Wirkstofffunde) 01.02.2020 31.12.2021
completed DE Development of a concept for the evaluation of flavours for the use in organic food 01.09.2019 31.03.2021
completed DE Development of a certification program for inputs for organic farming (BM_Zert) 01.09.2019 30.06.2023
completed DE Development of a database for organic animals and for organic juvenile aquaculture animals according to Art. 26 of the EU Regulation 2018/848 (TierDB) 01.09.2019 31.12.2021
completed DE EIT Food Project – The development of organic supply chains that drive fair, transparent and healthy options for the consumer (EIT Food Projekt) 18.03.2019 31.12.2019
completed DE Adequate organic feeding of poultry according to their requirements - focus: new sources of riboflavin (vitamin B2) 01.01.2017 31.03.2020
completed DE Wertschöpfungskette heimisches Soja in Hessen (HEFU-Soja) 01.01.2016 30.06.2017
completed DE Durchführung von Audits bei Zertifizierungsstellen im Auftrag des Regionalfenster e.V. 01.12.2014 31.03.2015
completed DE Wasserzeichen - System zur Kontrolle von Erzeugnissen mit Regionalauslobung mittels der Analytik stabiler Isotope: Durchführung eines Praxistests 01.08.2013 30.04.2015
ongoing CHDE organicXseeds
ongoing DE Inputs list for organic production in Germany
ongoing DE bioC Directory of Certified Organic Operators