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Inputs list for organic production in Germany


The Inputs list is published by FiBL since 2006 every year. In the list you find products that are allowed to use in the organic production in Germany.
The products can be fertilizers, plant protection agents, animal feed, cleaning agents, antiparasitica or apiary utilities.
Companies that produce or offer these products can hand information about the ingredients to an expert team and they check if the products are acceptable for the organic production regarding the EU-regulation. Also random samples are taken to test if the producers‘ data is veritable.
For evaluating the inputs products and their admissibleness FiBL Projekte GmbH considers legal as well as scientific criteria.
The organising institution of the evaluation system is directed by the Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW) (union of the organic food sector) and its associations. Also new methods and compositions of active components are being assessed and decisions of general principle in the organic production are made.
If a product is allowed for organic production it is listed in the Inputs list and published online as well as printed.
Organic producers and also control bodies are sure that products which are listed observe the principles of the organic agriculture and production and can be used by them. Producer do have reliable information if their products can be used in the organic sector.

Financing/ Donor
  • Listing companies (listing fees)
Project partners
  • Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW),
  • Demeter e.V.,
  • Naturland e.V.,
  • Gäa e.V.,
  • Demeter International e.V.
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff (people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
Role of FiBL

Coordination, verification of the admissibility of the suppliers' products, quality assurance, maintenance of the website

Group/ Work area/ Location
FiBL project number P12004/P12005/4233
Date modified 13.01.2025