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Cornelia Kupferschmid.

Cornelia Kupferschmid on biodiversity: " makes information accessible in a bundled form"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

Logo of IAHA with Call for Contribution.

Join the discussion on the future of animal husbandry at the IAHA Conference 2026

The IFOAM Animal Husbandry Alliance (IAHA) is excited to announce the Call for Contributions for the…

Group photo of 35 people in front of a building with a moss roof. They are dressed warmly, some are wearing shoe covers. The atmosphere is friendly and communal.

FarmBioNet project launch: Biodiverse Irish farm ignites team’s vision

The FarmBioNet project brings together an international team to identify, evaluate, and promote…

Theres Rutz.

Theres Rutz on biodiversity: "Everyone can do something for biodiversity"

On the occasion of World Biodiversity Day on 3 March, Theres Rutz from FiBL provides exciting…

Peter Haldemann.

Peter Haldemann on biodiversity: "We need to work more closely with practitioners"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

Image of invitation flyer.

Science-policy event "Agroecological Transition of Food Systems in Africa"

On 6 May 2025, FiBL is organising a science-policy event, where a cluster of nine EU projects will…

Infographic on organic agriculture 2023 in Europe.
Media release

Almost 11 percent of agricultural land in the European Union is organically farmed

The European Union's organic area continued to grow steadily in 2023, reaching 17.7 million…

Infographic on organic agriculture worldwide 2023.
Media release

Global organic area nears 99 million hectares – organic market back on track

According to the latest FiBL yearbook "The World of Organic Agriculture", organic farming has…

A group of about 50 people in front of a Ukraine stand.
Media release

Despite the war, Ukraine holds strong as a Top 5 Organic Exporter to the EU

Every year Ukraine is present at Biofach, the world’s leading trade fair for organic food. Ukrainian…

The DOK trial on a slightly cloudy day.
Media release

40 years of organic farming: strong for soils and efficient

Organic farming promotes soil fertility and biodiversity with good yields overall. However, yields…

Cover of the publication.

The State of Sustainable Markets 2024: Statistics and Emerging Trends

The eighth edition of the State of Sustainable Markets report provides the latest facts and figures…

A group of people in a field.

Voices on biodiversity: "An annual summer school on the topic of agro­biodiversity"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

Five people in front of a poster.

"The future of the Ukrainian organic market is at stake"

Nicolas Lefebvre travelled to Ukraine last December with his colleague Toralf Richter. As part of…

Plants with purple flowers in the foreground, grain field in the background.

A summary of findings: How can organic agriculture be expanded worldwide?

Many countries around the world have formulated targets to increase the share of land under organic…

FiBL stand at an exhibition

FiBL at Biofach 2025

FiBL will again be represented at Biofach in 2025, the world's leading trade fair for organic food.…

OrganicAdviceNetwork Logo.

Innovative Organic Advice Contest

Calling all innovative organic advisory services: The Horizon Europe Project OrganicAdviceNetwork in…

A group of people in a field.

Agrobiodiversity Summer School – apply until mid-February

This year's Agrobiodiversity Summer School will take place in central Germany from 17 to 27 August…

Bettina Dyttrich.

Bettina Dyttrich on biodiversity: "Taking both into account – land and material flows"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

Cover picture of the joint newsletter.

OrganicAdviceNetwork launches its first network activities for advisors in 2025

The OrganicAdviceNetwork project has published its first newsletter and is inviting advisors from…

Anne Challandes.

Anne Challandes on biodiversity: "Biodiversity concerns us all"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

A board in front of a building with information about the Organic World Congress.

FiBL at the 21st IFOAM Organic World Congress in Taiwan

The 21st Organic World Congress (OWC) took place from 30 November to 6 December 2024 in Taiwan. The…

A group of people on a staircase.

Organic Farming Innovations Network Europe successfully kicked off

The European-funded project Organic Farming Innovations Network Europe (OH-FINE), launched on 1…

Cover: Cell fusion free varieties in vegetable production.

Updated list of cell fusion-free vegetable varieties

In collaboration with breeding companies, the organic associations and FiBL Switzerland have revised…

Audience at an event.

Policy and stakeholder engagement for an agroecological transition in Vietnam

Since 2022, FiBL Switzerland has collaborated with the Center of Agricultural Research and…

There is a colony of bacteria in violett, which are round and adhere to orange long structures. The latter are fungal hyphae. There is a scale that says "0.01 millimeters".

An ecological solution against pathogenic fungi

Synthetic fungicides are commonly used to control harmful fungi in conventional agriculture, but…

A soil profile can be seen. At the top is meadow, below that is the cracked, ochre-coloured soil. The top layer of soil is slightly browner.

Today is World Soil Day

Soils provide many different ecosystem services for us. That is why we honour this valuable resource…

A local farmer from Ecuador is stretching his arms towards a cocoa fruit to harvest it. He is in the middle of green leaves from a forest or plantation.

Impacts of the new EU Organic Regulation 2018/848

The new EU organic regulation redefines the rules for international organic production destined for…

FiBL Open Day Logo.

Successful FiBL Open Day on the organic transformation of food systems

On 27 November, FiBL hosted its online Open Day, a full-day virtual event dedicated to the "Organic…

Jolanda Krummenacher.

Jolanda Krummenacher on biodiversity: "A biodiversity target can be achieved with every single area"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

Franz Steiner.

Franz Steiner on biodiversity: "Biodiversity is often destroyed unnecessarily"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

Visual for the online knowledge platform

Webinar: Unlocking the Organic Farm Knowledge Platform

Join us online on 19 November 2024 to get to know the online knowledge platform, managed by FiBL…

A group of people.

Breeding for integrated pest management – advancing resilience through innovative varieties

In October 2024, IPMorama, a 4-year Horizon Europe project, was kicked off. It brings together…

A group of about 25 people are holding a banner.

TransforMed project: promoting agroforestry to regenerate degraded soils in the Southern Mediterranean basin

After decades of intensive farming practices that have degraded soil quality and fertility, as well…

Register and spread the word: FiBL Open Day

We cordially invite you to the second digital FiBL Open Day on 27 November 2024. The topic of the…

A hall with people at tables, and exhibitors.

Global leaders and investors identify steps needed to accelerate use of biocontrol at industry meeting in Basel

The 19th Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting (ABIM) 2024 welcomed 2040 participants from 67…

Ukraine showcases organic and dairy products during SIAL international trade fair in Paris

SIAL Paris, one of the world’s most influential international food exhibitions, returns this year,…

Portrait Peter Meindl.

Peter Meindl on biodiversity: "We support companies in the implementation of new concepts"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

Portrait Martin Bossard.

Martin Bossard on biodiversity: "The urgency is similar to that of climate change"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

Four men and a woman in front of a green background holding a sign with the SPBC logo.
Media release

Growing together: competence centre for Swiss plant breeding

Climate change and new diseases call for new varieties adapted to Switzerland. FiBL Switzerland,…

A group of about 40 people in front of a building.

European project "Pro-Wild" to protect and promote crop wild relatives launched

A ground-breaking European initiative, "Pro-Wild", has officially commenced with the aim of…

A man and a woman in front of a green landscape.
Media release

New faces on the Foundation Council and the Management Board at FiBL Switzerland

Farmer and member of the Cantonal Parliament Colette Basler and Coop manager Marc Muntwyler were…

Portrait Sabine Reinecke.

Sabine Reinecke on biodiversity: "The issue is not off the table"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

Portrait Véronique Chevillat.

Véronique Chevillat on biodiversity: "Nature has an incredible capacity for recovery"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

Portrait Thomas Baumann.

Thomas Baumann on biodiversity: "It brings me joy and pays off financially"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

Cover of the publication.

New handbook on contaminations in organic products

Traces of pesticides in organic food are a controversial topic: on the one hand, consumers need to…

Cover: Duckweed – a useful crop

Duckweed – unknown but full of possibilities? New factsheet for interested parties

Duckweed is a valuable source of protein and a potential crop for animal feed. FiBL Switzerland has…

Pascale Cornuz.

Pascale Cornuz on biodiversity: "A fruitful collaboration"

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…

[Translate to English:] Logo Liveseeding

Challenges and solutions in implementing the EU organic regulation for organic seeds

The implementation of the new EU Organic Regulation, which came into force in January 2022, presents…

Group picture with about 40 persons.

FiBL is part of the newly launched project ReLEAF on bio-based fertilisers

The Horizon Europe project ReLEAF has officially started after a successful kick-off meeting in…

Many young people stand together on a meadow, with a school building in the background.

Second edition of the Organics Europe Youth Event held in Italy

Under the theme "Organic and You(th) – Building resilient food futures", around 130 young…