This year's Agrobiodiversity Summer School will take place in central Germany from 17 to 27 August…
Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…
The OrganicAdviceNetwork project has published its first newsletter and is inviting advisors from…
The 21st Organic World Congress (OWC) took place from 30 November to 6 December 2024 in Taiwan. The…
The European-funded project Organic Farming Innovations Network Europe (OH-FINE), launched on 1…
In collaboration with breeding companies, the organic associations and FiBL Switzerland have revised…
Since 2022, FiBL Switzerland has collaborated with the Center of Agricultural Research and…
Synthetic fungicides are commonly used to control harmful fungi in conventional agriculture, but…
Soils provide many different ecosystem services for us. That is why we honour this valuable resource…
The new EU organic regulation redefines the rules for international organic production destined for…
On 27 November, FiBL hosted its online Open Day, a full-day virtual event dedicated to the "Organic…
Join us online on 19 November 2024 to get to know the online knowledge platform, managed by FiBL…
In October 2024, IPMorama, a 4-year Horizon Europe project, was kicked off. It brings together…
After decades of intensive farming practices that have degraded soil quality and fertility, as well…
We cordially invite you to the second digital FiBL Open Day on 27 November 2024. The topic of the…
The 19th Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting (ABIM) 2024 welcomed 2040 participants from 67…
SIAL Paris, one of the world’s most influential international food exhibitions, returns this year,…
Climate change and new diseases call for new varieties adapted to Switzerland. FiBL Switzerland,…
A ground-breaking European initiative, "Pro-Wild", has officially commenced with the aim of…
Farmer and member of the Cantonal Parliament Colette Basler and Coop manager Marc Muntwyler were…
Traces of pesticides in organic food are a controversial topic: on the one hand, consumers need to…
Duckweed is a valuable source of protein and a potential crop for animal feed. FiBL Switzerland has…
The implementation of the new EU Organic Regulation, which came into force in January 2022, presents…
The Horizon Europe project ReLEAF has officially started after a successful kick-off meeting in…
Under the theme "Organic and You(th) – Building resilient food futures", around 130 young…
In mid-July 2024, the kick-off meeting of the PlantaGo project took place at FiBL in Frick. During…
FiBL Germany will have a new management team starting in January 2025. The long-standing Managing…
A Mediterranean network of five living labs in France, Greece and Spain is laying the foundations…
The Swiss Sustainable Coffee Platform (SSCP) was launched on 6 June 2024 in Bern, with FiBL…
FiBL and Agroscope have conducted the project Recycle4Bio since 2018. A new video shows the first…
The ability to appropriately recycle food processing waste and the promotion of healthy soils are…
Together with partners, FiBL Switzerland has published two photo books that shed light on the…
An international training course on organic cacao production in diversified agroforestry systems…
The kick-off meeting of the European project GrapeBreed4IPM took place mid-April at the Université…
In April 2024, the OrganicAdviceNetwork project, funded by the European Union and Switzerland,…
A recent paper from the FiBL Switzerland demonstrates that organic production systems in the tropics…
In close collaboration with Agrocalidad, Ecuador's organic competent authority, FiBL Switzerland…
It has become increasingly easy to sequence DNA in recent years. In particular, Oxford Nanopore…
Organic agriculture and agroecology have the potential to facilitate the transition towards…