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Voices on biodiversity: "An annual summer school on the topic of agro­biodiversity"

A group of people in a field.

Since 2019, FiBL and the ZHAW have organised an annual summer school for students on the topic of agrobiodiversity - each year in a different European country. (Photo: ZHAW, Fabienne Buchmann)

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is often overlooked. From FiBL's point of view, a high biodiversity on the farm is an important pillar of good organic farming. Over the next few months, we will be giving a number of specialists the opportunity to share their views on the importance of biodiversity in agriculture in our "Voices on Biodiversity" series.

This time, it's about the "Agrobiodiversity Summer School", where a different group of students from all over Europe have been meeting every year since 2019 to take an in-depth look at the topic of agrobiodiversity. FiBL Switzerland, the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW and local partner institutions organise the summer school.

Further information


Adrian Krebs, Media spokesperson FiBL Switzerland
