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Nutrient Management & Symbiosis

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Soil fertility and plant symbioses are central to plant nutrition in organic farming. A fertile soil is in good physical, chemical and biological condition and can fulfil its ecological functions. Symbiotic root fungi (mycorrhiza) particularly promote phosphorus uptake by plants, while nodule bacteria, which live in symbiosis with legumes, make an important contribution to the nitrogen balance. In mixed organic farms, the nutrient cycle between plants and animals is closed as far as possible. However, with every product sold, nutrients are removed, which can cause the soil to become impoverished in the long term. In order to close the nutrient cycle between society (waste, sewage sludge) and agriculture, technologies are required that meet strict hygiene requirements as well as the nutrient and pollutant content of the recycled fertilisers. Additionally, they need to comply with the requirements of organic farming.

We are currently investigating several aspects of nutrient management, including:

  • How can the biological fixation of nitrogen via symbiosis of nodule bacteria and legumes be used optimally?
  • What are the advantages of promoting root fungi in terms of soil structure, phosphorus uptake and resistance to drought?
  • How can the demand for nitrogen be met during phases of intensive plant growth when the supply from the soil is insufficient?
  • Can biochar reduce gaseous nitrogen emissions and losses from nitrogen leaching into the environment?
  • Can the use of recycled fertilisers help avoid a structural dependence of organic farming on conventional animal husbandry?



ongoing CH Encapsulation of bacterial-fungal consortia for agricultural applications (ENHANCE) 01.01.2025 31.12.2028
ongoing CH Bringing degraded soils back to life (Symactiv) 01.01.2025 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Recycling Locally Produced Bio-Wastes to Ensure Affordability and Availability of Innovative Bio-Based Fertilisers (ReLeaf) 01.06.2024 31.05.2028
ongoing CH Influence of cultivation on the functional diversity of the soil in the "Frick trial on preparations and soil" (FunDiv-Frick) 02.04.2024 15.11.2027
ongoing CH Mycorrhiza Implementation Network for Sustainable Agricultural Production 01.04.2024 31.03.2026
ongoing CH Biological nitrification inhibition by Plantago lanceolata to reduce nitrogen losses from agroecosystems (PlantaGO) 01.03.2024 28.02.2028
ongoing CHEU Improving yields in organic cropping systems (OrganicYieldsUP) 01.02.2024 31.01.2028
ongoing CH Relay intercropping – practice-orientated introduction of a climate-resilient, soil-conserving and resource-efficient plant production system 01.01.2024 31.12.2030
ongoing CH Training programme "Soil practitioner" 01.01.2024 31.12.2026
ongoing CH Sulphur supply in organic arable farming 01.01.2024 31.12.2027
completed CH Predicting success of inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi 01.01.2023 31.12.2024
completed CH Soil Practitioner pilot course (Bp2023) 01.01.2023 31.12.2024
ongoing CH Building a European Network for the Characterisation and Harmonisation of Monitoring Approaches for Research and Knowledge on Soils (BENCHMARKS) 01.01.2023 31.12.2027
ongoing CH Vitiforestry – a sustainable strategy for viticulture to cope with climate change? 01.01.2023 31.07.2027
ongoing CH Transformation for sustainable nutrient supply and management (trans4num) 01.12.2022 30.11.2026
ongoing CH Optimisation of nutrient budget in agriculture (NUTRIBUDGET) 01.09.2022 31.08.2026
ongoing CH Root2Res: Root phenotyping and genetic improvement for rotational crops resilient to environmental change (EU Root2Res) 01.09.2022 31.08.2027
ongoing CH Optimisation of nitrogen use efficiency and climate effect of recycled fertilisers in organic agriculture (Recycle4Bio-II) 01.04.2022 31.03.2026
completed CH Microbiome Lighthouse Project 01.01.2022 31.12.2023
ongoing CH Organic conservation agriculture: weed management and soil quality (Adventisol) 01.01.2022 31.12.2025
completed CH Predicting microbial communities 01.01.2022 31.12.2022
completed CH Microplastics from road traffic and biogas slurry in soil (BLW-Mikroplastik) 01.12.2021 31.01.2024
ongoing CH BIOREST - Support for the development of sustainable and resilient organic agriculture in the context of climate change in Tunisia (Biorest) 01.11.2021 31.10.2025
completed CH Statistical basics and data visualisation with the programme R (DatVis) 01.09.2021 31.08.2023
ongoing CH Network of farms committed to the non-use of phytosanitary treatments for seeds (Res0sem) 01.07.2021 31.12.2029
completed CH Swiss spade test – Standardised working basics for agricultural practice and soil protection (Spatenprobe) 01.07.2021 01.07.2024
completed CHEU BIOdiversity of soils and FArming Innovations for improved Resilience in European wheat agrosystems (BIOFAIR) 01.04.2021 31.03.2024
ongoing CH Microbiome Theme Coordination 01.04.2021 31.12.2027
completed CHEU Producing advanced bio-based fertilizers from fisheries wastes (SEA2LAND) 01.01.2021 31.12.2024
completed CH Optimizing Bio-based Fertilisers in Agriculture – Knowledgebase for New Policies (LEX4BIO) 01.06.2019 31.05.2024
completed CH Microbial nitrogen cycling and functional diversity of soil microbes in organic and conventional farming systems under temperate and tropical climates 01.01.2019 30.06.2022
completed CH Replacement of Contentious Inputs in organic farming Systems (RELACS) 01.05.2018 30.04.2022
completed CH Microbiome diagnostics for a sustainable agriculture (Gebert Rüf Microbiome) 01.03.2018 28.02.2021
completed CH Optimal use of recycled fertiliser in organic farming: impact on yields and nitrogen efficiency (Recycle4Bio) 01.05.2017 31.07.2021
completed CH Solutions for improving Agroecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use (SolACE) 01.05.2017 30.09.2022
completed CH Nitrogen use efficiency in arable and vegetable production for reducing nitrate leaching losses to groundwater (NitroGäu) 01.04.2017 30.11.2021
completed CH Managing soil biodiversity and ecosystem services in agroecosystems across Europe under climate change (SOILCLIM) 01.01.2017 31.12.2019
completed CH Pyrophos: Further development of alkali pyrolysis for removal of heavy metals and production of a market-grade P-K fertilizer from sewage sludge (PyroPhos II) 01.01.2017 30.09.2020
completed CH Application of organic bio-fertilizer technology to improve the sustainability of date palm production and cultivation (fertiledatepalm) 01.08.2016 31.07.2019
completed CH Solutions for quality cereal production in low fertilty situations (CerQual) 01.07.2016 30.06.2020
completed CH Pyrolysis of sewage sludge and heavy metal elimination for phosphorus recycling (PyroPhos) 01.11.2014 31.10.2016
completed CH Biofertilization and "bioirrigation" for sustainable mixed cropping of pigeon pea and finger millet (ISCB_BIOFI_BT) 01.05.2014 30.05.2017
completed CH Zinc Biofortification of Wheat through Organic Matter Management in Sustainable Agriculture (ZOMM) 01.11.2013 31.10.2016
completed CH Improved phosphorus resource efficiency in organic agriculture via recycling and enhanced biological mobilization (Improve-P) 01.06.2013 31.12.2016
completed CH Multi-purpose cowpea inoculation for improved yields in small holder farms in Kenya (COWBIA) 01.03.2013 28.02.2016
completed DECH Resource Preservation by Application of BIOefFECTORs in European Crop Production (BIOFECTOR) 01.09.2012 31.08.2017
completed CH Soil and climate friendly crop production in organic farming (COOP BKBA) 01.01.2012 31.12.2016
completed CH Improving nutrient efficiency in major European food, feed and biofuel crops to reduce the negative environmental impact of crop production: Genotype x Management Interaction (NUE-CROPS) 01.05.2009 30.04.2014
completed CH Förderung von arbuskulären Mykorrhizapilzen in einer Chenopodiaceae-Mais-Fruchtfolge durch Untersaaten 01.01.2008 31.03.2011
completed CH Inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and rhizobacteria (PGPR) for sustainable cropping systems in India (ISCB BFNet FiBL (Biofertilizer Network)) 01.01.2008 31.12.2014
completed CH AGronomical and TEChnological methods to improve ORGanic wheat quality (AGTEC-Org) (AGTEC-Org) 01.01.2008 30.04.2012
completed CH Elaboration of standards for site-specified fertilisation systems in organic farming in Europe based on long-term field experiments 01.01.1995 31.12.1997
ongoing CH Fertilizer and substrate evaluation for the Swiss list of approved farm inputs


Group Nutrient Management & Symbiosis
Agostini Lucilla
Climate, bio-based fertilizers, microbiology
+41 (0)62 865-7267
Bodenhausen Natacha
Co-leader of the Group Nutrient Management & SymbiosisMicrobiome, mycorrhiza, plant-microbe interactions
+41 (0)62 865-7299
Bünemann-König Else
Member of the Management BoardHead of the Department of Soil Sciencesnutrient management, soil quality, soil microbiology
+41 (0)62 865-0482
Frick Hanna
Nutrient management, manure and recycling fertilizers, nutrient losses and environment
+41 (0)62 510-5319
Klaus Roman
Analysis of soil, plants and fertilisers
+41 (0)62 865-5030
Lenhardt Melissa
Biological nitrification inhibition, nitrogen dynamics in the soil, soil microbiology
+41 (0)62 510-5332
Munyangabe Adolphe
Laboratory of soil sciences, analysis of soil, plants and fertilisers
+41 (0)62 865-0404
Perrochet Frédéric
Field technology, field trials, sample preparation
+41 (0)62 865-7201
Petris-Symanczik Sarah
Co-leader of the Group Nutrient Management & Symbiosissymbiosis, functional biodiversity, plant nutrition
+41 (0)62 865-0433
Reinhard Sonja
Leader of the molecular biology laboratory
+41 (0)62 865-1715
Reymann Wiebke
Nutrient management, nutrient budgets
+41 (0)62 865-0494
Romero Lozano Ignacio
Microbiome, plant breeding, molecular biology
+41 (0)62 510-5304
Waibel Matthias
Microbiome analysis, soil and climate, rhizosphere
+41 (0)62 510-5318
Wiget Andrea
Leader of the laboratory of soil sciences, analysis of soil, plants and fertilisers
+41(0)62 865 0445