Publications that are not in the Organic Eprints archive
Vogel, C., Bodenhausen, N., Gruissem, W., & Vorholt, J. A. (2016). The Arabidopsis leaf transcriptome reveals distinct but also overlapping responses to colonization by phyllosphere commensals and pathogen infection with impact on plant health. New Phytologist 212 (1), 192-207
Guyer, A., De Vrieze, M., Bönisch, D., Gloor, R., Musa, T., Bodenhausen, N., Bailly, A. and Weisskopf, L. (2015). The Anti-Phytophthora Effect of Selected Potato-Associated Pseudomonas Strains: From the Laboratory to the Field. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6.
Horton, M. W., Bodenhausen, N., Beilsmith, K., Meng, D., Muegge, B. D., Subramanian, S., Vetter, M. M., Vilhjalmsson, B. J., Nordborg, M., Gordon, J. I., Bergelson, J. (2014). Genome-wide association study of Arabidopsis thaliana leaf microbial community. Nature Communications, 5, 1–7.
Bodenhausen, N., Bortfeld-Miller, M., Ackermann, M., Vorholt J.A. A synthetic community approach reveals plant genotypes affecting the phyllosphere microbiota. (2014). PLoS Genetics, 10 (4), e1004283.
Stopnisek, N., Bodenhausen, N., Frey, B., Fierer, N., Eberl L., Weisskopf, L. Genus-wide acid tolerance accounts for the biogeographical distribution of soil Burkholderia populations. (2014). Environmental Microbiology. 16 (6), 1503-1512.
Falk, K.L., Kästner, J., Bodenhausen, N., Schramm, K., Paetz, C., Vassão, D.G., Reichelt, M., von Knorre, D., Bergelson, J., Erb, M., Gershenzon J., and Meldau S. The role of glucosinolates and the jasmonic acid pathway in resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana against molluskan herbivores. (2014) Molecular Ecology. 23, 1188–1203
Bodenhausen, N., Horton, M., and J. Bergelson. Bacterial communities associated with the leaves and the roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. (2013) PLoS ONE 8(2): e56329.
Schweizer, F., Bodenhausen, N., Lassueur, S., Masclaux, F.G., Reymond, P. Differential contribution of transcription factors to Arabidopsis thaliana defence against Spodoptera littoralis. (2013) Frontiers in Plant Science 4:13.
Brankatschk, R., Bodenhausen, N., Zeyer, J. and Burgmann, H. (2012) Simple absolute quantification method correcting for quantitative PCR efficiency variations for microbial community samples. Appl Environ Microbiol, 78, 4481-4489.
Consales, F., Schweizer, F., Erb, M., Gouhier-Darimont, C., Bodenhausen, N., Bruessow, F., Sobhy, I., and Reymond, P. (2012). Insect oral secretions suppress wound-induced responses in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 63, 727-737.
Horton, M., Bodenhausen, N., and Bergelson, J. (2010). MARTA: a suite of Java-based tools for assigning taxonomic status to DNA sequences. Bioinformatics 26, 568-569.
Barrett, L.G., Kniskern, J.M., Bodenhausen, N., Zhang, W., and Bergelson, J. (2009). Continua of specificity and virulence in plant host–pathogen interactions: causes and consequences. New Phytologist 183, 513-529.
Schlaeppi, K. *, Bodenhausen, N. *, Buchala, A., Mauch, F., and Reymond, P. (2008). The glutathione-deficient mutant pad2-1 accumulates less glucosinolates and is more susceptible to the insect herbivore Spodoptera littoralis. Plant Journal 55, 774-786. * Equal contribution
Van Oosten, V.R., Bodenhausen, N., Reymond, P., Van Loon, L.C., Dicke, M., and Pieterse, C.M.J. (2008). Effectiveness of microbially induced resistance against herbivorous insects in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 21: 919-930.
Bodenhausen, N., and Reymond, P. (2007). Signaling pathways controlling induced resistance to insect herbivores in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 20, 1406-1420.
Reymond, P., Bodenhausen, N., Van Poecke, R.M., Krishnamurthy, V., Dicke, M., and Farmer, E.E. (2004). A conserved transcript pattern in response to a specialist and a generalist herbivore. Plant Cell 16, 3132-3147.