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Animal Health

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In organic agriculture there is an a priori focus on aiming to keep livestock healthy, primarily by means of preventive measures. Animal health is dependent on many factors, such as the environment, feeding, husbandry, social behaviour in the herd or flock, and management and care by humans. Holistic animal health concepts take these factors into account. They are the basis of preventive herd health management, which is a focus of our research work.

In organic farming, sick animals should preferably receive complementary medical treatment, such as phytotherapy or homeopathy. Chemically-synthesised medicines, above all antibiotics, should be reduced to a minimum and only used in emergencies. In a variety of research projects we are working on (re-)activating the potential of medicinal plants, as phytotherapy holds great, but currently largely untapped potential for animal health.

A further research focus is on the control of parasites. Parasitic infections are among the most significant health problems of farm animals. As it is currently customary to deworm livestock with synthetic compounds on both organic and non-organic farms, we are working on the development and implementation of alternative control strategies. Moreover, we maintain a parasitology laboratory where we conduct lab tests as part of FiBL research projects and carry out parasitological diagnostic tests for FiBL projects and external clients.



ongoing CH Expert work for Bio Suisse 17.01.2025 30.10.2025
completed CH Status quo of parasite control on organic pig breeding and fattening farms in the canton of Aargau 01.04.2024 15.12.2024
ongoing CH All chicks live: Information on phasing out male chick killing 26.03.2024 31.12.2025
ongoing CHFR Lambs from dairy sheep 01.01.2024 31.12.2026
ongoing CH Poultry slaughter - stress reduction from depopulation to death 01.01.2024 31.12.2027
ongoing CH EU Organic Farming Regulation vs. Bio Suisse legislations 01.11.2023 31.12.2025
ongoing CHEU Medicinal plants for animal health care: Translating tradition into modern veterinary (MedPlants4Vet) 12.10.2023 11.10.2027
ongoing CH Optimisation and reduction of anthelmintic use in Swiss sheep and goat flocks (ORA) 01.07.2023 30.06.2031
ongoing CH Abandoning of male chick-killing in Swiss organic egg production (Biohahn) 01.05.2023 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Natural insect protection for grazing animals in agroforestry systems 01.04.2023 31.03.2026
completed CH Investigating antibiotic resistance genes and antibiotic resistant bacteria in pig manure as a result of the retrospective use of antibiotic (Antibiotikaresistenzen in Schweinegülle) 01.07.2022 31.03.2024
completed CH Organic action plan for the Canton of Valais (Plan d'action Bio pour VS) 01.01.2021 31.12.2023
ongoing CH Synergistic use and protection of natural resources for rural livelihoods through systematic integration of crops, shrubs and livestock in the Sahel (SustainSAHEL) 01.09.2020 01.09.2025
completed CH Therapy of Equine Sarcoid with an orally administered mistletoe extract 01.05.2020 31.12.2024
ongoing CH Increasing longevity of Swiss dairy cows: factors, future scenarios and strategy development 01.04.2020 31.03.2025
completed CH Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Africa (KCOA) 01.04.2020 29.02.2024
completed CH Wurmbekämpfung bei Legehennen 01.01.2020 31.12.2024
completed CHFR Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes (GIN) in goat by low-risk grazing systems in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region (AuRA), France. Evaluation of the effect of summer, winter and mowing breaks on the GIN population on pasture (ParCap AuRA) 01.01.2020 31.12.2022
completed CH Management of bovine gastrointestinal parasites by grazing on the Sorens school farm (Parasito Bovins Fribourg) 01.01.2020 31.12.2022
completed CH Sustainable management of internal parasites in cattle in the canton Vaud and research on anthelmintic resistance 01.01.2020 31.12.2022
completed CH Rethinking of Antimicrobial Decision-Systems in the Management of Animal Production (ROADMAP) 01.06.2019 20.05.2023
completed CH Chemical-free Varroa mite treatment to increase honey bee health 01.04.2019 01.08.2021
completed CH Anthelmintic resistance and targeted treatment in small ruminants and cattle in the canton Vaud – current situation, training and dissemination 01.01.2019 31.12.2020
completed CH SMAll RuminanTs breeding for Efficiency and Resilience (SMARTER) (SMARTER) 01.11.2018 31.10.2022
completed CHDE Preserving Bavarian knowledge for the treatment of farm animals with medicinal plants and natural products 01.10.2018 31.12.2021
completed CH Replacement of Contentious Inputs in organic farming Systems (RELACS) 01.05.2018 30.04.2022
completed CH MIXEd livestock farming for improved sustaiNABiLity and robustnEss of organic livestock (MIX-ENABLE) 01.04.2018 30.09.2021
completed CH ProYoungStock- Promoting young stock and cow health and welfare by natural feeding systems (ProYoungStock) 01.04.2018 30.09.2021
completed CHFR Health of small ruminants and pigs (TRANSAAT) 01.09.2017 30.09.2020
completed CH Wissensaufbau und -vermittlung im Bereich Mutter- und Ammengebundene Kälberaufzucht 01.04.2017 31.12.2019
ongoing CH Monitoring of horse parasites 01.04.2017
completed CHFR Sustainable parasite management in cattle and horses 01.04.2017 30.04.2020
completed CHFR Phytotherapy against Trichostrongylid Parasites - in vitro 01.03.2017 31.03.2019
completed CH Feeding of organic pigs in consideration of fat quality requirements and 100 % organic feeding (Bioschwein100.0) 01.03.2017 31.10.2020
completed CH ImproCalf - Improvement of veal calf health through adaption of rearing conditions on dairy farms (ImproCalf) 01.10.2016 30.09.2019
completed CH Schwere Ochsen (Schwere Ochsen) 01.08.2016 30.09.2018
completed CH The role of science, technology and innovation in ensuring food security by 2030 (UNCTAD Projekt) 01.05.2016 28.02.2017
completed CHFR Administration of Sainfoin pellets - Effects on internal parasites and cheese quality in goats 01.07.2015 31.07.2018
completed CH Prophylactic and therapeutic use of medicinal plants and natural products in calves and piglets 01.01.2015 31.12.2018
ongoing CH Lectures biodynamic school Rheinau 01.01.2015
ongoing CH Parasite diagnosis in cattle 05.03.2014
completed CH Aromatherapie zur Kontrolle von inneren Parasiten bei der Ziege 01.02.2014 31.12.2014
ongoing CH Ram pasture 01.01.2014
completed CH Sainfoin – a valuable forage plant for the Swiss agricultural environment 01.01.2014 31.12.2017
completed CH Legumes and seaweed as alternative protein sources for sheep 01.01.2014 31.12.2017
completed CH Lehrmittel für den Unterricht an Berufsfachschulen (Schwerpunkt Biolandbau) 01.10.2013 30.09.2015
completed CH Agricultural Centre Visp 01.01.2013 31.12.2016
completed CH BIOSUISSE extension in animal feeding (BIOSUISSE Fütterungsberatung) 01.01.2012
completed CH Kometian: Komplementärmedizinisches Tierheilangebot (Kometian) 01.01.2012 31.12.2023
completed CH Kontrolle von inneren Parasiten bei der Ziege durch gezielte Entwurmung und der Verfütterung von Esparsette (Onobrychis viciifolia) 01.08.2011 31.12.2012
completed CH Prevalence, risk assessment and control of heifer mastitis in Switzerland 01.07.2011 31.07.2014
completed CH The genetic basis for the selection of goats resistant to gastrointestinal nematodes (CAPARA) 01.04.2011 01.10.2013
completed CH Herdengrösse in Bio-Legehennenhaltungen 01.01.2011 31.07.2012
ongoing CH Herbal feed supplement – Field trial 01.10.2010
ongoing CH Safeguarding traditional knowledge of livestock treatment with medicinal plants and natural substances 01.06.2010
completed CH Weleda Extension (Weleda Beratung) 01.01.2010
ongoing CH Problematic parasites in organic livestock 01.01.2010
completed CH Mineralstoffversorgung von Milchkühen im biologisch-dynamischen Landbau ohne Mineralfutterzugabe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Phosphors 01.01.2010 31.12.2011
completed CH Influence of minimized concentrate feeding on animal health and performance of Swiss organic dairy cows (Feed no Food) 01.10.2009 01.10.2010
completed CH Development of integrated livestock breeding and management strategies to improve animal health, product quality and performance in European organic and 'low input' milk, meat and egg production (LOWINPUTBREEDS) 01.05.2009 30.04.2014
completed CH Arthropod symbioses: from fundamental studies to pest and disease management 01.04.2009 31.03.2012
completed CH Auswirkung der Blauzungenimpfung 01.01.2009 31.12.2009
completed CH Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Tränkequalität auf Entwicklung und Gesundheit von Kälbern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Infektionen der juvenilen Milchdrüse 01.01.2009 31.12.2012
completed CH Production et Valorisation des plantes et fourrages favorisant la santé et l’élevage des animaux de rente 01.01.2008 31.03.2012
completed CH Parasitenresistenz und Fleischqualität von Schweizer Schafen – mit Fokus auf alte und bedrohte Rassen 01.01.2008 31.12.2009
completed CH Minimierung des Tierarzneimitteleinsatzes in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung (ANIPLAN) 15.06.2007 30.06.2011
completed CH Konstitution und Tiergesundheit 01.01.2007 31.12.2009
completed CH Body Condition Scoring (BCS) als Werkzeug der Fütterungskontrolle im Biobetrieb (BCS) 01.01.2005 31.12.2007
completed CH QualityLowInputFood WP 4.1: Development of improved preventive management strategies for endo- and ectoparasites and bacterial zoonoses of pigs and poultry (QLIF, WP 4.1) 01.03.2004 31.05.2009
completed CH QualityLowInputFood WP 4.5: Development of efficient farm and/or farmer group specific mastitis prevention plans (QLIF, WP 4.5) 01.03.2004 31.05.2009
completed CH QualityLowInputFood WP 4.2: Development of alternative treatment strategies for of endo- and ectoparasites of pigs and poultry (QLIF, WP 4.2) 01.03.2004 31.05.2009
completed CH QualityLowInputFood: Improving quality and safety and reduction of cost in the European organic and 'low input' supply chains (QLIF) 01.03.2004 31.05.2009
completed CH Ektoparasitenkontrolle 01.01.2004 31.12.2007
completed CH Endoparasitenbefall beim Rind 01.01.2004 31.12.2007
completed CH Mastitisfaktoren: Einfluss von Lärm und Vibrationen auf die Eutergesundheit von Milchkühen 01.01.2004 31.12.2007
completed CH Bestandesbetreuung und antibiotikafreies Tiergesundheitsmanagement in der Schweiz (Pro-Q) 01.05.2003 01.05.2009
completed CH Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic Farming (SAFO) 01.03.2003 31.08.2006
ongoing CH Kontrolle von gastrointestinalen Nematoden von Wiederkäuern mit dem nematophagen Pilz Duddingtonia flagrans 01.01.2003
ongoing CH Beratungen Pro-Q 01.01.2003
completed CH Präventive Tiergesundheitskonzepte: Klinische Prüfung von Homöopathika (Nosoden) in der Kontrolle von Mastitiden des Rindes (NoKoM) (Nosoden) 01.10.2002 30.11.2004
completed CH Effect of human-animal relationship and management on udder health in Swiss dairy herds (MTB) 01.08.2002 31.12.2007
ongoing CH Effect and efficiancy of mistletoetherapy (Iscador®) in animals and implemantation of the special treatmentprotocol in veterinary practice. Advisory service and support for veterinarians and pet and horse owner. 01.01.2001
completed CH Praxisuntersuchung in Rinderbeständen zur Anwendung der klassischen Homöopathie (HomöoPUR) 01.01.2001 01.12.2004
completed CH Mistel: Mistelextrakte (ISCADOR®) in der Behandlung von Tumoren bei Kleintieren und Pferden 01.01.2000 31.12.2007
ongoing CH Parasitenüberwachungsprogramm für kleine Wiederkäuer - BGK 01.01.2000
completed CH Placebokontrollierte Wirksamkeitsprüfung von Homöopathika in der Behandlung klinischer Euterentzündungen des Rindes (RCT-Studie) (Brodowin 3) 01.01.2000 31.12.2004
completed CH Endoparasitenbefall bei kleinen Wiederkäuern 01.01.1999 30.11.1999
completed CH Mastitistherapie mit Mistelpräparaten Misteltherapie mit ISCADOR® in der Mastitis des Rindes 01.01.1999 31.12.2002
completed CH Zucht von Geflügel auf Parasitenresistenz 01.01.1999 30.11.1999
completed CH Flubenolersatz Bio Suisse 01.01.1999 31.12.1999
completed CH Grundlagenforschung zu verschiedenen ISCADOR-Applikationstechniken beim Schwein 01.01.1999 31.12.2002
completed CH Mastitiskontrolle in Bündener Bergbetrieben 01.01.1999 31.12.2002
completed CH Hochpotenzhomöopathika in der Prophylaxe und Therapie subklinischer Euterentzündungen (Brodowin) 01.01.1998 31.12.2001
completed CH Homöopathische Mastitisbehandlung und -prophylaxe 01.02.1997 31.12.2000
completed CH Homöopathie zur Regulierung der Eutergesundheit in grossen Biobetrieben (Brodowin 1) 01.01.1996 31.12.1999
ongoing CH List of inputs allowed in Swiss organic agriculture 01.01.1992
ongoing CH Prophylactic and therapeutic use of medicinal plants in poultry (Phyto Geflügel)
ongoing CH Grundlagenforschung Homöopathie
completed CH Parasitenbefall bei Nicht-Wiederkäuern
completed CH Parasitenbefall bei Tieren auf Biobetrieben (Parasitenbefall)


Group Animal Health
Amsler-Kepalaite Zivile
Field trials, laboratory of livestock sciences
+41 (0)62 865-7259
Beermann Anke
Mistletoe therapy, horses, podcast
+41(0)62 865-6369
Biegel Ulrike
Mistletoe therapy, phytotherapy, dogs, cats
+41 (0)62 865-0407
Bonnefous Claire
Research and advisory services on poultry production, poultry health and welfare
+41 (0)62 865-1757
Clottu Ophélie
Mistletoe therapy, horses
+41 (0)62 865-7272
Cvejic Sandra
Laboratory of Livestock Sciences, head of parasitology laboratory
+41 (0)62 865-6394
Leubin Markus
Technical assistance livestock sciences
+41 (0)79 392-3279
Maeschli Ariane
Health of dairy cows, ruminants, complementary medicine
+41 (0)62 865-0428
Maurer Veronika
Co-leader of the Group Animal Healthcoordination laboratory of livestock sciences, internal and external parasites
+41 (0)62 865-7257
Nussbaum Anette
Laboratory of Livestock Sciences, deputy head of parasitology laboratory
+41 (0)62 865-0465
Schlittenlacher Theresa
Ethno veterinary medicine, phytotherapy
+41 (0)62 510-5308
Thüer Susann
Field trials, internal parasites in ruminants, laboratory of livestock sciences
+41 (0)62 865-0406
Walkenhorst Michael
Member of the Management BoardCo-head of the Department of Livestock SciencesCo-leader of the Group Animal Healthpreventive medicine, medicinal plants, phytotherapy, ethnoveterinary medicine
+41 (0)62 865-7286
Werne Steffen
Research and extension internal parasites in ruminants
+41 (0)62 865-0451