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Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes (GIN) in goat by low-risk grazing systems in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region (AuRA), France. Evaluation of the effect of summer, winter and mowing breaks on the GIN population on pasture

Original titleMaîtrise du parasitisme par les Strongles Gastro Intestinaux (SGI) en élevage caprin pour développer les systèmes pâturants en région Auverne Rhône-Alpes

Gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) are a major problem in small ruminant production and goat farmers are facing increasing problems
with anthelmintic (AH) resistance. The overall objective of ParCap AuRA is to help goat breeders to better manage GIN parasitism in the frame of the reduction of AH use. The project gathers researchers, veterinarians and consultants in animal production and aims to:

  1. identify the diversity of practices with respect to parasite management and the breeders needs;
  2. optimize coprological analysis by improving shipping conditions from farms to laboratories;
  3. evaluate various periods of pasture spelling and their effect on the reduction of GIN infectivity in different climatic situations;
  4. assess the efficacy of available AH for goat treatment;
  5. share results with farmers.

FiBL France is responsible for the action 3. Pasture GIN infectivity will indirectly be estimated with tracer animals before and after pasture spelling.
Three types of spellings will be studied: winter-, summer- and mowing spells. Eight on-farm trials representative for the geographical and climatic locations of the AuRA region will be conducted and repeated for two consecutive years.

It should thus be possible to give recommendations to farmers which pasture spelling periods are needed to reduce GIN infectivity and are suitable for different climatic conditions of the AuRA region.

Financing/ Donor
  • Région Auvergne Rhône Alpes
Project partners
  • GDS AuRA
  • EPLEFPA Olivier de Serres / ferme du Pradel
  • VetAgro Sup
  • GTV RA
  • Cap’Pradel
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff (people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
FiBL project number 70023
Date modified 07.12.2022