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Society & Innovation

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The thematic area "Society & Innovation" works on the following three main topics. Studying these topics we apply various approaches, theoretical and conceptual frameworks: Knowledge exchange, Innovation processes, Motivations, Governance and Policy, Power and Justice.

1. Urban food systems and urban-rural relationships; producer-consumer relationships

In close collaboration with cities, we study policies and governance models of urban food systems and urban-rural relationships, and analyse local food flows. Sustainability assessment of urban food systems is provided in collaboration with the respective thematic area. The methods applied are continuously further developed.

2. Farm, Rural and Regional development; supply chains

We work on developing innovative models for food governance at regional (and city) level, including new food and farming business models. These new models can cover business models for single farms as well as wider producer-consumer networks, involving new actors, such as gastronomy. The basis for the development of these new food governance models are studies on perceptions, meanings, motivations, networks and roles of the involved actors.

3. Organic 3.0: role of different stakeholders in implementing it

We contribute to the debate on the further development of organic agriculture (Organic 3.0) by including social and societal aspects, by studying actors’ visions on the development of the organic movement, and from this learn what is needed to achieve a shift in the current vision of the organic concept. Topics we are particularly interested in range from the challenges of digitalisation to potential new ways for securing compliance with the principles of organic agriculture (such as participatory guarantee systems).

Further information

Urban areas


Olivier Ejderyan


ongoing CH Bridging ecological and socio-economic sciences to enhance our understanding of the interactions between managed and wild bees (BEENERGIA) 01.06.2025 30.05.2029
ongoing CH Nature based smart water grids for integrated water and drougth management (WATERGRID) 01.03.2025 28.02.2029
ongoing CH Protect and Promote Crop Wild Relatives (PRO-WILD) 01.09.2024 31.08.2029
ongoing CH Retrieving novel TEXtile solutions from MArine and TERrestrial biomass (TexMaTer) 01.09.2024 31.08.2028
ongoing CH Sowing seeds of change: Exploring the transformation pathways and socio-ecological implications of a biodiversity-friendly Swiss food system (BioFriend) 01.08.2024 31.03.2025
ongoing CH Spreading Open and Inclusive Soil Literacy and Soil Culture through Artistic Practices and Education (SoilScape) 01.06.2024 31.05.2028
ongoing CH Affordable and eThical TracEability SysTEms to support proDucer-consumer relationships in small and medium supply chains (ATTESTED) 01.04.2024 31.03.2025
completed CH Teaching at University of Fribourg "Rural Geography" 22.02.2024 31.07.2024
ongoing CH Self-harvest gardens and crowdfarming: promoting innovative producer-consumer partnerships in Switzerland 01.01.2024 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Agrivoltaic (AgriSolar Forschung) 02.10.2023 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Optimisation and reduction of anthelmintic use in Swiss sheep and goat flocks (ORA) 01.07.2023 30.06.2031
ongoing CH A holistic frameWork with Anticounterfeit and inTelligence-based technologieS that will assist food chain stakehOlders in rapidly identifying and preventing the spread of fraudulent practices (WATSON) 01.03.2023 28.02.2026
completed ATCH Complementary study to create a substantial market and scalable value chains for paludiculture products 01.01.2023 31.05.2023
ongoing CH Nature-Based Solutions for Soil Management (NBSOIL) 01.12.2022 30.11.2026
ongoing CH Understanding Plural values, intersectionality, leverage points, Attitudes, Norms, behaviour and social lEarning in Transformation for Biodiversity decision making (EU Planet4B) 01.11.2022 31.10.2025
ongoing CH ENcouraging FArmers towards sustainable farming SYstems through policy and business Strategies (ENFASYS) 01.09.2022 30.08.2026
completed CH Mainstreaming transdisciplinarity in teaching and research 01.08.2022 31.08.2023
completed CH C-Atoms for Circular Chemistry (CO2NVERT) 01.04.2022 20.09.2023
ongoing CH Agroecological transition and organic certification in Vietnam to empower rural communities (SNF Agro-econvert) 01.04.2022 31.03.2025
ongoing CH Course on biodiversity consulting on farms 01.01.2022 31.12.2026
ongoing CH Goal-oriented biodiversity promotion in the Canton of Zurich (ZiBiF) 01.06.2020 01.06.2028
completed CH Animal ethics 07.04.2020 31.12.2022
completed CH Let’s Talk About BetterGardens 01.04.2020 30.04.2022
ongoing CH Increasing longevity of Swiss dairy cows: factors, future scenarios and strategy development 01.04.2020 31.03.2025
completed CH What does Zurich eat? Scope for action on a local level to promote a more sustainable nutrition 01.11.2019 30.06.2021
completed CH Linking Urban and Inner-Alpine Green Infrastructure - Multifunctional Ecosystem Services for more liveable territories (LUIGI) 01.10.2019 03.06.2022
completed CH Digitisation: Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas (DESIRA) 01.06.2019 31.05.2023
completed CH BioSuisse Neues Kontrollmodell 01.01.2019 01.02.2020
completed CH Better Rural Innovation: Linking Actors, Instruments and Policies through Networks (LIAISON) 01.05.2018 01.11.2021
completed CH Networking European Farms to Enhance Cross Fertilisation and Innovation Uptake through Demonstration (NEFERTITI) 01.01.2018 30.09.2022
completed CHDE Intelligent Linking of Governmental Measures and Private Initiatives to Improve Environmental and Social Standards in Global Value Chains, Using the Example of the Textile Industry (SMART-MiX+PI) 01.11.2017 31.03.2020
completed CH Agriculture - quo vadis? Sustainability assessment of selected development paths 01.04.2017 31.07.2018
completed CH Peer-to-peer Learning: Accessing Innovation through Demonstration (PLAID) 01.01.2017 30.06.2019
completed CH ImproCalf - Improvement of veal calf health through adaption of rearing conditions on dairy farms (ImproCalf) 01.10.2016 30.09.2019
completed CH Local food systems as key to comprehensive integrative governance of sustainability (KERNiG) (KERNiG) 01.01.2016 30.09.2019
completed CH Cooking and eating as an aesthetic practice. An explorative study 01.01.2016 31.12.2018
completed CH Enhancing SME competitiveness and sustainability in the organic sector (SME-ORGANICS) 01.01.2016 31.12.2019
completed CH BetterGardens: Soil quality, biodiversity, and social value of urban gardens (Sinergia BetterGardens) 01.01.2015 31.12.2018
completed CH The share of local food in the total consumption of the city of Freiburg 01.01.2015 30.11.2015
completed CH The Role of Urban Agriculture for a Sustainable Urban Food System (Ernährungssystem Basel, Urban Agriculture Basel) 01.02.2014 29.02.2016
completed CH Impact of Research on EU Agriculture (IMPRESA) 01.11.2013 31.12.2016
completed CH An integrated approach to diversify the genetic base, improve stress resistance, agronomic management and nutritional/processing quality of minor cereal crops for human nutrition in Europe (HEALTHYMINORCEREALS) 01.09.2013 31.08.2018
completed CH Allotment Garden ‐ Organic Garden: Approaches to encouraging the greening of urban areas 01.02.2013 31.12.2014
completed CH Global and Local food chain Assessment: a Multidimensional performance-based approach (GLAMUR) 01.02.2013 31.01.2016
completed CH Addressing socio-economic regional disparities: the potential of organic farming for strengthening rural areas in Bulgaria 01.01.2013 31.12.2015
completed CH Towards sustainable modes of urban and peri-urban food provisioning (SUPURBFOOD) 01.10.2012 30.09.2015
completed CH Expansion of the Sustainability and Organic Livestock Model 01.06.2012 30.06.2013
completed CH Data network for better European organic market information (OrganicDataNetwork) 01.01.2012 31.12.2014
completed CH Knowledge-based Sustainable value-added food chains: innovative tools for monitoring ethical, environmental and Socio-economic impActs and implementing Eu-Latin America shared strategies (SALSA) 01.05.2011 30.04.2014
completed CH SOLINSA: Support of learning and innovation networks for sustainable agriculture (SOLINSA) 01.02.2011 31.01.2014
completed CH Knowledge brokerage to promote sustainable food consumption and production: linking scientists, policymakers and civil society organisations (FOODLINKS) 01.01.2011 31.12.2013
completed CH What does climate protection mean for my holding? Workshops for organic farm managers. (Climate Workshops) (Klima-Workshops) 01.01.2011 28.02.2015
completed CH A common data exchange system for agricultural systems 12.01.2009 11.03.2012
completed CH An innovative approach to enhance biodiversity on farmland: A credit point system (MVP) 01.01.2008 31.12.2016
completed CH Encouraging Collective Farmers Marketing Initiatives (COFAMI) 01.09.2005 31.05.2008
completed CH Developing the entrepreneurial skills of farmers (EU-ESOF) 01.04.2005 31.03.2008
completed CH Harmonised and standardised procedures for evaluation of plant protection products, fertilizers and soil conditioners for use in organic agriculture (ORGANIC INPUTS EVALU) 01.01.2003 31.12.2005
completed CH Massnahmen zur Reduktion der Nitratauswaschung im Klettgau 01.01.1996 31.12.1999
completed CH Situationsanalyse und Entwicklungsperspektiven milchviehhaltender Betriebe in Bergregionen 01.01.1996 31.12.1999
completed CH European network for scientific research co-ordination in organic farming 01.01.1995 31.12.1998


Group Society & Innovation
Bazrafshan Mahsa
Environment & society relationships, social sustainability, innovation studies
+41 (0)62 865-7270
Ejderyan Olivier
Leader of the Group Society & InnovationWater-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus, transformations to sustainability, transdisciplinary research
+41 (0)62 865-0444
Felder Tamina
Sustainable farming and food systems
+41 (0)62 865-0498
Frick Rebekka
Transformation research, biodiversity promotion, knowledge and innovation systems
+41 (0)62 865-7223
Home Robert
Deputy Leader of the Group Society & Innovationsocial research, participatory research, innovation support
+41 (0)62 865-7215
Jahrl Ingrid
Urban food systems, institutional development of the organic sector
+41 (0)62 865-7250
Lapuh Lucija
Society, sustainability, regional development
+41 (0)62 865-1756
Laurenti Cristina
Research on sustainable consumption, sustainable and healthy diets, nexus between agroecology and nutrition
+41 (0)62 865-6385
Sabir Ghezal
Behaviour change, sustainable diets
+41 (0)62 510-5314
Schmid Otto
Standards and markets, policy advice, rural development
+41 (0)62 865-7272