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Cooking and eating as an aesthetic practice. An explorative study

Original titleKochen und Essen als ästhetische Praxis. Eine explorative Studie

Cooking has become an important cultural field since the 21st century. Apart from the significant role of food production in natural sciences,cooking also focusses on cuisine, design, art, gastronomy and a sustainable understanding of agriculture.

This boom of food and eating contradicts the “crisis of eating” stated by Kimmich and Schahadat in 2012 and the increasing divergence of dietary needs and reality (Rudolph and Bassett 2014).

Core aspects of eating and cooking are defined in this artistic project by use of a discourse analysis as well as a survey of cooks and their guests. Based on the results, artistic models for alternative food practices will be developed.

Financing/ Donor
Project partners

Prof. Dr. Nicolaj van der Meulen, Prof. Dr. Jörg Wiesel (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Institut Ästhetische Praxis und Theorie)

Project Advisory Board
  • Robert Home, Bernadette Oehen, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, Departement für Agrar- und Ernährungssysteme,
  • Atelier Mondial, Internationales Austausch- und Atelierprogramm Region Basel,
  • Dr. Alexandra Stäheli Basque Culinary Center, San Sebastián,
  • Dr. Elena Urdaneta, Research and Development Director Hochschule Fulda,
  • Prof. Dr. Jana Rückert-John, Professur für Soziologie des Essens Hochschule für Bildende Kunst Hamburg,
  • Prof. Michaela Melián Max-Planck Institut für Polymerforschung, Mainz,
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas A. Vilgis (Food Science and Soft Matter) Philosophie,
  • Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernhard Waldenfels, München/Bochum,
  • Béla Barta Pro Specie Rara, Schweiz. Stiftung für die kulturhistorische Vielfalt von Pflanzen und Tieren,
  • Stefan Wiesner Rössli Gasthaus, Escholzmatt, Chefkoch


FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
Role of FiBL

Projektpartner, Befragung von Konsumenten sowie Köchinnen und Köchen

FiBL project number 35125
Date modified 30.09.2022