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Support FiBL

Become involved as a sponsor and patron of FiBL, invest in organic farming and a sustainable future.

A receipt for donations can be issued on request. Your donations and legacies to all FiBL organizations are used as follows:

  • To fund innovative research and consultancy projects for which funding sources have not yet been found.
  • Donations and legacies are also important in providing FiBL with the freedom and independence to address vital issues of major relevance to society. Such issues include the contribution made by organic farming to climate change mitigation, the conservation of nature and biodiversity thanks to sustainable management practices, matters of animal welfare, nutritional habits and human health.
  • Financing state-of-the-art research infrastructure and trial systems without taking recourse to banks.

If you have any queries relating to donations and legacies, Jürn Sanders (Switzerland), Rebecca Franz-Wippermann (Germany) und Andreas Kranzler (Austria) will be pleased to help.

FiBL Switzerland

FiBL Switzerland is a non-profit foundation. Contributions in the form of donations or legacies are tax-exempt. You can deduct part or all of your donations from your taxes in accordance with the relevant cantonal tax law.

Details of the charitable donations account of FiBL Switzerland are:
Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, Ackerstr. 113, CH-5070 Frick
Aargauische Kantonalbank, CH-4310 Rheinfelden
IBAN: CH94 0076 1045 0013 9206 6

Jürn Sanders, Chairman of the Management Board FiBL Switzerland

FiBL Germany

Donations to FiBL Deutschland e.V. are tax-deductible.
If you would like to donate, please contact the Managing director Rebecca Franz-Wippermann, who will provide you with the donation account.

FiBL Austria

Bank details for FiBL Austria are:
IBAN: AT33 3200 0000 0067 6452
Raiffeisenlandesbank NÖ-Wien AG

Please address any queries relating to tax deductibility to
Andreas Kranzler, Director FiBL Austria