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Soil Fertility & Climate

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Soils are habitats; they regulate material and energy cycles, produce food and feedstuff, they serve as building ground, store raw materials and preserve information from natural and cultural history. Many of these ecosystem services are closely linked to the quantity and quality of soil organic matter (humus). This matter contributes greatly to improving plant productivity and health, water retention capacity as well as tolerance to drought and extreme weather events. An intact and functioning soil is of particular importance for organic farming systems, as they depend largely on biologically driven processes. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the adaptive capacity to climate change also play an important role in the sustainable development of future cultivation systems. We, therefore, need to better understand which agricultural measures improve the soil and we need to progress towards the sustainable intensification of organic farming. We also need to develop a system that rewards farmers for improving the environmental quality.

We are currently looking into the following questions, among others:

  • Through which measures and to what extent does organic farming contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to binding CO2 in the soil through the formation of stable humus?
  • How can organic farming contribute to adaptation to climate change?
  • How can the potential of organic farming be recognised and promoted?
  • Which indicators of soil quality are particularly suitable for identifying effects of soil management? Which digital technologies can optimise the assessment?
  • What does a self-sufficient and climate-neutral organic farm look like?
  • Using simple methods, how can farmers investigate by themselves how fertile their soil is?


Further information

Organic farming and climate change


ongoing CH Intercantonal long-term forest inventory: inclusion of silver fir in the monitoring programme 01.10.2024 31.12.2026
ongoing CH Deploying ecosystemic solutions to improve soil health and uncovering subsoil functions in the critical zone (DeepHorizon) 01.09.2024 31.08.2028
ongoing CH Influence of cultivation on the functional diversity of the soil in the "Frick trial on preparations and soil" (FunDiv-Frick) 02.04.2024 15.11.2027
ongoing CH Biological nitrification inhibition by Plantago lanceolata to reduce nitrogen losses from agroecosystems (PlantaGO) 01.03.2024 28.02.2028
ongoing CHEU Improving yields in organic cropping systems (OrganicYieldsUP) 01.02.2024 31.01.2028
ongoing CHEU A pilot network of organic farming actors contributing to the uptake of climate farming and its co-benefits for a carbon neutral and climate resilient Europe (OrganicClimateNET) 01.02.2024 31.01.2028
ongoing CH Agrivoltaic (AgriSolar Forschung) 02.10.2023 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Linking soil biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services in different land uses: from the identi­fication of drivers, pressures and climate change resilience to their economic valuation (BIOservicES) 01.09.2023 31.08.2028
ongoing CH Capitalization of Agroecological Research Evidence from the r4d programme in West Africa (CARE R4D) 01.04.2023 30.03.2026
ongoing CH Vitiforestry – An adaptation strategy for viticulture to climate change and biodiversity loss (ArboViti) 01.01.2023 30.12.2025
completed CH Bioinformatics Server for Big Data (BSBD) 01.01.2023 31.12.2024
ongoing CH Monetary valuation of soil ecosystem services and creation of initiatives to invest in soil health (InBestSoil) 01.01.2023 31.12.2026
ongoing CH Building a European Network for the Characterisation and Harmonisation of Monitoring Approaches for Research and Knowledge on Soils (BENCHMARKS) 01.01.2023 31.12.2027
ongoing CH Nature-Based Solutions for Soil Management (NBSOIL) 01.12.2022 30.11.2026
ongoing CH A European-wide network of pilot farmers implementing and demonstrating climate smart solutions for a carbon neutral Europe (Climate Farm Demo) 01.10.2022 30.09.2029
ongoing CH Strategies for the adaptation of arable farming systems to climate change and their contribution to climate protection in the Upper Rhine region (KLIMACrops) 01.10.2022 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Variety trials in winter oats 01.09.2022 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Variety trial of faba beans for feed and food purposes 01.09.2022 31.12.2025
completed CH Recycling palm oil production residues by composting (Côte d'Ivoire Compost huile de palme) 01.09.2022 28.02.2025
ongoing CH Climate friendly organic palm and coconut oil production in the tropics 01.09.2022 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Agriculture - Climate Protection and Climate Adaptation with Biochar (Charclim) 01.06.2022 31.12.2026
ongoing CH Long-term monitoring of soil-optimized cultivation Plantahof 01.03.2022 31.12.2032
ongoing CH Climate protection through humus formation 01.02.2022 31.12.2027
ongoing CH Organic conservation agriculture: weed management and soil quality (Adventisol) 01.01.2022 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Climate Neutral Farms (ClieNFarms) 01.01.2022 31.12.2025
completed CH Microplastics from road traffic and biogas slurry in soil (BLW-Mikroplastik) 01.12.2021 31.01.2024
ongoing CH Markets and Seeds Access Project for Small Grains and Legumes in Zambia and Zimbabwe (MASAP) 01.12.2021 30.11.2033
ongoing CH Black goes green: Influence of biochar on soil water balance and chemical soil quality 01.09.2021 31.08.2025
ongoing ATCH MIcro- and NAno-Plastics in AGRIcultural Soils: sources, environmental fate and impacts on ecosystem services and overall sustainability (MINAGRIS) 01.09.2021 31.08.2026
ongoing CH Developing biological soil quality indicators as affected by biochar amendment (BGG-BB) 01.09.2021 31.12.2025
completed CH Swiss spade test – Standardised working basics for agricultural practice and soil protection (Spatenprobe) 01.07.2021 01.07.2024
completed CH Optimizing the Integration of Organic Resources in Ghana's Local Agricultural Systems 01.06.2021 30.06.2023
completed CH Climate-neutral agriculture in Graubünden 01.01.2021 31.12.2024
ongoing CH Synergistic use and protection of natural resources for rural livelihoods through systematic integration of crops, shrubs and livestock in the Sahel (SustainSAHEL) 01.09.2020 01.09.2025
completed CH C-sequestration in soils: potentials and limits to quantify, requirements for incentive programs and proof of their effectiveness (Postulat Bourgeois Q4) 01.07.2020 30.04.2021
completed CH Postulat Bourgeois: “Soil carbon sequestration in Switzerland: analysis of potentials and measures” 01.06.2020 31.12.2021
completed CH Sammlung bodenbiologischer Studien mit einem Standort-Bezug in der Schweiz (BAFU GraueLiteratur) 01.05.2020 30.04.2022
ongoing CH Black goes green - Long-term on-farm trial on the climate impact of biochar in agriculture (Black goes green) 01.02.2020 31.12.2027
completed CH Pilotprojekt 3V - Bodenindikatoren 01.01.2020 31.12.2022
completed CH Bodenqualitätsindikatoren BQI-CH Perspektivmethode Infrarot-Spektroskopie 01.11.2019 01.02.2021
completed CH Konzeption und Umsetzung des Klimafolgen-Bodenmonitoring-Verbunds für die Themen Bodenbiologie und organische Bodensubstanz (Verbund20: Klimafolgen-Bodenmonitoring) 14.10.2019 31.12.2020
completed CH Food Systems Caravan 01.09.2019 31.12.2021
completed CH Dynamics of carbon sequestration and stabilisation in a long-term agricultural trial (DynaCarb) 01.01.2019 31.12.2022
completed CH Microbial nitrogen cycling and functional diversity of soil microbes in organic and conventional farming systems under temperate and tropical climates 01.01.2019 30.06.2022
completed CH Soil quality indicators: Applied soil quality concepts and how they are useful to reach sustainable development goals 01.08.2018 15.12.2018
completed CH Klimawirkung von Recyclingdüngern und Pflanzenkohle: Emissionen von Lachgas, Methan und Ammoniak in einem Feldversuch 12.03.2018 30.06.2022
completed CH SOCORT – Kohlenstoffsequestrierung durch reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung im Biolandbau (SOCORT/SOCORT2) 01.10.2017 31.12.2019
completed CH Optimal use of recycled fertiliser in organic farming: impact on yields and nitrogen efficiency (Recycle4Bio) 01.05.2017 31.07.2021
completed CH Solutions for improving Agroecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use (SolACE) 01.05.2017 30.09.2022
completed CH Guidance values for soil organic matter in arable soils. Opportunities for implementation. 01.04.2017 31.08.2018
completed CH Managing soil biodiversity and ecosystem services in agroecosystems across Europe under climate change (SOILCLIM) 01.01.2017 31.12.2019
completed CH Treibhausgasbilanz: Treibhausgas-Emissionen aus landwirtschaftlichen Böden in der Schweiz 01.12.2016 30.11.2017
completed CH Thematische Synthese “Boden und Umwelt” (NFP 68) 01.12.2016 30.11.2017
completed CH Educational Training Initative ESGberater “Climate strategist”: climate change mitigation and adaptation of the German agriculture sector 01.08.2016 01.03.2017
completed CHDE IFOAM-EU climate study 01.06.2016 31.12.2016
completed CH Indicators and monitoring of agricultural soil biodiversity (BioDivSol) 01.02.2016 31.12.2022
completed CH Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience (iSQAPER) 01.05.2015 30.04.2020
completed CH Transdisciplinary systems research to develop a novel holistic concept for reducing the spread and impact of Cocoa Swollen Shoot Virus Disease in West Africa (TransdisCSSVD) 01.04.2015 31.12.2018
completed CH Sustainable provisioning of multiple ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes (ECO-SERVE) (ECO-SERVE) 01.01.2015 31.12.2017
completed CH Fertility Building Management Measures in Organic Cropping Systems (FertilCrop) 01.01.2015 31.12.2017
completed CH Potential of Sustainable Land-Use Systems to Promote Adaptation to Climate Change 01.12.2013 31.05.2017
completed CH Structure and function of N2O producing and reducing microbial communities as influenced by soil management (NFP 68 – denitrification) 01.04.2013 30.03.2016
completed CH Determination of sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in Swiss arable soils 01.04.2012 31.03.2016
completed CH Soil and climate friendly crop production in organic farming (COOP BKBA) 01.01.2012 31.12.2016
completed CH Effects of biochar amendments on plant growth, microbial communities and biochar decomposition in agricultural soils 01.11.2011 31.10.2015
completed CH Reduced tillage and Green Manures for Sustainable Organic Cropping Systems (TILMAN-ORG) 01.09.2011 31.08.2014
completed CH No-till agriculture - a climate smart solution? 01.01.2011 31.12.2011
completed CH Quantifizierung der Klimawirkung von betrieblichen Massnahmen im Schweizer Biolandbau 01.01.2011 31.05.2012
completed CH Influence of multi-year reduced tillage on soil micro-organisms. A study on two commercial farms in the canton of Bern 01.01.2011 31.12.2015
completed CH Distributed Infrastructure for EXPErimentation in Ecosystem Research (EXPEER) 01.12.2010 30.11.2014
completed CH Mitigating Greenhouse Gases in Agriculture - A challenge and opportunity for agricultural policies 01.11.2010 31.03.2011
completed CH Hintergrundpapier Klima und Klimamerkblatt 01.05.2010 30.06.2013
completed CH Secretariat of the Enforcement-Related Soil Biology Group (VBB) of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU) 01.01.2010 31.12.2015
completed CH Organic Agriculture and Climate Change Mitigation – The Round Table of Organic Agriculture and Climate Change (RTOACC) 01.01.2010 30.06.2012
completed CH Carbon Credits for Sustainable Landuse Systems (CaLas) 01.11.2009 31.10.2011
completed CH Improving soil fertility by reduced tillage on the Juchowo farm in Poland 01.01.2009 31.12.2015
completed CH Climate friendly arable and vegetable production (KLINE-AG) 01.01.2009 31.12.2011
completed CH Degustation von Weizen aus dem DOK-Versuch 01.01.2009 31.07.2011
completed CH Impact of transgenic crops on fertility of soils with different management history (NFP 59 Boden) 01.06.2007 30.05.2010
completed CH Harmonised environmental Indicators for pesticide Risk (HAIR) 01.01.2004 31.03.2007
completed CH Burden on the soil ecosystem of natural and genetically modified organisms – effects, methods and definition of damage as a contribution to risk assessment (BoBios) 01.01.2004 31.12.2008
completed CH Bodenentwicklung in der Umstellung auf biologisch-dynamische Landwirtschaft, Rheinau 01.01.1999 01.12.2011
ongoing CH DOK Experiment: Long-term study on bio-dynamic, bio-organic and conventional farming systems (DOK Experiment) 01.03.1978
ongoing CH Vergleiche biologischer und konventioneller Anbausysteme (Bio-dyn.)
ongoing CH Soil, fertilizer and plant analyses


Group Soil fertility & Climate
Baumann Stefan
Agri-photovoltaics, biochar
+41 (0)62 865-1733
Bautze Lin
Climate mitigation, adaptation to climate change
+41 (0)62 865-0496
Fliessbach Andreas
soil ecology, Africa, farming systems
+41 (0)62 865-7225
Krause Hans-Martin
Co-leader of the Group Soil fertility & ClimateClimate and agriculture, soil quality, microbial diversity
+41 (0)62 865-0409
Kundel Dominika
Microbial ecology, microbiome, data analysis
+41 (0)62 865-7202
Lori Martina
Molecularbiology, microbial ecology, microbiome
+41 (0)62 865-7271
Lustenberger Adrian
Field technology, field trials, sampling and sample preparation
+41 (0)62 510-5309
Müller Ralf
Bioinformatics, metagenomics, soil microbiology
+41 (0)62 865-7262
Schlichenmaier Samuel
Biochar, soil quality
+41 (0)62 865-7268
Steffens Markus
Co-leader of the Group Soil fertility & Climateclimate and agriculture, soil science and soil organic matter, IR-spectroscopy
+41 (0)62 865-0418
Stehle Bernhard
Technical assistance, Sample preparation, soil analysis, field trial
+41 (0)62 865-0464
Summerauer Laura
Soil science, infrared spectroscopy and imaging techniques, agriculture
+41 (0)62 865-5038
Wassermann Thomas
IR Spectroscopy, soil and agriculture, soil health
+41 (0)62 865-0495