The objective of InBestSoil is to co-create a framework for investment in conservation and recovery of soil health by developing an economic valuation system of the ecosystem services delivered by a healthy soil and the impacts of soil interventions, and its incorporation into business models and incentives.
This will allow public and private organisations to give economic value to their actions over soil health, co-design strategies with local stakeholders, and work collectively to deliver national and EU policy ambitions.
InBestSoil will provide data, evidence, tools and models to assess how investment in soil health can contribute to the transition to a long-term resilient and sustainable use of soil, using six lighthouses and three living labs, which provides a total of nine study areas across four biogeographic regions from Europe, and different land uses, as models for co-creation and co-design. This design will facilitate the scaling-up of results and their internationalisation, facilitating investments in soil health for companies, public administrations and investment groups around the globe.
In the project, FiBL will focus on evaluating the impact of carbon farming initiatives, modelling the option space and conducting spectroscopic assessments.
Work package leader Project on the CORDIS website