Communication tools that are high-quality, visually appealing and easily understandable are important to FiBL. The Group Graphics makes content visible and thus accessible and tangible. As part of the Department of Extension, Training & Communication, we are responsible for the visual communication of projects as well as for FiBL's corporate design. In close collaboration with the groups Advisory tools, Project communication and Corporate communication as well as project-related working groups, we design distinctive project looks, infographics for specific target groups, scientific publications such as technical leaflets, manuals and brochures, informative flyers and the Bioaktuell magazine published by Bio Suisse and FiBL. In addition, we offer graphic support to our team, e. g. for scientific posters at conferences or for the visual appearance of FiBL internal events. In maintaining and developing the corporate design, we pursue a clear goal: to strengthen the FiBL brand.
Group Graphics | ||
Baumann Patrick | Leader of the Group Graphicsgraphic design | +41 (0)62 865-0487 |
Bissig Simone | Deputy Leader of the Group Graphicslayout Bioaktuell magazine, graphic design | +41 (0)62 865-7266 |
Maurer Brigitta | Graphic design | +41 (0)62 865-6393 |
Riedi Kurt | Graphic design, image database | +41 (0)62 865-7269 |
Walti Sandra | Graphic design | +41 (0)62 865-7206 |