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Foundation Council FiBL Switzerland

As the highest management body, the Foundation Council has the overall responsibility for the institute. It determines the focus of FiBL activities and acts as a public representative for the institute in strategic, thematic and financial matters.

Prof. Dr. Bernard Lehmann

President of the FiBL Foundation Council
Steering Committee HLPE at CFS-FAO (World Food Security)
Former Full Professor for Agricultural Economics, ETH and former DG Federal Office for Agriculture, FOAG

Dr. Claudia Friedl

Vice-President of the FiBL Foundation Council
Member of the National Council, Expert in natural science

Rolf Bernhard

Head of Agronomy and Production Systems at the Federation of Migros Cooperatives

Urs Brändli

President of Bio Suisse

Anne Challandes

President of the Swiss Farmers and Rural Women Association (SBLV)
Vice-President of the Swiss Farmers' Union

Sofia de Meyer

Co-founder of the Fondation Opaline

Dr. Peter Felser

Lecturer in brand management, consultant, entrepreneur

Markus Hausammann

Farmer, Former Member of the Swiss National Council

Marc Muntwyler

Head of sustainability / economic policy at Coop

Task and competences of the Foundation Council


All of FiBL's bodies structure their work in such a way that its employees can achieve excellent results in Swiss, European and international research on issues relevant to the future of agriculture.

Based on the foundation's statutes and the objectives and tasks laid down therein, the aim is to achieve active and free self-expression and further development of all the Institute's forces, and a strong position as a research institution.

All management and organisational measures must serve this purpose within the financial and economic circumstances.

Tasks of the Foundation council

It decides on

  • the Institute's mission statement drawn up by the board of directors,
  • the multiannual planning including the Institute's strategy and financial planning,
  • the annual budget,
  • fundamental decisions on the company structure,
  • opening and closing of sites and branches.

It approves

  • the annual report and annual financial stament,
  • the regulations on personnel and salary policy,
  • it deals with the report of the auditors.

It elects

  • the directorate
  • the auditors.

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