FiBL Projekte GmbH, based in Frankfurt, was founded in 2011 as a joint institution of FiBL Germany and the Foundation Ecology & Agriculture (Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau). Bioland, Naturland, and Demeter became additional associates. FiBL Projekte GmbH strengthens the cooperation of its shareholders and provides a wide range of services for the organic farming and food sector. It can draw on the expertise and manpower of around 75 employees of the organizations.
The main working areas/projects of FiBL Projekte GmbH cover:
FiBL Projekte GmbH
Postal address:
Postfach 90 01 63
D-60441 Frankfurt am Main
House address:
Kasseler Strasse 1a
D-60486 Frankfurt am Main
+49 (0)69 7137699-0
Location Witzenhausen:
FiBL Projekte GmbH
Walburger Straße 2
D-37213 Witzenhausen
+49 (0)69 7137699-300
Managing director: Rebecca Franz-Wippermann
Local court Frankfurt am Main: HRB 89731
VAT ID: DE275602990