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FiBL Projekte GmbH

FiBL Projekte GmbH, based in Frankfurt, was founded in 2011 as a joint institution of FiBL Germany and the Foundation Ecology & Agriculture (Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau). Bioland, Naturland, and Demeter became additional associates. FiBL Projekte GmbH strengthens the cooperation of its shareholders and provides a wide range of services for the organic farming and food sector. It can draw on the expertise and manpower of around 75 employees of the organizations.

The main working areas/projects of FiBL Projekte GmbH cover:

  • Connecting stakeholders of the organic farming and food sector, e.g. "Trainee Program for Organic Farming" (Traineeprogramm Ökolandbau), "Legumes network" (Demonstrationsnetzwerk LeguNet), nationwide consultant trainings, participation in the nationwide network "Model Farms for Organic Agriculture" (Demonstrationsbetriebe Ökologischer Landbau)" and "Network Focus Animal Welfare" (Netzwerk Fokus Tierwohl)
  • FiBL Projekte GmbH is the organiser of the nationwide Organic Field Days, which, with 12.000 visitors, have become Germany's most important expert and meeting platform for exchange on current developments in organic farming.
  • Knowledge transfer such as publishing guidelines and maintaining websites
  • Training for farmers and companies in the organic and sustainable food sector
  • Farm development seminars for animal-friendly husbandry systems
  • Evaluation of inputs for their compliance with the principles of organic production and publishing an online catalogue of approved inputs (
  • Organization of trade fair appearances
  • Development of rural areas and set up of regional value chains


FiBL Projekte GmbH
Postal address:
Postfach 90 01 63
D-60441 Frankfurt am Main
House address:
Kasseler Strasse 1a
D-60486 Frankfurt am Main
+49 (0)69 7137699-0

Location Witzenhausen:
FiBL Projekte GmbH
Walburger Straße 2
D-37213 Witzenhausen
+49 (0)69 7137699-300

Managing director: Rebecca Franz-Wippermann
Local court Frankfurt am Main: HRB 89731
VAT ID: DE275602990

Further information