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Policy & Sector Development

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Worldwide, the need for more sustainable agricultural production is increasing. For this shift to happen, a guiding policy framework coupled with development-oriented interventions is key. We support public and private actors in defining and putting in place sound policy and capacity building measures as part of a broader organic sector development approach.

Our main activities include:

Capacity development for public and private actors – We build and strengthen capacities of local actors through training on organic agriculture and knowledge facilitation between public and private actors, e.g. through multi-stakeholder platforms.

Policy and sectorial advice – We advise governments and administrations on the development, implementation and assessment of organic agricultural policy objectives. We support the development and assessment of national action plans, private and national organic standards and legislations, and geographically referenced labeling schemes.

Analysis related to food systems, organic agriculture and sustainable development – We conduct and support sector studies and food system analyses. With our recommendations, we propose program and project interventions on how to reach more sustainable and resilient food and production systems.



ongoing CH Innovative and integrative agroforestry in Africa: strengthening rural livelihoods and resilience to climate change (GALILEO) 01.01.2025 31.12.2028
ongoing CH Supporting Agroecological Food Systems in Benin (West Africa) (SAF-B) 20.12.2024 30.04.2026
completed CH Evaluation of Biovision's iABC project 04.11.2024 31.01.2025
completed CH Training on Innovation Platforms in Africa 12.07.2024 31.10.2024
completed CH External Project Evaluation Transformative Land Investment for SDC (TLI Evaluation) 01.07.2024 31.01.2025
completed CH Sustainability of the Farming System in Pantelleria (IT) 01.03.2024 31.12.2024
ongoing CH Georgian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project (GESIP) 01.11.2023 30.06.2025
ongoing CH Quality Food Trade Program in Ukraine, Phase II (QFTP) 01.07.2023 30.06.2026
ongoing CH Capitalization of Agroecological Research Evidence from the r4d programme in West Africa (CARE R4D) 01.04.2023 30.03.2026
completed CH Dissemination of agroecological practices in South Benin (DAPRASB) 16.01.2023 30.04.2024
completed CH Evaluation VEGI Mongolia (Eval VEGI Mongolia) 15.12.2022 30.06.2023
ongoing CH Scaling-up Digital Training Materials for Smallholder Farmers in East Africa (Digital Training Materials Phase 2) 01.07.2022 30.06.2025
ongoing CH Accelerating the Organic Market Development in Kenya – PMCA Follow-up Project (PMCA Follow-up) 01.07.2022 30.06.2025
completed CH Evaluation of the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative of the African Union (EOA-I Evaluation) 01.04.2022 21.10.2022
completed CH Dissemination of appropriate agroforestry practices in the Sahel (DAAPS) 01.01.2022 31.12.2023
ongoing CH Markets and Seeds Access Project for Small Grains and Legumes in Zambia and Zimbabwe (MASAP) 01.12.2021 30.11.2033
ongoing CH BIOREST - Support for the development of sustainable and resilient organic agriculture in the context of climate change in Tunisia (Biorest) 01.11.2021 31.10.2025
completed CH Organic Influencer Marketing - Improving Market Access for Farmers and Strengthening Demand for Organic Products through Social Media in Kenya 01.07.2021 31.12.2023
completed CH Promotion of the organic cotton and textile sub-sector in Burkina Faso through the CCBE (proBio CCBE) 01.05.2021 30.04.2023
completed CHDE Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector – Organic Working Group 01.02.2021 31.01.2023
ongoing CH Synergistic use and protection of natural resources for rural livelihoods through systematic integration of crops, shrubs and livestock in the Sahel (SustainSAHEL) 01.09.2020 01.09.2025
completed CH Facilitating organic cocoa development in Central Cameroon 01.09.2020 31.12.2022
completed CH Knowledge Management Systems Backstopper for Main Phase of the establishment of Northern Africa Organic Knowledge Hub 01.07.2020 30.06.2022
completed CH Sustainable cocoa sourcing landscapes in Peru 01.07.2020 30.06.2022
completed CH Conducting of trainings for cotton farmers and selected key stakeholders in the implementation of organic cotton standards in Uzbek cotton production 16.04.2020 31.10.2021
completed CH Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Africa (KCOA) 01.04.2020 29.02.2024
completed CH Regional Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in East Africa: a pilot on transforming farmer access to organic training materials and information through digitalization 01.03.2020 30.06.2022
completed CH OCA Organic Cotton Training Curriculum (OCTC) 01.03.2020 30.04.2021
completed CH Iranian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project (IRSIP) (Iranian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project (IRSIP)) 01.02.2020 31.12.2023
completed CH Äthiopien Agrinatura VCA4D Baumwolle 08.01.2020 31.08.2020
completed CH Research Backstopper for Inception Phase of the Establishment of Northern Africa Organic Knowledge Hub 01.12.2019 30.04.2020
completed CH Training materials and courses for best practices in organic and dynamic Cocoa Agroforestry systems 01.11.2019 30.09.2022
completed CH Knowledge transfer to ICS certified producer groups in selected African countries within the framework of GIZ SI training and employment (Africa ICS GIZ) 15.10.2019 31.12.2020
completed CH Drivers and potential health impacts of dietary and nutrition practices and choices in Kirinyaga and Muranga counties, Kenya (Nutridecisions) 01.10.2019 31.10.2021
completed CH Linking organic farmers in Muranga, Kenya, to markets through value chain, agribusiness and technical capacity development (Africa ProEco PMCA Bachmann) 01.10.2019 31.08.2022
completed CH German-Moroccan expert dialogue on agriculture and forestry (DIAF) 01.10.2019 31.12.2023
completed CH Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and the Dairy Sector in Ukraine (Quality FOOD Trade Program) 23.08.2019 30.06.2023
completed CH Mali Agrinatura VCA4D Fisch 01.07.2019 31.03.2020
completed CH Support to Professional Associations in Morocco 01.02.2019 31.03.2019
completed CH Dynamic Agroforestry Systems (DAFS) (DAFS) 01.04.2018 31.12.2021
completed CH More Bio Suisse honey from Swiss regional suppliers of organic honey for the Coop shelves: Procurement of regional "Bio Suisse Honey" for Coop through training and advice for interested beekeepers 01.01.2018 31.12.2020
completed CH Experience exchange and joint assessment to promote organic agriculture in Tunisia and Morocco 01.12.2017 31.12.2017
completed CH Support to the Development of a Geographical Indications System in Ukraine 01.09.2017 31.12.2019
completed CHDE Green Innovation Centres in the Agriculture and Food Sector - Working Group on Organic Agriculture 01.08.2017 31.01.2023
completed CH Colombia + Competitiva - Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Private Sector 01.01.2017 30.06.2019
completed CH Application of organic bio-fertilizer technology to improve the sustainability of date palm production and cultivation (fertiledatepalm) 01.08.2016 31.07.2019
completed ATCH Organic Food Systems Africa (OFSA) 01.03.2016 28.02.2019
completed CH Enhancing Food Security and Agricultural Sustainability by Integrating Production Systems: Promotion of Low Input Dairy Management at Mirim Farm in DPR of Korea 01.11.2015 31.10.2016
completed CH Organic Agriculture in Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi OAS) 05.10.2015 23.03.2017
completed CH Organic Agriculture Support Initiative (OASI) Armenia (OASI) 03.09.2015 31.03.2019
completed CH Nutrition in Mountain Agro-ecosystems (NMA) 01.05.2015 31.05.2021
completed CH Transdisciplinary systems research to develop a novel holistic concept for reducing the spread and impact of Cocoa Swollen Shoot Virus Disease in West Africa (TransdisCSSVD) 01.04.2015 31.12.2018
completed CH Farmer-driven organic resource management to build soil fertility (ORM4Soil) 01.01.2015 31.12.2020
completed CH Yamsys, Biophysical and socio-economic drivers of sustainable soil use in yam cropping systems for improved food security in West Africa (Yamsys) 01.11.2014 30.11.2020
completed CH Mid-term Evaluation Biotrade South Africa Project 01.09.2014 31.12.2014
completed ATCH Conceptualisation and implementation of a model farm within an Eco-village in the Caucasus 12.08.2014
completed ATCH CONNEctingknowledge, scales and actors; An integrated framework for adaptive organic resource management targeting soil aggradation and agroecosystems’ resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa (ConneSSA) 01.08.2014 31.12.2017
completed CH Cadmium availability in soils and its uptake by cocoa in Latin America (CdOCOA) 01.04.2014 31.12.2016
completed CH Ensuring the integrity of the European food chain (FOODINTEGRITY) 01.01.2014 31.12.2018
completed CH Insect-based feed and fertilizer production via waste transformation for small-holders in Ghana (IBFFP) 01.01.2014 31.12.2017
completed CH Productivity and Profitability of Organic and Conventional Farming Systems 01.07.2013 31.12.2019
completed CH Swiss-Colombian Intellectual Property Rights Project (COLIPRI) 01.01.2013 31.12.2016
completed CH Economic and Employment Promotion Program, Component: Promotion of Organic Agriculture 01.10.2012 30.06.2014
completed CH Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming 04.09.2012 04.07.2013
completed ATCH Organic Market Development in Ukraine (Phase 2) 01.06.2012 31.08.2018
completed CH Backstopping market development: Horticulture Promotion Project in Kosovo (HPK) 01.11.2011 31.12.2012
completed CH Barry Callebaut cocoa production research: System research approach to increase cocoa sustainability 01.05.2011 31.12.2016
completed CH The Establishment of a Competence Centre for Organic and Sustainable Agriculture, DPR of Korea 01.04.2011 31.07.2014
completed CH Syprobio-Improving farmers income and food security in diversified organic production systems in West-Africa (SYPROBIO) 01.01.2011 31.12.2015
completed CH Indian Organic Market Development Project IOMDP; Organic and Fair Trade cashew nuts from Ajanta Industries for the global market 01.09.2010 31.12.2013
completed CH Indian Organic Market Development Project IOMDP; Organic and Fair Trade cashew nuts from FTAK for the global market 01.07.2010 31.12.2013
completed CH Organic cotton- Experimental Learning Methodologies 01.01.2010 31.07.2010
completed CH African Organic Farming Training Manual 01.10.2009 31.12.2015
completed CH Economic analysis of certification systems for organic food and farming (CERTCOST) 01.09.2008 30.11.2011
completed CH Organic Certification and Organic Market Development in Ukraine (Phase 1) 01.01.2005 31.12.2011
completed CH Organic Certification and Market Development, Lebanon 01.01.2005 31.12.2011
completed CH Enhancing Marketing Opportunities for Organic and Fair-Trade Products from Central America (eCo-Mercados) 01.01.2005 31.12.2010
completed CH Indian Organic Market Development Project (IOMDP) 01.06.2004 31.12.2008
completed CH Organic certification Romania 01.01.2004 31.12.2009
completed CH Latin American platform of organic producers and researchers / Latin American Organic Producers Fair 01.01.2004 31.12.2010
ongoing CH Master-Programm für Biolandbau, University of Barcelona, Spain 01.01.2004
completed CH Entwicklung des Biolandbaus Mazedonien (OradeM): Politik-Beratung 01.01.2001 31.12.2008
completed CH Sustainable Agriculture Support for Albania (SASA) 01.01.2001 31.12.2011

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Group Policy & Sector Development
Arbenz Markus
Project Leader and Senior Consultant
+41 (0)62 865-7275
Eisenring Tobias
Leader of the Group Policy & Sector DevelopmentStaff commiteeregional branding, geographical indications
+41 (0)62 865-0420
Kadzere-Forichi Irene
Nutrition sensitive agriculture, training materials for Africa
+41 (0)62 865-7276
Maestrini Nicoletta
Deputy Leader of the Group Policy & Sector DevelopmentDigital training, social media marketing, communication planning and consulting
+41 (0)62 865-6390
Nicolay Gian L.
Africa coordination, sociology of food and agriculture, cotton
+41 (0)62 865-0454
Sousa Fernando
Agroforestry, dissemination, participatory research
+41 (0)62 865-0480