Organic farmers in Kenya, e.g. Muranga County, face variable challenges, including: (i) limited technical capacity and knowhow on key practices such as pest and disease control and proper composting, and (ii) lack of suitable markets and/or knowledge of how to find them and how to be organised accordingly. Without well-organized markets and certification, the farmers mostly sell their produce in undifferentiated conventional markets and fail to transform their efforts on organic management into income improvements. Yet, it is very common for consumers, who are increasingly becoming concerned about the safety of the food (especially vegetables) they consume, to complain about the lack of/limited or inconsistent availability of organic produce in the markets. The majority of currently certified organic products are exported, yet the potential for local market development, e.g. in the capital Nairobi and other areas, remains only partially exploited. The Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA) project will essentially create tangible market opportunities for ProEcoAfrica/OFSA project farmers located in Muranga, Kenya while also strengthening the agri-preneurship capacity of partners, farmers and other key market actors. The organic production practices of farmers will also be strengthened to increase their ability to satisfy market needs and demands.