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Christian Schader

Affiliation / Function

Activity areas

  • Sustainablity assessment of agriculture, supply chains and food systems
  • Sustainability and life-cycle assessment of food products
  • Productivity and profitability of agricultural systems
  • Policy evaluation with respect to environmental, economic and social impacts


completed CH The assessment of external costs and benefits of the Swiss agri-food system – a Case Study within SOFA 2024 01.11.2023 30.04.2024
completed CH Sustainable Retailing – Monitoring Report 2024 (LEH2024) 01.10.2023 28.02.2025
ongoing CH Food systems that support transitions to healthy and sustainable diets (FEAST) 01.07.2022 30.06.2027
ongoing CH Agroecological transition and organic certification in Vietnam to empower rural communities (SNF Agro-econvert) 01.04.2022 31.03.2025
completed CH Comparing the climate impact of conventional vs. organic meat 01.03.2022 30.06.2022
ongoing CH Deliberative diets: Connecting producers and consumers to value the sustainability of Swiss food system scenarios (DeliDiets) 01.01.2022 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Strengthening Global Assessments of Agricultural Sustainability (SustainAG) 01.10.2021 31.12.2025
completed CH Strengthen biodiversity criteria in sustainability standards and lables 15.01.2021 31.12.2021
completed CH Climate-neutral agriculture in Graubünden 01.01.2021 31.12.2024
completed CH Nachhaltiger Lebensmitteleinzelhandel: Anforderungen an den Lebensmitteleinzelhandel bei der Förderung der nachhaltigen Ernährung aus Umweltsicht 11.08.2020 30.09.2022
completed CH Drivers and potential health impacts of dietary and nutrition practices and choices in Kirinyaga and Muranga counties, Kenya (Nutridecisions) 01.10.2019 31.10.2021
completed CH Linking organic farmers in Muranga, Kenya, to markets through value chain, agribusiness and technical capacity development (Africa ProEco PMCA Bachmann) 01.10.2019 31.08.2022
completed CH Integrated analysis of dietary patterns and agricultural practices for sustainable food systems in Luxembourg (SustEATable) 01.01.2018 31.12.2021
completed CH Enhancing supply chain stability, resilience and sustainability through improved sub-supplier management – chocolate and cotton apparel case studies 01.01.2018 30.06.2022
completed CHDE Intelligent Linking of Governmental Measures and Private Initiatives to Improve Environmental and Social Standards in Global Value Chains, Using the Example of the Textile Industry (SMART-MiX+PI) 01.11.2017 31.03.2020
completed CHDE LIVESEED - Improve performance of organic agriculture by boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe (LIVESEED) 01.06.2017 30.09.2021
completed CH Diversification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple Cropping, Promoted by Actors and Value Chains towards Sustainability (DiverIMPACTS) 01.05.2017 30.04.2022
completed CH Solutions for improving Agroecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use (SolACE) 01.05.2017 30.09.2022
completed CHEU Maximise public goods delivery through post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 01.01.2017 31.12.2019
completed CH New ways to sustainable agriculture: Potential contribution of sustainability assessments to an effective, sustainable and widely accepted agricultural policy 01.01.2017 31.12.2018
completed CH Sustainable and healthy nutrition - trade-offs and synergies (NFP69) 01.09.2016 31.12.2019
completed AT Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Bio-Lebensmitteln von Zurück zum Ursprung im Vergleich zu konventionellen Produkten 01.05.2016 31.12.2020
completed ATCH Organic Food Systems Africa (OFSA) 01.03.2016 28.02.2019
completed CH Development of an innovative, science-based and practical method for a transparent, holistic and comparable assessment of sustainability performance in the agriculture and food sector (KTI-SMART) 01.01.2016 31.12.2018
completed CH Representative sustainability assessment of Bio Suisse farms on the basis of the FAO SAFA guidelines 01.11.2014 31.12.2018
completed CH Biofertilization and "bioirrigation" for sustainable mixed cropping of pigeon pea and finger millet (ISCB_BIOFI_BT) 01.05.2014 30.05.2017
completed CH The Role of Urban Agriculture for a Sustainable Urban Food System (Ernährungssystem Basel, Urban Agriculture Basel) 01.02.2014 29.02.2016
completed CH RISE: a new method to improve the sustainability of Swiss farms (RISE-CH) 01.01.2014 31.12.2015
completed CH Productivity and Profitability of Organic and Conventional Farming Systems 01.07.2013 31.12.2019
completed CH Assessment of Sustainable Provision of Goods and Services from Grassland-based Systems 01.06.2013 31.05.2014
completed CH Improving Life Cycle Assessment methodology to comprehensively model organic farming 01.07.2012 31.12.2015
completed CH Expansion of the Sustainability and Organic Livestock Model 01.06.2012 30.06.2013
ongoing ATCH Sustainability Monitoring and Assessment Routine (SMART) (SMART) 01.05.2012
completed CH Impact assessment of a global conversion of global livestock production to organic farming (FAO SOL) 01.06.2011 31.12.2012
completed CH FAO Guidelines for Sustainability Assessment for Food and Agriculture (FAO SAFA) 01.05.2011 30.06.2012
completed CH IBLA Politikanalyse (öko-öko) 01.04.2011 30.11.2011
completed CH Biodiversitätsfootprint (Biodiversitätsfootprint Hofer) 01.08.2010 31.12.2014
completed CH Influence of minimized concentrate feeding on animal health and performance of Swiss organic dairy cows (Feed no Food) 01.10.2009 01.10.2010
completed CH Climate friendly arable and vegetable production (KLINE-AG) 01.01.2009 31.12.2011
ongoing CH Bio Suisse Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung des Biolandbaus (Bio Suisse Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung) 01.01.2009
completed CH Inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and rhizobacteria (PGPR) for sustainable cropping systems in India (ISCB BFNet FiBL (Biofertilizer Network)) 01.01.2008 31.12.2014
completed CH Evaluation of cost-effectiveness of organic farming support as an agri-environmental measure at Swiss agricultural sector level (CH effect) 01.01.2006 31.07.2010
completed CH Wildtierfreundlicher Biolandbau: Natur schützen, Artenvielfalt fördern 01.01.2006 31.12.2010
completed CH Klimaneutraler Acker- und Gemüsebau? Ökonomisch-ökologische Wirkungsanalyse (KLINE-AG) 15.03.2012

Training / professional career

  • since 2010 Head of sustainability assessment at FiBL
  • 2013 - 2014 Managing Director of the Sustainable Food Systems Society (SFSS)
  • 2008 Sabbatical at Thünen Institute, Institute of Rural Studies, Braunschweig, Germany
  • 2006 - 2009 External PhD-Student at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth
  • Since 2004 Scientific collaborator at the Department of Socioeconomics FiBL
  • 2003 - 2004 Internship and project assistance in a programme to strengthen organic agriculture in developing countries, IFOAM Head office
  • 1996 - 2002 Studies in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Bonn

Committee work / further activities

  • Member of the Swiss Society of Agricultural Economics and Rural Socioloty
  • Member of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)
  • Member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)


  • ETH Zurich (since 2020): Evaluation of Agricultural Policies
  • International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, Chania, Greece (since 2017): Sustainability Assessment of Agriculture and Food Systems


Publications in the Organic Eprints archive

Publications that are not in the Organic Eprints archive

Publication list