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Bio Suisse Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung des Biolandbaus

Financing/ Donor

Bio Suisse

FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
  • Bircher Richard (Department of Extension, Training & Communication)
  • Landert Jan (Department of Food System Sciences)
  • Lazzarini Gianna (Department of Food System Sciences)
  • Marton Silvia (Departement für Agrar- und Ernährungssysteme)
  • Papagiannakis Haris (Departement für Agrar- und Ernährungssysteme)
  • Schader Christian (Department of Food System Sciences)
  • Stolze Mathias (Support unit of the Executive Committee)
  • Thompson Michael John (Department of Food System Sciences)
(people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
Role of FiBL


FiBL project number 35024
Date modified 10.08.2021