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Johan Blockeel

Activity areas

  • Ex-post impact evaluation of agroecological strategies
  • Sustainability assessment


ongoing CH Scaling-up Digital Training Materials for Smallholder Farmers in East Africa (Digital Training Materials Phase 2) 01.07.2022 30.06.2025
completed CH Assessment of research for development pathways (R4D-ASSESS) 01.01.2022 30.06.2023
ongoing CH Strengthening Global Assessments of Agricultural Sustainability (SustainAG) 01.10.2021 31.12.2025
completed CH Cocoa Value Chain Analysis for Development Ecuador (Cocoa VCA 4D) 02.10.2020 31.07.2021
ongoing CH Sustainable Plant Protection Transition: A Global Approach (SPRINT) 01.09.2020 31.12.2025
completed CH Linking organic farmers in Muranga, Kenya, to markets through value chain, agribusiness and technical capacity development (Africa ProEco PMCA Bachmann) 01.10.2019 31.08.2022
completed DECH Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector – Organic Working Group 01.01.2019 31.12.2020
completed CH Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework for the Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa 01.10.2018 30.04.2019
completed CH Understanding and improving the sustainability of agro-ecological farming systems in the EU (UNISECO) 01.05.2018 30.04.2021
completed CH Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Lieferanten für Coop/Chocolats Halba zur internen Entwicklung und Nachhaltigkeits-Kommunikation 01.01.2017 31.12.2018
completed ATCH Organic Food Systems Africa (OFSA) 01.03.2016 28.02.2019
completed CH Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Knospe-Betrieben zur Weiterentwicklung des Standards und zur Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeitsleistungen 01.01.2015 31.12.2018
completed CH Representative sustainability assessment of Bio Suisse farms on the basis of the FAO SAFA guidelines 01.11.2014 31.12.2018
completed CH Productivity and Profitability of Organic and Conventional Farming Systems 01.07.2013 31.12.2019
ongoing ATCH Sustainability Monitoring and Assessment Routine (SMART) (SMART) 01.05.2012

Training / professional career

  • Since 2015 Scientific collaborator at FiBL in the Department of Socioeconomic Sciences
  • 2013 - 2015 Studies in International Rural Development at Ghent University
  • 2011 - 2012 Different experiences abroad (Latin America) in the field of sustainable agriculture and development cooperation


Publications in the Organic Eprints archive