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Nutrition in Mountain Agro-ecosystems

Original titleNutrition in Mountain Agro-ecosystems

A high number of the world's hungriest and chronically malnourished people reside in mountain regions. The households and communities depend on agriculture and on ecological intensification of the often-limited arable land resources in difficult climatic and topographic conditions with poor infrastructure. Numerous impact studies have revealed the potentials of sustainable agroecological practices in poverty reduction, particularly in marginal areas and mountain ecosystems. While the systemic approaches of ecological farming linked to market access are widely tested and promoted, they haven’t reached many remote mountain communities. Scaling-up needs further facilitation at the local, national and global level. This project aims to scale up promising sustainable agricultural practices to diversify and enhance nutrition and resilience in mountain areas. It targets the development of a virtual action network among service providers at the local, national and global level as a means to empower them in helping improve the nutrition situation among mountain populations. The project is funded by SDC and jointly implemented by IFOAM, Helvetas, and FiBL.

Detailed Description

NMA targets vulnerable mountain agro-ecosystems around the world. It focuses on five countries to concentrate its interventions: Ethiopia, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan Peru. The project is active (a) on local levels to facilitate diversity with demand-oriented replication/scaling up of nutrition sensitive agriculture, processing and marketing practices and with promotion of diversified diets in remote areas, (b) on national levels to promote successfully extended nutrition sensitive agriculture and marketing practices for increasing the impact, and (c) on global level to advocate and share knowledge using the field evidence. It aims at adaptation of agriculture, marketing and consumption towards better nutrition particularly of children and women through increased diversity in a changing environment including social, economic and climate changes.

(Research) Program
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Project partners
  • Helvetas
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
  • Alföldi Thomas (Department of Extension, Training & Communication)
  • Huber Beate (Department of International Cooperation; Vice-chairwoman of the Management Board)
Role of FiBL

Coordination & Backstopping "Knowledge Bank and Nutrition Intervention Packages"

FiBL project number 65125
Date modified 25.09.2023