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MIcro- and NAno-Plastics in AGRIcultural Soils: sources, environmental fate and impacts on ecosystem services and overall sustainability

Original titleMIcro- and NAno-Plastics in AGRIcultural Soils: sources, environmental fate and impacts on ecosystem services and overall sustainability

The overall objective of MINAGRIS is to contribute to healthy soils in Europe by providing a deeper understanding and tools to assess the impact of micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) in agricultural soils on biodiversity, crop productivity and ecosystem services, as well as the degradation of plastics in the environment, and to provide recommendations for the sustainable use of plastics in agriculture at farm and field level to ensure safe and economically viable food systems in Europe. The project with 20 partners from 12 countries in Europe will last 5 years and is coordinated by Wageningen University.

Project website
Detailed Description

MINAGRIS will assess the use of different plastic polymers in European agricultural systems, identify the resulting types of MNPs and associated chemical stressors in soils, and analyse their behaviour and impact on soil physico-chemical properties, soil biodiversity, plant productivity and ecosystem services, as well as their transfer to other geospheres and uptake by plants. Based on the results, MINAGRIS will quantify the economic, environmental and social consequences of unsustainable soil management at field and farm level in different biogeographical regions. In a participatory approach, the project partners will develop a practical toolbox for farmers to quickly identify soil stress and at the same time raise awareness on the issue among relevant stakeholders and end-users. The best available techniques for the use of plastics in agriculture and the knowledge to support farmers' decision-making will be identified to help them distinguish between harmful and acceptable uses of plastics. The results will also be shared with the plastics industry to encourage innovation in the sector towards new plastics and technologies that are less harmful to the environment. Finally, informing policy makers about the impacts of MNP on soils and ecosystem services will provide the basis for how to improve the existing EU regulatory framework regarding the placement of plastics on the agricultural market.

Financing/ Donor
  • Main donor: EU Horizon 2020
  • Additional funding requested from the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG
(Research) Program
  • European Commission, Horizon 2020
  • Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) - Research and consultation
Project partners

Project coordinator: Wageningen University

  • Universität Bern
  • Panepistimo Thessalias
  • Univerza v Ljubljani
  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
  • University of Gloucestershire
  • Freie Universität Berlin
  • Institut National de Rechercher pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement
  • Politecnico die Torino
  • CHQ Technologies P.C.
  • Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
  • Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbH
  • Novamont SPA
  • Stichting Wageningen Research
  • Euroquality SARL
  • Camposeven
  • Spotteron
  • Estonian University of Life Sciences
  • Research Institute of Organic Farming FiBL Switzerland
  • Research Institute of Organic Farming FiBL Austria
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
  • Hofer Sheila (Department of Crop Sciences)
  • Kundel Dominika (Department of Soil Sciences)
  • Mäder Paul (Departement für Bodenwissenschaften)
  • Schweiger Stefan (Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung; Climate protection)
  • Vieweger Anja (Department of Crop Sciences)
(people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
Role of FiBL

FiBL Switzerland:

  • Leader of work package 3
  • Task leader in work package 5.4

FiBL Austria:

  • Leader of work package 7
  • Leader of case study 6
FiBL project number 1016001 - 1016008
Date modified 09.10.2024