Status | FiBL | Title | Start | End |
ongoing | CH | Influence of cultivation on the functional diversity of the soil in the "Frick trial on preparations and soil" (FunDiv-Frick) | 02.04.2024 | 15.11.2027 |
ongoing | CH | Biological nitrification inhibition by Plantago lanceolata to reduce nitrogen losses from agroecosystems (PlantaGO) | 01.03.2024 | 28.02.2028 |
ongoing | CHEU | Improving yields in organic cropping systems (OrganicYieldsUP) | 01.02.2024 | 31.01.2028 |
ongoing | CH | Linking soil biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services in different land uses: from the identification of drivers, pressures and climate change resilience to their economic valuation (BIOservicES) | 01.09.2023 | 31.08.2028 |
completed | CH | Bioinformatics Server for Big Data (BSBD) | 01.01.2023 | 31.12.2024 |
completed | CH | Microbial nitrogen cycling and functional diversity of soil microbes in organic and conventional farming systems under temperate and tropical climates | 01.01.2019 | 30.06.2022 |
Publications in the Organic Eprints archive