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Original titleAgri-Photovoltaik – mehrfach ernten, wissenschaftlich begleiten

The solar panels of the agri-photovoltaic systems produce electricity on arable land, grassland or above orchards. In addition to electricity, the panels provide weather protection or shade. They combine benefits for the environment, climate and food production. The Agri-Photovoltaics project ensures that farmers who cultivate crops with solar panels receive facts on the agronomic and economic effects. The project is being supported by FiBL, Liebegg and the Canton Argovia with a holistic, practical research approach.

Financing/ Donor
  • Leopold Bachmann Stiftung
  • Kanton Aargau
(Research) Program
  • Leopold Bachmann Foundation – Focus area education
Project partners
  • Department of Agriculture Aargau
  • Agricultural centre Liebegg
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
Role of FiBL

Project partner, implementation of the research work

FiBL project number 10179
Date modified 04.03.2025