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Olivier Ejderyan

Affiliation / Function

Activity areas

  • Participatory research in the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus
  • Research on transformations to sustainability in food systems
  • Development and use of transdisciplinary methods


ongoing CH Nature based smart water grids for integrated water and drougth management (WATERGRID) 01.03.2025 28.02.2029
ongoing CH Sowing seeds of change: Exploring the transformation pathways and socio-ecological implications of a biodiversity-friendly Swiss food system (BioFriend) 01.08.2024 31.03.2025
ongoing CH Affordable and eThical TracEability SysTEms to support proDucer-consumer relationships in small and medium supply chains (ATTESTED) 01.04.2024 31.03.2025
completed CH Teaching at University of Fribourg "Rural Geography" 22.02.2024 31.07.2024
ongoing CH Agrivoltaic (AgriSolar Forschung) 02.10.2023 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Optimisation and reduction of anthelmintic use in Swiss sheep and goat flocks (ORA) 01.07.2023 30.06.2031
ongoing CH A holistic frameWork with Anticounterfeit and inTelligence-based technologieS that will assist food chain stakehOlders in rapidly identifying and preventing the spread of fraudulent practices (WATSON) 01.03.2023 28.02.2026
completed ATCH Complementary study to create a substantial market and scalable value chains for paludiculture products 01.01.2023 31.05.2023
ongoing CH Nature-Based Solutions for Soil Management (NBSOIL) 01.12.2022 30.11.2026
ongoing CH ENcouraging FArmers towards sustainable farming SYstems through policy and business Strategies (ENFASYS) 01.09.2022 30.08.2026
completed CH Mainstreaming transdisciplinarity in teaching and research 01.08.2022 31.08.2023
completed CH C-Atoms for Circular Chemistry (CO2NVERT) 01.04.2022 20.09.2023
completed CH Linking Urban and Inner-Alpine Green Infrastructure - Multifunctional Ecosystem Services for more liveable territories (LUIGI) 01.10.2019 03.06.2022
completed CH Digitisation: Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas (DESIRA) 01.06.2019 31.05.2023

Training / professional career

  • Since 2022 Group lead Society & Innovation at FiBL Switzerland
  • 2021 - 2022 Senior lecturer, Department of Social Science, University of Basel
  • 2021 Research associate, International Political Economy and Energy Policy, University of Basel
  • 2015 - 2021 Senior researcher, Transdisciplinarity Lab, ETH Zurich
  • 2010 - 2014 Senior lecturer, Human Geography, University of Fribourg
  • 2009 Post-doc, École Nationale du Génie de l'Eau et de l’Environnement de Strasbourg (ENGEES), France
  • 2008 - 2009 Post-doc, Chiba University, Japan
  • 2002 - 2008 PhD candidate and research assistant, Department of Geography, University of Zurich

Committee work / further activities

  • Board member, SAGUF (Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology)


Publications in the Organic Eprints archive

Publications that are not in the Organic Eprints archive

  • Buletti, N., Ruef, F., Ejderyan, O. (2022): Letting the political dimension of participation in river restoration have its space. In Cottet, M., Morandi, B., Piégay, H. (eds.) River Restoration: Political, Social, and Economic Perspectives. Wiley-Blackwell, London, 169-188
  • Buletti, N., Ejderyan, O. (2021): When experts feel threatened – Strategies of depoliticization in participatory river restoration projects, Area 53 (1), 151-160
  • Ejderyan, O. (2021): Entre discours et réalités locales: quelles voies pour la géothermie en Suisse? Swiss Bulletin for Applied Geology 26 (1), 47-53
  • Ruef, F., Ejderyan O. (2021): Rowing, steering or anchoring? Public values for geothermal energy governance. Energy Policy 158, 112577
  • Sierro, F., Zundritsch, P., Blumer, Y., Lilliestam, J., Ejderyan, O. (2021): Erfolgreiche partizipative Projektentwicklung findet auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen der Zusammenarbeit statt. Erkenntnisse aus zwei Wasserkraftprojekten. Wasser Energie Luft 113 (2), 105-109
  • Von Rothkirch, J., Ejderyan O. (2021): Anticipating the social fit of CCS projects by looking at place factors. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 110, 103399
  • Cuppen, E., Ejderyan, O., Pesch, U., Spruit, S., van de Grift, E., Correljé, A., Taebi, B., (2020): When controversies cascade: Analysing the dynamics of public engagement and conflict in the Netherlands and Switzerland through “controversy spillover” Energy Research & Social Science 68, 101593
  • Ejderyan, O., Ruef, F., Stauffacher, M. (2020): The entanglement of top-down and bottom-up: socio- technical innovation pathways of geothermal energy in Switzerland. Journal of Environment and Development. 29 (1), 99-122
  • Pearce B.J., Ejderyan O. (2020): Joint problem framing as reflexive practice: Honing a transdisciplinary skill. Sustainability Science 15 (3), 683-698
  • Ruef, F., Stauffacher, M., Ejderyan, O. (2020): Blind spots of participation: How differently do geothermal energy developers and residents understand participation? Energy Reports 6: 1950-1962
  • Vargas-Payera, S., Martinez-Reyes, A., Ejderyan O. (2020): Factors and dynamics of the social perception of geothermal energy: Case study of the Tolhuaca exploration project in Chile. Geothermics, 88, 101907
  • Ejderyan, O., Ruef, F., Stauffacher, M. (2019): Geothermal energy in Switzerland: Highlighting the role of context. In Pellizzone, A., Manzella, A., Allansdottir, A. (eds.) Geothermal Energy and Society. Springer, Cham, 239-257
  • Ejderyan O., Schneider, F., Bornemann, B., Kläy, A. (2019): How social sciences and humanities can contribute to transformative science. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 28 (2), 160–162
  • Pozzi, A., Salis, C., Hostmann, M., Ejderyan, O., Leuzinger, E., Arrigo-Meier, S. (2019): Handbuch für die Partizipation bei Wasserbauprojekten. Betroffene zu Beteiligten machen. Reihe Umweltwissen UW-1915-D, Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU, Bern
  • Thaler, P., Hofmann, B., Abegg, A., Bornemann, B., Braunreiter, L., Burger, P., Dörig, L.,  Ejderyan, O., Heselhaus, S., Opitz, C., Petrovich, B., Rinscheid, A., Schillig, I., Schreiber, M., Sohre, A. (2019): Schweizer Energiepolitik zwischen Bund, Kantonen und Gemeinden: Zentralisieren, dezentralisieren oder koordinieren? SCCER CREST White Paper 7, Basel
  • Bornemann, B., Ejderyan, O., Stauffacher, M., Wäger P. (2018): Gesellschaftliche Transformation – welche Rolle(n) für den Staat? GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 27 (1), 182- 184
  • Trutnevyte, E., and Ejderyan O. (2018): Managing geoenergy-induced seismicity with society. Journal of Risk Research 21 (10), 1287-1294
  • Bornemann, B., Bernasconi, A., Ejderyan, O., Schmid, F., Wäger, P., Zingerli, C. (2017): Research on natural resources: The quest for integration revisited. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 26 (1), 16–21
  • Utz, S., Buletti, N., Ejderyan, O., Graefe, O., Lane, S., Reynard, E. (2017): Processus participatifs pour la mise en œuvre des projets d’aménagement de cours d’eau en Suisse. Bulletin de l’ARPEA 271, 41–50
  • Ejderyan, O., Carabias-Hütter, V., Kläy, A., Moschitz, H, (2016): “Stakeholder Dialogue for Sustainability: The challenge of thinking between boxes” GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 25 (4), 299-301
  • Giacchè G., Ejderyan, O., Salomon Cavin, J., Lardon, S., Mumenthaler, C. (2016): Exploring the diversity of actors in urban agriculture. In Lohrberg F., Lička L., Scazzosi L., Timpe A. (eds.) Urban Agriculture Europe. Jovis Verlag, Berlin, 58-62
  • Boskoboinik A., O. Ejderyan (2014): Glamping Un nuevo concepto de tursimo rural. In: Peripheras, Fronteras et Dialogos. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, 5451-5467
  • Ejderyan, O. (2014): Quels aménagements, pour quelle nature? Hydrologie, patrimoine et biodiversité dans le projet de renaturation de la Haute-Seymaz. In. Bradel, V. (ed.) Urbanités et biodiversité. Entre villes fertiles et campagnes urbaines, quelle place pour la biodiversité ? Presses de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne, 262-275
  • Wäger, P., Ejderyan, O., Schmid, F., Stauffacher, M., Zingerli, C. (2014): The role of social sciences and humanities in integrative research on natural resources. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 23 (2), 142–44
  • Ejderyan, O. (2009). Une renaturation en béton ! Comprendre la participation et la nature dans les renaturations de cours d'eau suisses au regard d'une théorie de la pratique. Schriftenreihe Humangeographie 24, Zürich
  • Ejderyan, O. (2008): La participation: un outil de prise en compte de la complexité sociale dans l’aménagement des cours d’eau? Eau Energie Air, 100 (2), 91-94
  • Ejderyan, O. (2007): Expertise. In Robbins, P. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Environment and Society, vol. 2. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, 628-629
  • Ejderyan, O. (2007): Landscape architecture. In Robbins, P. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Environment and Society, vol. 3. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, 1014-1016
  • Ejderyan, O. (2007): Technology. In, Paul Robbins (ed.). Encyclopedia of Environment and Society, vol. 5. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, 1708-1714
  • Ejderyan, O. (2007): La participation: un outil de prise en compte de la complexité sociale dans l'aménagement des cours d'eau? In, Schleiss, A. (dir.). Mesures d'aménagement des cours d'eau pour la protection contre les crues, l'environnement, la société et l'économie. Lausanne, Laboratoire de Constructions Hydrauliques, EPFL: 57-65
  • Ejderyan, O., Geiser, U., Zaugg Stern M. (2006): Stakeholder als sozialwissenschaftliches Konzept: Begrifflichkeit und Operationalisierung. In Backhaus and Müller- Böker U. (Hrsg.). Gesellschaft und Raum – Konzepte und Kategorien. Schriftenreihe Humangeographie 22,  GIUZ, Zürich, 73-101
  • Geiser, U., Zaugg Stern, M., Ejderyan, O., (2006): Interessenabwägung durch Participation – Erwartungen, Verfahren und Grenzen. Wasser Energie Luft, 98 (4), 321-327
  • Geiser, U., Zaugg Stern, M., Ejderyan, O. (2006): ’Mitwirkung’ im Spannungsfeld kreativer Initiativen und eingrenzender Realitäten – zur Wichtigkeit der Analyse des sozialen, politischen und historischen Projektkontextes. Ingenieurbiologie, 16 (3), 3-7
  • Ejderyan, O. (2004): Science ‘déjà faite’ et science ‘en train de se faire’ dans un processus participatif de prise de décision. Le cas de la renaturation de la Seymaz dans le canton de Genève. In Scarwell H.J., Franchomme, M. (dir.). Contraintes environnementales et gouvernance des territoires. Éditions de l'Aube, La Tour d’Aigues, 309-316
  • Zaugg, M., Ejderyan, O., Geiser U. (2004): Normen, Kontext und konkrete Praxis des kantonalen Wasserbaus. Resultate einer Umfrage zu den Rahmenbedingungen der kantonalen Ämter oder Fachstellen für Wasserbau bei der Umsetzung der eidgenössischen Wasserbaugesetzgebung. Schriftenreihe Humangeographie 19, GIUZ, Zürich
  • Ejderyan, O. (2002): Evolution de la coopération transfrontalière et européanisation: une évaluation au regard de la situation franco-genevoise. Mosella, Revue de géographie de l'Est, 27(3/4): 143-149