The amendment of biochar to agricultural soil presents a promising measure to sequester carbon. Additionally, beneficial side effects on physical, chemical and biological soil properties are suggested, including increased water holding capacity, enhancement of soil biological activity and reduction of nitrogen losses from agricultural fields. Yet, due to its long residence time, the amendment of biochar to agricultural soil also poses a potential threat for long term soil health, e. g. by shifting soil microbial community structure or functioning. Therefore, in this project we monitor the development of biological soil quality indicators (soil microbial community structure, soil microbial biomass, soil respiration, enzyme activity and earthworm diversity) in 5 field sites of the Black Goes Green project and the long term field trial on recycling fertilisers in Wallbach (Recycle4Bio). With this project, we aim to identify key functions that might be affected by biochar amendment and contribute to a comprehensive risk assessment of biochar amendment in agricultural soil.
Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
Project lead