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Bridging ecological and socio-economic sciences to enhance our understanding of the interactions between managed and wild bees


Pollinators crucially contribute to the functioning of ecosystems and the maintenance of biodiversity, food security and public health. Globally, almost 90% of wild flowering plants and over 70% of crops grown for human consumption are at least partially dependent on pollinators. In recent decades, there has been a sharp decline in wild bee populations and a significant loss of honey bee colonies. The situation of wild bees is particularly worrying in many regions of the world.

The BEENERGIA project involves laboratory and field experiments using experimental, observational and modelling approaches to assess the impact of managed colonies on the reproduction and population dynamics of wild bees, and to evaluate the impact and evolutionary consequences of pathogen transfer between species. We are combining experimental and genomic studies to implement and test mitigation measures, involving a wide range of stakeholders in the evaluation and co-development of solutions.

Financing/ Donor
  • Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
(Research) Program
  • Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) – National Research Programmes (NRPs)
Project partners
  • Agroscope
  • University of Bern
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
Role of FiBL

Project partners, Socio-economic analysis and involvement of interest groups

FiBL project number 35292
Date modified 30.01.2025