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Abandoning of male chick-killing in Swiss organic egg production

Original titleAusstieg aus dem Kükentöten in der Schweizer Bioeierproduktion

As of 01.01.2026, no more chicks are to be killed according to a resolution of Bio Suisse. Sex determination in the egg is also prohibited. Therefore, from then on, all brother chicks of the laying hens will be reared. Preference is to be given to dual-purpose types and genotypes adapted to organic farming. In the case of fattening poultry, too, preference should be given to dual-purpose types, young cockerels or extensive to medium-intensity fattening hybrids.

An important argument for buying organic products is the expected increase in animal welfare. This expectation also played an important role in the decision against the killing of chicks and for the use of dual-purpose chickens. It is therefore of great importance to compare the actual animal welfare on the female and male side for the genotypes currently under discussion.

The vision of the project is to use the abandoning of chick-killing as a real benefit for animal welfare, and at the same time to show economically viable solutions for producers.

Financing/ Donor
  • Migros
  • Coop
  • Bio Suisse
(Research) Program
  • Coop Sustainability Fund
  • Migros Aid Fund
  • Partnership Bio Suisse and FiBL
FiBL project leader/ contact
  • Brenninkmeyer Christine (Department of Livestock Sciences)
(people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
FiBL project staff (people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
Role of FiBL

Project management and implementation

FiBL project number 50153
Date modified 22.11.2024