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List of inputs allowed in Swiss organic agriculture


The use of inputs such as plant protection products, fertilizers, disinfectants and products to control veterinary pests is regulated in various bodies of the public legislation (Switzerland, EU, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO) and the private-sector standards (Bio Suisse, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM). A formal approval process confirming compliance with organic standards, however, is lacking in Switzerland as well as in the rest of the world. With its list of approved auxiliary inputs (Betriebsmittelliste), FiBL has established a standard for scientific testing and approval since 1996. The strict and transparent regulation of auxiliary inputs is an important tool in gaining consumer trust. International standardization of the regulations and criteria for the approval of new products is of paramount importance.

Detailed Description

FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
  • Berger Tanja (Department of Crop Sciences)
  • Brändle Ivraina (Department of Food System Sciences)
  • Chevillat Véronique (Department of Extension, Training & Communication)
  • Dittmann Marie (Department of Livestock Sciences)
  • Früh Barbara (Department of Extension, Training & Communication)
  • Gasser Oriana (Department of Crop Sciences)
  • Kretzschmar Ursula (Departement für Agrar- und Ernährungssysteme)
  • Leschenne Virginie (Department of Crop Sciences)
  • Maurer Veronika (Department of Livestock Sciences)
  • Roggli Martin (Departement für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften)
  • Schneider Claudia (Department of Extension, Training & Communication)
  • Stäheli Caroline (Department of Crop Sciences)
  • Tamm Lucius (Department of Crop Sciences)
  • Villiger Nomi (Department of Crop Sciences)
(people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
Further information

FiBL project number 20004
Date modified 05.09.2024