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Relay intercropping – practice-orientated introduction of a climate-resilient, soil-conserving and resource-efficient plant production system

Original titleStaffelkulturen – praxisorientierte Einführung eines klimaresilienten, bodenschonenden und ressourceneffizienten Pflanzenproduktionssystems

Relay intercropping are two main crops on the same field that are sown and harvested separately in terms of time and space. They have the potential to contribute to increasing nitrogen (N) and plant protection product (PPP) efficiency and to improving the climate resilience of arable farming in Switzerland. relay intercropping has the potential for climate-resilient, resource-conserving and at the same time highly productive arable farming. Initial trials show that relay intercropping is feasible in Switzerland and that its rapid and widespread establishment in practice is reasonable and desirable from an ecological, economic and political perspective.

An advisory project implemented between 2019 and 2022, HAFL trials and foreign scientific studies show that relay intercropping is technically feasible in Switzerland and offers potential for more efficient use of nutrients, PPPs and land. Depending on the crop combination, better utilisation of water and nutrients can be achieved due to the root architecture, the permanent soil cover during the vegetation period and the temporal shift in the water requirements of the cultivated crops. The same effect as with mixed crops can also reduce weed, pest and disease pressure, which can reduce pesticide use. Relay intercropping can help to alleviate the competition for land between the cultivation of fodder crops (especially protein crops) and crops for human consumption by increasing area production.

The project implements the following two innovations:

  1. Adaptations of arable crops and crop rotations to relay intercropping: the cultivation of two main crops on the same field requires adaptations in management over the entire crop rotation.
  2. Adaptation of machinery and equipment to relay intercropping: For relay intercropping to be successful, the tracks of all machinery and equipment must be harmonised from sowing to harvesting of both main crops. Depending on the initial situation on the farm, this may require the targeted addition, upgrading or retrofitting of farm or regional machinery for relay intercropping.
Financing/ Donor
  • Federal Office for Agriculture (BLW)
  • Canton of Aargau
  • Canton of Bern
  • Canton of Solothurn
  • Canton of Fribourg
(Research) Program
  • Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) – Research, training and innovation
Project partners
  • Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst und Lebensmittelwissenschaften (HAFL)
  • Swiss No-Till
  • Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL)
  • Agrofutura AG
  • Forum Ackerbau
  • Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum Liebegg
  • Fachstelle Boden Kanton Bern
  • Amt für Landwirtschaft Kanton Solothurn
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
Role of FiBL

Project partner

FiBL project number 10234
Date modified 19.09.2024