The European Union's organic area continued to grow steadily in 2023, reaching 17.7 million…
According to the latest FiBL yearbook "The World of Organic Agriculture", organic farming has…
Every year Ukraine is present at Biofach, the world’s leading trade fair for organic food. Ukrainian…
Organic farming promotes soil fertility and biodiversity with good yields overall. However, yields…
Climate change and new diseases call for new varieties adapted to Switzerland. FiBL Switzerland,…
Farmer and member of the Cantonal Parliament Colette Basler and Coop manager Marc Muntwyler were…
A recent paper from the FiBL Switzerland demonstrates that organic production systems in the tropics…
The "SchweinErleben" project is a research and educational programme run by the Albert Koechlin…
Ukraine has a huge potential for the production of organic food. The booming development suffered a…
The global organic farming area increased by over 20 million hectares in 2022, reaching 96 million…
Increasing by 5.1 percent, the European Union's organic area continued to grow steadily in 2022,…
Organic agriculture and agroecology show promise in achieving sufficient yields and income, and help…
10 years after its first presence at Biofach in 2014, the 2024 edition of the fair will bring…
Farmland often harbours a multitude of pathogens which can attack plants and reduce yields. A Swiss…
A new report by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL shows that the dependency of our…
The Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting (ABIM) 2023 welcomed over 1800 participants from 58 countries…
On 20 October 2023, the Foundation Council elected Jürn Sanders as Chairman of the Management Board…
On 4 October 2023 the Swiss Embassy in France, in partnership with FiBL Switzerland and FiBL France,…
FiBL Europe is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Bram Moeskops as its Managing Director.…
Fifty years ago, one of the world's leading research institutions on organic agriculture was…
After four years of intensive commitment, Knut Schmidtke will leave the Research Institute of…
Increasing by almost 4 percent, the European organic market reached another high in 2021: 54.5…
Organic retail sales increased by 4 billion euros and reached almost 125 billion euros in 2021;…
At the 17th edition of ABIM, co-organized by FiBL and the International Biocontrol Manufacturers…
Good organic seeds for cotton were hard to find. Not anymore: Over ten years of breeding resulted in…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL opened its gates for three days to welcome…
The new president of FiBL Europe is Jürn Sanders. He will take office on June 14, 2022, succeeding…
In its study on pathways to carbon-neutral organic farming in Switzerland, the Research Institute of…
Now manufacturers and distributors of inputs can register their products for the Input list for…
Healthy, vigorous and resilient - these are the criteria used for selecting honeybee colonies for…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL announces a change in the Board of Directors:…
New Input list for organic agriculture in Germany. Find daily updated products in our online search.…
The European organic market reached a record high in 2020. It increased by 15 percent and reached…
The latest data on organic farming worldwide will be presented by the Research Institute of Organic…
The FiBL project Green Cotton/Seeding the Green Future of the Department of International…
At the 16th edition of ABIM, co-organized by FiBL and the International Biocontrol Manufacturers…
The SHIFT Prize honours collaborative agroecological research projects that have made an exemplary…
Organic agriculture has the potential to improve both crop yields and incomes of smallholder farms…
One day, six institutes, 45 sessions, 142 staff members, 1735 participants from over 90 countries:…
The paper "Assessment of multiple stable isotopes for tracking regional and organic authenticity of…
The organic market in Europe continues to grow. In 2019, it increased by another 8 percent and…
The latest data on organic farming worldwide was presented by the Research Institute of Organic…
Just in time for BIOFACH: New edition of the "Input list for organic agriculture in Germany" is now…
Results from long-term comparative farming systems research of FiBL and its partners in Kenya,…
Scientists from the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) released a new book shedding…
In early July, Urs Niggli, the previous president of FiBL Europe, handed over management to Beate…
The Federal Council gives the green light for farm and pasture slaughter. Farmer associations and…
From Thursday, May 14th 2012, producers and distributors of inputs can register their products for…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) is entering a new phase: Knut Schmidtke, Marc…
As from today, the first issue of the Italian Input List is available online on It…