FiBL celebrates its 50th birthday in 2023. Over the course of the year, several "anniversary voices"…
In mid-February, the transdisciplinary project BENCHMARKS was launched at Wageningen University. The…
The series utilises diverse formats to communicate the results from three projects implemented by…
The Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR) offers an annual award for graduates…
Increasing by almost 4 percent, the European organic market reached another high in 2021: 54.5…
Organic retail sales increased by 4 billion euros and reached almost 125 billion euros in 2021;…
Ukrainian producers of organic products have achieved something almost unbelievable through the…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL turns 50 – a reason to celebrate! Under the…
The portrait series "Faces of Organic Cotton" has been published as a booklet. Eleven people give an…
FiBL Switzerland and FiBL Europe are partners in the new project "PATH2DEA" involving 20 European…
Launched in the beginning of September 2022, the NUTRIBUDGET project will develop a prototype of an…
This year's Agrobiodiversity Summer School will take place in Hungary from August 27 to September 6.…
FiBL will again be represented at this year's Biofach, the world's leading trade fair for organic…
FiBL Switzerland is a partner in the EU project ROADMAP, which aims to transition towards prudent…
In its Farm to Fork Strategy and Biodiversity Strategy, the European Union has set targets to reach…
How has the distribution of insects in Switzerland changed over the past 40 years? The range of many…
In a fifth edition, FiBL, together with organic associations from Switzerland, Germany, Austria and…
New research led by Mathilde Chomel of FiBL France has shown that intensive grassland management…
The Vallée de la Drôme radio station, Radio Saint Ferréol, met FiBL France researcher Martin…
Eleven people give an insight into their joys, their worries and their personal values in the…
European and national policymakers, experts and leading organisations of the organic seed sector get…
FiBL Switzerland and Agroscope investigated bread wheat varieties to determine their yield and…
FiBL and the Moldavian Association Education for Development (AED) announce the publication of three…
Experts of FiBL, together with specialists from Africa, have compiled an extensive manual for…
With today's technical possibilities of online meeting platforms, it is an easy and efficient way to…
At the 17th edition of ABIM, co-organized by FiBL and the International Biocontrol Manufacturers…
FiBL is part of the project consortium of the EU project Root2Res. The overall goal of the project…
Production of medicinal and aromatic plants has continuously increased in the last years in Kosovo.…
The war in Ukraine has rekindled the debate about food security and self-sufficiency. Proposals…
The aim of the project, funded by the Horizon Europe research programme, is to develop novel…
Notwithstanding the war, Ukraine remains dedicated to the further advancement of organic agriculture…
Good organic seeds for cotton were hard to find. Not anymore: Over ten years of breeding resulted in…
New encounters, inspiring discussions and a great atmosphere – that was the first Organics Europe…
It’s the worst disease that can affect citrus trees worldwide: Citrus Greening. To develop…
On August 26, the partners from the program "Farming Systems Comparison in the Tropics" (SysCom)…
The RELACS coordinator reflects on the project’s most relevant results. Funded under the European…
Sustainability standards continue their growth across the world. The International Trade Centre…
On 2 August, a delegation of nearly 30 Indian delegates visited FiBL in Frick. The visit was…
On 27 July 2022, in the frame of Biofach 2022, the international organic trade fair and congress,…
A new publication of FiBL takes readers on a journey through Europe to explore independent organic…
"Organic and You(th): Together for sustainable food systems" – that is the slogan of the first…
FiBL has updated and complemented its guide on earthworms and their role in agricultural soils.…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL opened its gates for three days to welcome…
Dietary guidelines issued by national governments aim to set a roadmap for consumers to live…