The Horizon Europe project ReLEAF has officially started after a successful kick-off meeting in…
Under the theme "Organic and You(th) – Building resilient food futures", around 130 young…
Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is…
In mid-July 2024, the kick-off meeting of the PlantaGo project took place at FiBL in Frick. During…
FiBL Germany will have a new management team starting in January 2025. The long-standing Managing…
A Mediterranean network of five living labs in France, Greece and Spain is laying the foundations…
The Swiss Sustainable Coffee Platform (SSCP) was launched on 6 June 2024 in Bern, with FiBL…
FiBL and Agroscope have conducted the project Recycle4Bio since 2018. A new video shows the first…
The ability to appropriately recycle food processing waste and the promotion of healthy soils are…
Together with partners, FiBL Switzerland has published two photo books that shed light on the…
An international training course on organic cacao production in diversified agroforestry systems…
The kick-off meeting of the European project GrapeBreed4IPM took place mid-April at the Université…
In April 2024, the OrganicAdviceNetwork project, funded by the European Union and Switzerland,…
A recent paper from the FiBL Switzerland demonstrates that organic production systems in the tropics…
In close collaboration with Agrocalidad, Ecuador's organic competent authority, FiBL Switzerland…
It has become increasingly easy to sequence DNA in recent years. In particular, Oxford Nanopore…
Organic agriculture and agroecology have the potential to facilitate the transition towards…
Around 100 participants attended the kick-off meeting of the Agroecology Partnership in Brussels on…
Exactly 50 years ago, on April 1st, 1974, the first FiBL employee had his first day at work. The…
Technical experts from FiBL Switzerland, in collaboration with professionals from Naturland and…
Agroforestry in arid regions like the Sahel have a wide range of benefits for farms. They can…
The "SchweinErleben" project is a research and educational programme run by the Albert Koechlin…
FiBL celebrated its 50th birthday in 2023. After the Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Organic…
The OrganicYieldsUP project has officially started its activities with a kick-off meeting held on…
The Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR) offers an annual award for graduates…
The new EU Organic Regulation redefines the rules for international organic production for the EU…
FiBL leads OrganicClimateNET, a project that seeks to contribute to climate change mitigation and…
Ukraine has a huge potential for the production of organic food. The booming development suffered a…
The global organic farming area increased by over 20 million hectares in 2022, reaching 96 million…
Increasing by 5.1 percent, the European Union's organic area continued to grow steadily in 2022,…
The 25th edition of "The World of Organic Agriculture", published by FiBL Switzerland and IFOAM –…
Organic agriculture and agroecology show promise in achieving sufficient yields and income, and help…
In mid-January 2024, FiBL Europe and ÖMKi participated in the kick-off meeting of the SOILL Startup…
Through a series of online lectures, experts from FiBL Switzerland and bio.inspecta AG offer an…
10 years after its first presence at Biofach in 2014, the 2024 edition of the fair will bring…
Lupins are an interesting arable crop for cultivation. They provide a source of vegetable protein,…
FiBL will again be represented at Biofach in 2024, the world's leading trade fair for organic food.…
Last week, FiBL had a stand at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) in Berlin. The stand…
This year's Agrobiodiversity Summer School will take place in Slovenia from 18 to 28 August 2024,…
In 2024, the statistical yearbook on global organic farming, "The World of Organic Agriculture,"…
Many farmers are already implementing measures on their farms to mitigate climate change or reduce…
The documentary "The Green Vein" has been released to the general public after a series of…
In addition to YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook and X, FiBL is now also represented on Instagram.
Sustainability standards continue their growth across the world. The seventh edition of the State of…
During recent years, the organic market in the Middle East has grown significantly, opening up new…