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Rebekka Frick on biodiversity: "More flexibility and autonomy increase motivation"

Picture of a meadow with trees.

Meadow with bulbous oat grass containing a variety of species and flowers: these moderately nutrient-rich soils are often home to well over 30 plant species. (Photo: Agrofutura)

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is often overlooked. From FiBL's point of view, a high biodiversity on the farm is an important pillar of good organic farming. Over the next few months, we will be giving a number of specialists the opportunity to share their views on the importance of biodiversity in agriculture in our "Voices on Biodiversity" series.

This time, it's Rebekka Frick's turn. She is a social scientist and has been working at FiBL Switzerland in the Department of Food System Sciences for eight years. She conducts research on the transformation of agricultural and food systems with a particular focus on the actors involved, their interests and the necessary changes to the framework conditions.

Further information


Rebekka Frick
