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A new platform for sustainable coffee

A group of people with a signed poster.

With numerous founding members... (All photos: SSCP)

The signed declaration of intent.

...the SSCP was launched at the beginning of June.

A man in front of a screen at the lectern.

Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin was also present at the launch of the SSCP.

The Swiss Sustainable Coffee Platform (SSCP) was launched on 6 June 2024 in Bern, with FiBL Switzerland attending as a founding member. SSCP is a multi-stakeholder initiative run by the Swiss coffee industry, the Swiss government, the civil society and academia to promote sustainability in the coffee sector.

The SSCP brings together roasters, processors, traders, coffee shops, universities and research institutions, non-profit organisations, further coffee-related stakeholders and the public sector to jointly address sustainability challenges and opportunities in the coffee value chain.

To drive action in producer countries, the SSCP will facilitate projects addressing key issues around sustainability in producer countries, together with its members and with the support from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.

FiBL can draw on its experience as a member of a similar platform, the Swiss Sustainable Cocoa Platform SWISSCO. For this platform, FiBL works on different research and development cooperation projects in various producing countries. The topics include resilient and viable organic production, agroforestry, carbon sequestration, farmer group certification, monitoring and evaluation, and household income.

Further information


Barbora Tůmová

Link Website of the SSCP