On May 11 2022, more than 100 people representing the European organic sector, consisting of…
How can livestock husbandry be ethically justifiable as well as economically and ecologically…
In its study on pathways to carbon-neutral organic farming in Switzerland, the Research Institute of…
In this FiBL Focus Talk: They help refugees, alleviate the population's famine or serve in the…
Creeping thistle has become an increasing problem especially for organic arable farms with soils of…
The registration of the Organics Europe Youth Event 2022 is now open. Make sure to reserve your…
Since the invasion of Ukraine, we – the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and our…
Now manufacturers and distributors of inputs can register their products for the Input list for…
In the framework of a PPP project in Ethiopia implemented by FiBL in collaboration with Tradin…
The updated publication addresses the adaptability of organic agriculture to changes caused by…
Healthy, vigorous and resilient - these are the criteria used for selecting honeybee colonies for…
Are you young and interested in organic agriculture? Then join us at the Organics Europe Youth Event…
FiBL Europe, FiBL Switzerland and the Hungarian Institute of Organic Agriculture ÖMKi contribute to…
The FiBL Africa Strategy 2021-2025 is available now, serving as a guide for FiBL's work in Africa…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL announces a change in the Board of Directors:…
The Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR) offers an annual award for graduates…
The handbook "Welfare and environmental impact of organic pig production" summarizes the results of…
New Input list for organic agriculture in Germany. Find daily updated products in our online search.…
The European organic market reached a record high in 2020. It increased by 15 percent and reached…
The latest data on organic farming worldwide will be presented by the Research Institute of Organic…
We all wear clothes made of cotton. But what does it mean for the farmer who planted, cared for and…
Join us on 12 April 2022 in Brussels Belgium for the final conference of the Horizon 2020 project…
Join us for a series of workshops focusing on below-ground research, upscaling knowledge from…
As part of the SysCom programme, FiBL Switzerland has been comparing organic and conventional cocoa…
FiBL Switzerland's SysCom program won the international SHIFT Prize 2021. At the award ceremony in…
On 8 December 2021, the FiBL Europe team organised the first meeting of the BIOFAIR project’s…
The FiBL project Green Cotton/Seeding the Green Future of the Department of International…
As part of the BÖLN project "PSM-Wirkstofffunde" (Pesticide and active ingredient findings), the…
Ecology and innovation in an international context: The Agrobiodiversity Summer School 2022 for…
For the fifth time since 2018, FiBL, together with organic associations, is publishing a list of…
The value of long-term studies can be found when you’re ready to dig deep. FiBL scientists and…
The Organic Farm Knowledge online platform provides access to a diverse range of tools and promotes…
Organic plant breeders celebrated their 20th anniversary in Brussels to discuss with stakeholders…
In October 2021, FiBL officially launched the Swedish Input List (Insatslista för Sverige). The…
The EU project PATHWAYS will develop sustainable food systems to support the European Union’s (EU)…
A "Food Systems Caravan" driven by FiBL Switzerland disseminated research results of local projects…
What do Kenyan women farmers think of organics? Why should cocoa be grown in agroforestry systems?…
Harvesting and post-harvest handling have an enormous influence on the quality of medicinal and…
Over 1,500 smallholder farmers in Kenya have already participated in training on organic farming via…
At the 16th edition of ABIM, co-organized by FiBL and the International Biocontrol Manufacturers…
The contest "Digital Excellence in Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia", organised by the…
The turn of the millennium brought a change in the agricultural mindset: reduced tillage. Reduced…
The impacts of plastic debris on soil health are largely unknown, although equal or possibly greater…
In the frame of the Organic World Congress, FiBL Europe organised a workshop and brought together…
In a participatory process, European organic food processors, certification bodies and other…
The sixth edition of the State of Sustainable Markets report provides the latest facts and figures…
From 8-10 September 2021, the 20th edition of the Organic World Congress entitled "From its Roots -…
On 24 September, a side event of the Food Systems Summit will explore different forms of organic…
The SHIFT Prize honours collaborative agroecological research projects that have made an exemplary…