The real test of new research findings, farm inputs and other innovations is whether or not they…
In animal feeding, secondary plant compounds such as tannins, alkaloids and essential oils have for…
The original document "Sojaaufbereitungsanlagen", initially published by FiBL Germany, was…
Debate is ongoing whether organic/agroecological approaches would be a realistic and innovative…
Healthy cows and as high a milk yield as possible: These are the main criteria in dairy breeding.…
A knowledge platform for legumes, the European Legume Hub, was launched in July 2021 by the Legumes…
Dairy farms rely on high quality home-produced forages for efficient milk production. FiBL…
A side event for the Science Days of the UN Food System Summit organized by the Research Institute…
Hunger and malnutrition are still widespread in large parts of Africa and Asia. Global warming and…
As part of the Horizon 2020 project DiverIMPACTS, FiBL is running a field experiment that assesses…
BRESOV (Breeding for Resilient, Efficient and Sustainable Organic Vegetable production) is a Horizon…
In order to support beneficial insects and control pests FiBL developed the idea of integrating…
Did you know? When it comes to the efficient pollination of crops and wild plants, wild bees clearly…
The DiverIMPACTS project, of which FiBL is a partner, aims to achieve the full potential of crop…
Climate change is here. In order to appraise and prepare for its impacts, Switzerland has brought…
One day, six institutes, 45 sessions, 142 staff members, 1735 participants from over 90 countries:…
The overall goal of the EU-funded SustainSahel project is to promote practices that enhance soil…
The paper "Assessment of multiple stable isotopes for tracking regional and organic authenticity of…
The Organic Farm Knowledge Platform provides practical information for organic farmers and advisors.…
Soils generate our food, cleanse our drinking water and degrade organic toxins. The degree to which…
Legumes are full of protein. Their production has become a trend and the area under legumes is…
The issue of sustainability is a hot topic in Switzerland - but which sustainability goals are rated…
Students and young scientists working in the field of phenology or seasonality are encouraged to…
The new fungal disease Marssonina leaf blotch is spreading to apple trees in orchards and gardens.…
Citrus fruit producers globally are under threat from citrus greening. This bacterial disease (also…
Modern high-performance cultivars need fertile soils and have high nitrogen requirements in…
A long-awaited solution for seed suppliers, European organic farmers, and national authorities…
On 16 March 2021, a digital workshop on the topic of sustainability of organic fruit orchards was…
FiBL is involved in many international projects aiming to promote organic agriculture, more…
One of the sessions of the Biofach eSpecial 2021 started with the question what instruments are…
European agriculture relies heavily on external sources for the supply of key fertilisers. At the…
The final project conference of the EU project ReMIX will take place online from 9.15 am to 4.45 pm…
Today, there is a lack of mandatory standards and indicators for organic food processing in Europe.…
The demand for organic products has been increasing worldwide for years. As a result, the interest…
We hope that all our readers will enjoy discovering new and perhaps surprising aspects of FiBL's…
The organic market in Europe continues to grow. In 2019, it increased by another 8 percent and…
The latest data on organic farming worldwide was presented by the Research Institute of Organic…
Just in time for BIOFACH: New edition of the "Input list for organic agriculture in Germany" is now…
This year, Biofach will be held for the first time as an eSpecial from 17-19 February – FiBL will…
The "Manual for Participatory On-Farm Breeding of Cotton" aims to assist trainers in conducting…
Results from long-term comparative farming systems research of FiBL and its partners in Kenya,…
The EU project OK-Net EcoFeed will hold its final project conference together with three other…
For over 40 years, FiBL has been developing knowledge and solutions for organic farming in close…
In the last years, organic amendments, active natural metabolites or beneficial microbes are…
Cold-tolerant protein crop with an ecological plus.
On Friday, 16 October 2020, FiBL Switzerland had the honour of welcoming Mr. Edward T. McMullen,…
The study includes 52 peer-reviewed articles and uses a multi-dimensional approach, analysing…
Organic cacao production has ecological advantages compared to conventional production with lower…
The EU project OK-Net EcoFeed announces its final project conference bringing together four Horizon…
The fifth edition of the State of Sustainable Markets report provides the latest facts and figures…