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Additional targets and instruments for market growth are needed to achieve 25 % organic by 2030

One of the sessions of the Biofach eSpecial 2021 started with the question what instruments are needed to fulfil the aim of the EU Farm to Fork strategy of 25 % organic by 2030. The president of the Organic Processing and Trade Association (OPTA), Stefan Hipp, expressed: "We know the name of the dish: 25% organic. And we know that it is to be served in 2030. Now let’s discuss the ingredients and the order in which to add them."

The introductions of Heidrun Moschitz from FiBL Switzerland and Bavo van den Idsert from OPTA focussed on the unprecedented growth of both the organic farming area and the organic sales. Both has to triple in 10 years, an average growth of 10 % annually in the period from 2021 to 2030. They further expressed that a profound transition on different levels is needed, e.g., on the research and innovation level a transition towards "system thinking". Innovations are not only necessary on a technical level, but also on the level of attitudes and perceptions from farmers to the consumers.

The full media release can be accessed via the link below.

Further information


Heidrun Moschitz
