The EU project OK-Net EcoFeed will hold its final project conference together with three other…
For over 40 years, FiBL has been developing knowledge and solutions for organic farming in close…
In the last years, organic amendments, active natural metabolites or beneficial microbes are…
Cold-tolerant protein crop with an ecological plus.
On Friday, 16 October 2020, FiBL Switzerland had the honour of welcoming Mr. Edward T. McMullen,…
The study includes 52 peer-reviewed articles and uses a multi-dimensional approach, analysing…
Organic cacao production has ecological advantages compared to conventional production with lower…
The EU project OK-Net EcoFeed announces its final project conference bringing together four Horizon…
The fifth edition of the State of Sustainable Markets report provides the latest facts and figures…
The online seminar showcasing video production within the context of agricultural projects on…
The IFOAM Animal Husbandry Alliance (IAHA) together with the Research Institute of Organic…
Ukraine and Switzerland have many things in common: deeply rooted traditions, beautiful landscapes…
17 FiBL publications relating to pig and poultry husbandry have enriched the Organic Farm Knowledge…
In the framework of the BIOFRUITNET project, an online questionnaire was created in order to find…
The online event with actors from the food sector, breeding and research will take place on 15…
Scientists from the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) released a new book shedding…
In early July, Urs Niggli, the previous president of FiBL Europe, handed over management to Beate…
The NEFERTITI project, of which FiBL is a partner, organised an online course "How to produce your…
Feeding of insects offers new possibilities to overcome the protein gap in organic farming.
A healthier and more sustainable diet is possible. This is the conclusion of the National Research…
Die dritten Öko-Feldtage finden am 23. und 24. Juni 2021 auf der Hessischen Staatsdomäne…
A new survey wants to map present breeding activities in Europe to improve networking and exchange.
Do you know the online platform Organic Farm Knowledge? We would like to hear your opinion on it.…
The Federal Council gives the green light for farm and pasture slaughter. Farmer associations and…
The project Biofruitnet is coordinated by the international organic farmers’ association Naturland…
Two new language editions of the guide on mother-bonded and fostered calf-rearing in dairy farming…
Partners from two international projects have produced an Albanian and Serbian language edition of…
From Thursday, May 14th 2012, producers and distributors of inputs can register their products for…
Over ten years ago, only about 80 hectares of organic peas and fava beans were cultivated in…
The online platform Organic Farm Knowledge ( intends to promote…
A lack of structured feed increases the risk of gastric ulcers, a common health problem in pigs.…
Agriculture is called out to apply all possible measures to maximize water use efficiency.…
Interest in local and organic products has increased over a longer period of time. Due to the…
Soybeans are an excellent source of protein for both humans and livestock. However, they also…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) is entering a new phase: Knut Schmidtke, Marc…
Urs Niggli has been the director of FiBL Switzerland since 1990, and on April 1 he will pass the…
As from today, the first issue of the Italian Input List is available online on It…
Despite the challenging conditions caused by the corona crisis, we continue to work at FiBL. Most of…
Between the 26th and the 28th of January 2020, 22 doctoral students met at Rigi-Kulm (CH) with 5…
Dealing with findings of unauthorised pesticides along the organic value chain is a major challenge…
The database organicXseeds is now online for Denmark.
A recent study comparing local and Holstein dairy breeds under organic production conditions…
The conference Eurosoil, which will be held on August 24-28 in Geneva, Switzerland, will have four…
The organic market in Europe continues to grow. In 2018, it increased by almost 8 percent and…
The latest data on organic farming worldwide will be presented by the Research Institute of Organic…
Just in time for BIOFACH: New edition of the Input list for organic agriculture in Germany is now…
In the framework of the Interreg Project SME Organics, FiBL, IFOAM EU and ORC Elm Farm published in…
New report highlights the role of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Eco-schemes
At this year's Biofach, the world’s leading trade fair for organic food held every year in…
At the kick-off meeting held from 16 to 17 December 2019 in Hamburg, the project BIOFRUITNET was…