Two projects coordinated by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) received the best…
The Foundation Council of FiBL Switzerland has elected the new directorate: Knut Schmidtke, Marc…
Worldwide, orange production is threatened by a bacterium that causes the plant disease…
A long-term experiment run by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Bolivia, India…
The FiBL website received a new look. In terms of websites, technology has changed a lot since the…
FiBL together with ZHAW - Universities of Applied Sciences Zurich, (Switzerland), University of…
In January 2019 the Horizon 2020 project 'LIAISON' launched a Europe-wide contest with the aim of…
The SolACE event is aimed at anyone with an interest in reducing water and nutrient stress in crops…
The fourth edition of 'The State of Sustainable Markets' report offers new data on…
What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? These and other questions will be…
The Director of FiBL, Urs Niggli, was awarded an honorary professorship during a two-day science…
In September, FiBL kicked off a new project in Cotabato, the Philippines. The project "Going…
The first European Conference on Crop Diversification will take place from the 18th to the 21st of…
About 50 farmers, advisors, scientists and stakeholders from the value chain came to the FiBL field…
Over the last 15 years, global palm oil production has more than doubled. Yet, as the fast expansion…
The next Organic World will take place from 23 - 25 September 2020. The call for papers is now open,…
The second annual meeting of the European research project "ReMIX" (Redesigning European cropping…
The "2nd Symposium on Participatory Research to foster Innovation in Agriculture" is taking place in…
Fattening pigs are often fed with highly ground feed and housed in an environment without straw.…
Organic farming is an important role model for changing the current agriculture and food system,…
In the framework of the Organic Agriculture Support Initiative (OASI), FiBL supported the creation…
About 80 % of the world’s organic producers are smallholders in low- and middle-income countries.…
Since Monday, March 25th 2019, producers and distributors of inputs can register their products for…
Long-term organically farmed soils emit 40 percent less greenhouse gases per hectare than…
A new book with contributions from several FiBL authors explores how organic animal production can…
Comparative research shows that organic agriculture has great potential to improve economic,…
As part of the European LIAISON project, in which FiBL is a partner, a rural innovation competition…
Insights from the project Nutrition in Mountain Agro-ecosystems were published in the latest issue…
Palm oil production has more than doubled over the past ten years. Today, palm oil is the most used…
In collaboration with the European Commission DG for International Cooperation and Development, FiBL…
The Organic Farm Knowledge platform hosts a wide range of practical knowledge and tools for organic…
The organic market in Europe continues to grow. In 2017, it increased by almost 11 percent and…
The latest global data on organic farming worldwide will be presented by the Research Institute of…
The new Activity Report 2018 provides insights into FiBL projects.
Organic crop cultivation needs to improve yields if it is to expand its share of agricultural…
The Dutch handbook on improving health and welfare of pigs summarizes the expertise of farmers,…
At this year's BIOFACH, the world’s leading trade fair for organic food held every year in…
More than thirty science and business leaders met in Vienna this week to launch Legumes Translated,…
For the first time the 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS) was held…
The programme for the 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS), held 7-9…
The State of Sustainable Markets 2018 points to the need for producers, processors, brands,…
This year’s International Cotton and Textile Conference SICOT will be held in Kougougou, Burkina…
The preliminary programme for the 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences…
The Swiss-Ukrainian project "Organic Market Development in Ukraine", funded by the State Secretariat…
Pests can lead to yield losses and quality losses in organic fruit production. The pesticides…
Within the CORE Organic project MIX-ENABLE, FiBL member Steffen Werne and his team are testing more…
Big turnout at Frick: There is much interest in the scientific and practical work conducted by the…
Even in organic farming, controversial inputs are used. For example, plant protection agents…
On 19 August 2018 from 10 am to 5 pm, FiBL will host an open day in Frick - you are very welcome to…
The website informs about the import regulations of important and emerging…