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Bettina Dyttrich on biodiversity: "Taking both into account – land and material flows"

Bettina Dyttrich.

Bettina Dyttrich is editor of the weekly newspaper WOZ, where she specialises in ecology, agriculture and social policy. She also writes non-fiction and literary texts. (Photo: Florian Bachmann)

Biodiversity is one of the foundations of our existence, a major and complex issue – and one that is often overlooked. From FiBL's point of view, a high biodiversity on the farm is an important pillar of good organic farming. Over the next few months, we will be giving a number of specialists the opportunity to share their views on the importance of biodiversity in agriculture in our "Voices on Biodiversity" series.

This time, it's Bettina Dyttrich's turn. She is editor of the weekly newspaper WOZ, where she specialises in ecology, agriculture and social policy. She also writes non-fiction and literary texts. Bettina has long been involved in the movement for solidarity-based agriculture. In 2015, she published the book "Together in the field. Solidarity-based agriculture in Switzerland".

Further information


Adrian Krebs, Media spokesperson FiBL Switzerland
