Status | FiBL | Title | Start | End |
ongoing | CH | Flower reservoirs in stone fruit orchards: promoting functional biodiversity with a low input strategy | 01.03.2023 | 28.02.2026 |
ongoing | CH | Change in insect communities over time (Insektengemeinschaften im Wandel) | 01.01.2021 | 31.12.2025 |
completed | CH | Innovative flower strips for sustainable orchard production | 01.01.2019 | 31.12.2022 |
ongoing | CH | New ways in plant protection in organic fruit growing: Development and evaluation of IT-supported plant protection methods and a new training system | 01.01.2019 | 31.12.2026 |
completed | CH | Wildbienenfördernde landwirtschaftliche Bewirtschaftung im Kanton Aargau (WildbiAG) | 01.01.2017 | 31.12.2024 |